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AI in product lifecycle management: Applications, industry use cases, technologies and development

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In the dynamic intersection of technology and product management lies the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI has transformed Product Lifecycle Management (PLCM/PLM), introducing a wave of innovation that is profoundly reshaping product development processes. Amidst a landscape abundant in technological advancements such as generative AI and data engineering, PLM has evolved to meet the rising tide of customer expectations for more personalized and immersive experiences.

AI’s role in PLM is multi-dimensional, bridging various domains, including engineering, design, marketing, and strategy, to create products that resonate with customer needs and market relevance. It has empowered product managers with tools for predictive analytics, intelligent automation, and enhanced customer insights, thereby cultivating a culture of continuous innovation and improvement.

Research spearheaded by industry leaders like McKinsey explains the pivotal role of robust product management in driving commendable business performance and delivering unparalleled customer value across diverse sectors. Modern product managers, armed with AI, navigate through the complexities of evolving technological landscapes with strategic precision. They harness the power of AI to enhance decision-making processes, embracing a holistic approach that seamlessly integrates technology with customer-centric strategies. AI facilitates an environment where product managers can employ human-centric designs, coupled with technological acumen, to align products more closely with business objectives and customer expectations.

AI in product lifecycle management enhances problem-solving capabilities, enabling product managers to decipher complexities, anticipate future trends, and mitigate risks effectively. It fosters a PLM ecosystem that prioritizes strategic alignment, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to a visionary end goal, ensuring the delivery of products that resonate with success and substantial customer value.

The convergence of AI with PLM heralds an era where technology is not merely a tool but a strategically that nurtures a culture of problem-solving and innovative thinking. AI amplifies the essence of PLM, ensuring that organizations not only wield cutting-edge technologies but also embrace a culture that prioritizes customer needs, strategic innovation, and a continuous journey toward enhanced product excellence.

Explore this article to take a deep dive into the world of Product Lifecycle Management (PLCM) enhanced by Artificial Intelligence (AI).

What is product lifecycle management (PLCM)?

Product lifecycle management

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) stands as a monumental discipline in the enterprise arena, elegantly conducting the symphony of data and processes that breathes life into a product’s journey. From the nascent whispers of inception through the harmonized stages of engineering, design, manufacture, and eventual retirement, PLM orchestrates a meticulous composition. In more technical terms, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is a comprehensive process that allows manufacturers and their supply chain partners to meticulously manage and coordinate all data and processes related to a product, from its inception through design, development, and production stages. This incorporates a multitude of elements such as drawings, specifications, documentation, and bills of materials (BOMs), among others.

Historical prelude: The genesis at American Motors Corporation (AMC) The history of PLM began with a burst of innovation at American Motors Corporation (AMC), where it played a crucial role in the speedy and efficient development of vehicles like the Jeep Grand Cherokee. From the start, PLM used advanced tools like computer-aided design (CAD) and a centralized system for managing product data, making it easier to organize and store important documents and drawings in one place. This new approach improved communication and collaboration, reducing the need for changes in the engineering process. After Chrysler acquired AMC, they continued to improve on this system, making the development process even more efficient.

New Product Development (NPD) phases

  • Development phase

At this stage, the focus is on specification, design, and prototyping. Activities are aimed at ensuring the product resonates with market needs and expectations. Prototype designs undergo various iterations and refinements based on market research and technical inputs to meet all essential requirements.

  • Limited production phase

This stage aims to evaluate the product design’s manufacturability. Efforts are directed towards ensuring that components are readily sourceable and customized parts can be manufactured as per requirements. The emphasis is also on ensuring that the supply chain can deliver products aligning with the organization’s quality objectives.

  • Full production phase

Here, the primary goal is high-volume product manufacturing at competitive costs while continuously evaluating avenues for cost-optimization without compromising product quality.

Stages of the product lifecycle

Stages of the product lifecycle

  • Introduction:

This initial stage involves launching the product in the market, where significant investments are made in marketing activities to build product awareness and stimulate consumer interest.

  • Growth:

In this phase, there is an elevation in product demand, production, and availability. The product experiences an upward trajectory in market adoption.

  • Maturity:

This stage is characterized by optimum profitability, as expenses associated with marketing and production are generally reduced, and the product has established its market presence.

  • Decline:

Eventually, the product enters a phase of decline, where it experiences a reduction in market share due to factors such as increased competition and market saturation.

PLM is an intricate and structured approach that encompasses the entire spectrum of a product’s lifecycle, from conception to decline. It involves various phases, each with distinct focuses and objectives, to optimize the product’s market performance and organizational profitability. Through PLM, organizations can achieve a harmonized and streamlined product development process, fostering enhanced decision-making, product quality, and market responsiveness.

Optimize Product Lifecycle with AI

Discover how our AI solutions can enhance every stage of your product lifecycle
for better efficiency and innovation.


Different stages of PLCM and how AI can improve the processes in each stage

Stages of the product lifecycle management


In the early stages of developing a new product or idea, innovation is nurtured with careful consideration. This step involves closely examining market trends, understanding the competition, and identifying new opportunities or ‘gaps’ that can be explored creatively. Instead of relying on traditional methods like simple social media monitoring and manual analysis, this approach uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to add an extra layer of guidance known as AI-driven product intelligence.

Ideation stage and AI in PLCM: In the ideation stage of developing a new product, AI plays a critical role in nurturing innovation. AI-driven product intelligence analyzes market trends, competition, and new opportunities more deeply than traditional methods. By leveraging AI, organizations can understand real-time market needs, ensuring that new products align perfectly with customer requirements. This AI application not only improves current offerings but also sets the stage for future organizational success.


In the design face, PLM brings together various capabilities simultaneously. It coordinates different areas like design, engineering, simulation, and marketing, allowing them to work together smoothly and improve continuously. In this setup, design and engineering can quickly adapt and make changes as they go through testing and improvement processes.

This flexibility speeds up the process of turning initial ideas into finished products, making it quicker to enter the market and start making profits. Companies find powerful ways to improve their product development in this well-organized system, leading to better innovation and increased profits. In short, PLM helps companies fill the market with innovative products that meet customer needs and market demands quickly and efficiently.

Design stage and AI in PLCM: During the design phase, AI in PLM facilitates coordination across design, engineering, simulation, and marketing. AI enhances flexibility in the design and engineering process, allowing for rapid adaptations and improvements. This integration speeds up the process of transforming initial ideas into market-ready products, improving innovation and profitability.

BOM management

At the heart of PLM is the Bill of Materials (BOM) management. Think of it like a detailed product map, linking various crucial details like product definitions, manufacturing details, source materials, and related documentation and pricing. BOM management is essential because it contains all the detailed product information.

It covers a wide range of aspects, from hardware details and software components to manufacturing processes, important documentation, and pricing strategies. BOM management brings together creative engineering, collaborative design efforts, strategic planning, and market strategies.

For a product to succeed in the competitive market, BOM management must work within the company and collaborate with external partners, suppliers, and sales channels. This broader collaboration helps in adapting and innovating products more efficiently, making the process from product development to market entry smoother.

In BOM management, PLM also uses computer-aided design (CAD) systems, which helps better coordination and information sharing among different teams. This improved collaboration and accuracy help speed up the product development process, making it quicker to introduce products to the market and achieve organizational success.

BOM management and AI in PLCM: In BOM management, AI enriches the core of PLM by linking product definitions, manufacturing details, source materials, documentation, and pricing. AI helps manage this extensive range of aspects efficiently, fostering collaboration between engineering, design, strategic planning, and market strategies. Improved collaboration and accuracy, often supported by AI-integrated CAD systems, accelerate product development and market introduction.

The engineer-to-order approach

Engineer-to-order (ETO) is a specific approach within PLM where customers play a key role in defining and designing a product. It’s a two-way creative process involving both customers and the company.

ETO and PLM together provide a secure, unified platform that easily allows access to essential information like sales, engineering, and operational strategies. This makes the process of reviewing, designing, and delivering products smoother. The platform isn’t just for engineers; it also encourages collaboration with partners, suppliers, and customers.

ETO is adaptable and strategic, navigating through market competition and changing customer needs. Modern PLM, supported by cloud technology, helps manage and coordinate various aspects like engineering, strategic planning, and customer requests, aligning with the ETO approach.

By collecting and using information from partners, suppliers, and customers, PLM supports the ETO process, improving customer service, quote accuracy, employee productivity, and the overall product development and delivery process. ETO, supported by PLM, aims to enhance customer satisfaction and product success.

The engineer-to-order approach and AI in PLCM: In the ETO approach, AI-enabled PLM platforms facilitate a collaborative process involving customers, engineers, partners, and suppliers. AI supports managing and coordinating sales, engineering, and operational strategies on these platforms, enhancing the ETO process. This leads to improved customer service, accurate quotes, and better product development and delivery.


Product Lifecycle Management focuses on reducing development and production costs and speeding up the process of getting products to market. Three key areas important for the success of PLM are change management, cost management, and supplier qualification.

  • Change management: This involves managing various changes that occur during the life of a product, from its creation, design, and manufacturing to its actual use. Change management ensures that all updates, modifications, and terminations are well-organized and documented. This helps maintain clear communication between different parts of an organization and external partners.
  • Cost management: This area focuses on controlling and tracking the costs related to the tools and components used in product development. Having a clear understanding of all costs is essential for profitability. With the help of modern PLM software, cost management can identify areas where costs can be reduced or controlled more effectively, ensuring that resources are used efficiently.

Each area, like an orchestra member, plays a vital role in the overall performance of PLM, ensuring that the process runs smoothly and efficiently and leads to successful products.

Production stage and AI in PLCM: AI significantly contributes to the production stage in PLM, focusing on change management, cost control, and supplier qualification. AI streamlines change management by organizing updates and modifications efficiently. It also aids in cost management by identifying areas for cost reduction and better resource utilization, ensuring profitability.

Distribution and service excellence

PLM provides various tools and insights essential for effectively managing the distribution and service of a product. Once a product is created, Product Information Management (PIM) becomes crucial. It manages the transition of the product from the manufacturing phase to its entry into the market.

  • Product information management: PIM helps organizations distribute their products through different sales channels like direct sales, distributors, and e-commerce platforms. It ensures that detailed and accurate product information is consistently shared across all these channels.
  • Integration of PIM and PLM: When PIM and PLM work together, they create a central source of detailed product data. This integration helps coordinate various areas such as sales, marketing, engineering, and manufacturing, ensuring a cohesive organizational approach.
  • Creating market-ready products: PIM plays a vital role in preparing products for the market. It helps organize product details, manage stock-keeping units (SKUs), and set appropriate pricing.
  • Marketing and quality management: PIM also aids in marketing efforts, helping create detailed product manuals, attractive images, and compelling content for distributor platforms and e-commerce websites. Quality Management Systems (QMS) ensure that products meet certain standards and adapt based on customer feedback and insights.

In essence, with the help of PIM and QMS, PLM ensures that products are well-received by customers, leading to continuous improvement and innovation.

Distribution and service excellence with AI in PLCM: AI plays a vital role in managing distribution and service. Integrating AI with PIM within PLM ensures effective product transition from manufacturing to market. AI enhances the coordination of sales, marketing, engineering, and manufacturing efforts, making products market-ready. AI also supports marketing and quality management, ensuring products meet standards and adapt based on customer feedback.

Applications of AI in PLCM

Artificial Intelligence has transformative influences on Product Lifecycle Management, heralding an era of innovation and strategic enhancement in technological development and tool utilization. AI unfurls its powerful potential to revitalize various dimensions of product development, fostering enhanced decision-making and strategic support across design, manufacturing, customer assistance, and project maintenance spheres.

Cultivating requirements management and traceability

Navigating the critical pathways of requirements management, AI emerges as a beacon of analytical proficiency. Through leveraging Natural Language Processing and adept synthesis of expansive data realms encompassing documents, videos, and diverse information caches, AI fosters groundbreaking advancements in tools dedicated to requirements management and validation within PLM software landscapes.

Harnessing the power of data reusability

AI improves efficiency in product development by promoting the reuse of existing data. Through AI’s meticulous analysis, unveiling patterns and interrelations within vast data territories, organizations are empowered to repurpose existing components, curtailing redundancy and optimizing cost-effectiveness strategically. AI thus emerges as a catalyst for informed decision-making, enriching New Product Development (NPD) processes with historical insights and configurational finesse.

Elevating virtual assistance and customer interaction

AI improves various areas that require human involvement, bringing better organization and new, efficient working methods. It helps create virtual assistants that can handle tasks, plan meetings, and manage approval processes more smoothly. In maintenance and customer support, AI provides smart help, improving interactions and overall performance.

Redefining user experience dynamics

AI heralds a transformative impact on the user experience (UX) paradigms within PLM systems, answering the strong demand for simplification and enhanced usability. It unfolds innovative horizons, reimagining user interfaces through conversational engagements, speech recognition, and diverse modalities, thereby nurturing a garden of user-centric enhancements and functional simplicity.

Nurturing planning intelligence

AI emerges as the architect of planning intelligence within PLM, nurturing landscapes where strategic visions flourish amidst data-driven insights and analytical prowess. AI’s use of machine learning navigates the complexities of configurations, supply landscapes, and portfolio intricacies, unveiling optimized pathways in product design and supplier engagements. Thus, AI fosters a vibrant ecosystem where engineering visions are harmonized with emerging opportunities, enabling organizations to soar on the wings of competitive foresight and strategic agility.

Optimize Product Lifecycle with AI

Discover how our AI solutions can enhance every stage of your product lifecycle
for better efficiency and innovation.


Optimizing product lifecycle management workflow using GenAI

Product lifecycle management (PLM) is a crucial process for organizations, encompassing the planning, development, launch, and end-of-life stages of a product. Traditional PLM can be challenging, requiring coordination across multiple departments and the handling of vast amounts of data. Generative AI offers transformative capabilities to streamline and optimize the entire product lifecycle, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and collaboration at every stage.

Key personas involved in the PLM workflow

The product manager: Utilizes GenAI to generate product requirement drafts, analyze market trends, and optimize decision-making throughout the product lifecycle.

The manufacturing engineer: Uses GenAI to identify process inefficiencies, suggest automation opportunities, and enhance manufacturing workflows for optimal production efficiency.

The regulatory compliance officer: Applies GenAI to streamline regulatory research, draft compliance documentation, and ensure adherence to industry standards throughout the product lifecycle.

The supply chain manager: Employs GenAI to forecast inventory needs, optimize supply chain logistics, and ensure timely delivery of components across the product lifecycle.

Here’s how generative AI enhances each stage of product lifecycle management workflow:

Concept and planning

Steps involved Sub-steps Role of generative AI
  • Identify market needs
  • Analyze customer pain points
  • Generate product ideas
  • Conduct competitor analysis
  • Forecast industry trends
  • Analyzes customer data trends
  • Identifies common pain points
  • Provides creative idea suggestions
  • Generates competitor insights
  • Predicts future market trends
Concept development
  • Define product features
  • Identify target audience
  • Develop value proposition
  • Map customer journeys
  • Outline key differentiators
  • Generates feature ideas based on data
  • Analyzes demographic data patterns
  • Suggests customer-focused propositions
  • Assists in visualizing customer experience flows
  • Identifies competitive product gaps
Feasibility analysis
  • Assess technical viability
  • Conduct financial analysis
  • Analyze market potential
  • Perform risk assessment
  • Competitor benchmarking
  • Researches and summarizes existing technology information
  • Generates cost and profit projections
  • Predicts market demand and trends
  • Identifies potential risks and impacts
  • Compares and evaluates product features and pricing
  • Create Product Requirements Document (PRD)
  • Develop project plan
  • Outline product requirements
  • Set goals and milestones
  • Create visual drafts
  • Generates PRD draft
  • Suggests timelines and resource allocation
  • Compiles requirements from data insights
  • Generates optimized goals and timelines
  • Produces early-stage design visualizations

Design and development

Steps involved Sub-steps Role of generative AI
Engineering and design
  • Develop product specifications
  • Create detailed drawings
  • Develop prototypes
  • Refine design details
  • Develop technical documentation
  • Generates detailed specifications
  • Produces design visualizations from requirements
  • Helps in creating 3D prototypes
  • Suggests design improvements based on data
  • Generates technical documentation templates
Testing and validation
  • Perform initial testing
  • Conduct performance tests
  • Conduct functional testing
  • Conduct usability testing
  • Assess safety and compliance
  • Analyze results
  • Refine based on test results
  • Analyzes test data to identify issues
  • Predicts performance bottlenecks
  • Automates functional test execution
  • Analyzes user interaction data
  • Automates compliance checks
  • Provides actionable insights from data
  • Suggests improvements based on results
  • Share design documents
  • Coordinate with stakeholders
  • Track project progress
  • Manage revisions
  • Document changes
  • Automates document sharing and access control with content-aware intelligence
  • Enhances stakeholder communication
  • Provides real-time project tracking insights
  • Automates version control and revision tracking
  • Tracks and summarizes changes automatically

Manufacturing and production

Steps involved Sub-steps Role of generative AI
Production planning
  • Define production processes
  • Optimize production flow
  • Manage materials and resources
  • Set quality control standards
  • Schedule production runs
  • Suggests production process improvements
  • Empowers intelligent optimization of material flow and logistics
  • Analyzes resource availability and allocation
  • Suggests quality control measures and processes
  • Generates production schedules and timelines
Manufacturing execution
  • Track production progress
  • Control manufacturing processes
  • Monitor inventory levels
  • Manage supply chains
  • Address and maintain production issues
  • Automates data collection and analysis
  • Optimizes manufacturing processes with real-time data insights
  • Predicts and manages stock fluctuations
  • Optimizes logistics and routing
  • Identifies and documents production bottlenecks efficiently
Quality assurance
  • Implement inspection procedures
  • Test product performance
  • Verify product standards
  • Analyze and document quality data
  • Implement corrective actions
  • Automates the inspection process
  • Simulates product performance under various conditions
  • Monitors compliance with regulations and standards
  • Analyzes quality data and generates comprehensive reports
  • Recommends corrective actions to improve quality

Launch and aftermarket

Steps involved Sub-steps Role of generative AI
Product launch
  • Identify target audience
  • Create marketing campaigns
  • Create launch materials
  • Manage distribution channels
  • Set pricing strategies
  • Monitor launch performance
  • Adjust launch strategies
  • Analyzes market data for precise audience segmentation
  • Generates personalized, data-driven marketing content and strategies
  • Assists in creating engaging visuals, copy, and ads
  • Analyzes distribution channels and market fit
  • Suggests pricing strategies based on market data
  • Tracks launch metrics and performance
  • Recommends strategy changes based on market feedback
Customer feedback
  • Collect customer reviews
  • Analyze feedback data
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Prioritize feature requests
  • Generate feedback reports
  • Update product roadmap
  • Automates feedback collection from various sources
  • Analyzes customer sentiments and preferences
  • Identifies recurring feedback themes and issues
  • Prioritizes feature requests based on user impact
  • Creates comprehensive reports summarizing key insights
  • Suggests roadmap adjustments based on customer feedback
Support and maintenance
  • Monitor system performance
  • Identify technical issues
  • Provide troubleshooting guides
  • Optimize maintenance schedules
  • Automate routine tasks
  • Update support documentation
  • Continuously tracks and reports on system health status
  • Detects and diagnoses issues using predictive analytics
  • Generates step-by-step guides for common issues
  • Suggests maintenance based on usage patterns and data
  • Assists in handling repetitive support tasks with intelligent automation
  • Creates and updates user manuals based on recent issues
End-of-life planning
  • Assess product lifecycle
  • Plan phase-out strategy
  • Communicate with stakeholders
  • Develop disposal plan
  • Manage inventory clearance
  • Document end-of-life procedures
  • Analyzes usage data to determine product end-of-life
  • Recommends optimal phase-out timelines and approaches
  • Assists in drafting clear communications for customers and partners
  • Suggests eco-friendly disposal or recycling options
  • Identifies efficient ways to clear the remaining stock
  • Creates comprehensive end-of-life process documentation

Incorporating generative AI into the product lifecycle management workflow significantly enhances efficiency and decision-making across all stages. However, it is essential to remember that human judgment remains crucial in interpreting data and making final strategic decisions.

The role of AI in product development lifecycle management in different industries

Here’s a detailed breakdown of how AI is applied across the various stages of product development lifecycle within different industries:

Automotive industry

PLCM stage Application
Conceptualization and planning
  • AI application: Predictive analytics to gauge market trends and consumer preferences.
  • Execution: AI algorithms assess historical and current market data to identify potential directions for new automotive designs or technologies.
Design and development
  • AI application: Generative design for innovative vehicle parts.
  • Execution: AI suggests multiple design variations by processing specified criteria such as materials, costs, and spatial requirements.
Prototype and testing
  • AI application: Simulation and virtual testing of vehicle designs.
  • Execution: AI-driven tools simulate real-world conditions to test vehicle safety and performance, improving prototypes before physical testing.
Production and manufacturing
  • AI application: Predictive maintenance and production optimization.
  • Execution: AI anticipates equipment failures and optimizes production schedules, enhancing overall manufacturing efficiency.

Healthcare industry:

PLCM stage Application
Conceptualization and planning
  • AI application: Analysis of healthcare trends and demands.
  • Execution: AI identifies emerging healthcare needs, directing the conceptualization of relevant medical devices or technologies.
Design and development
  • AI application: Personalized medical devices and equipment.
  • Execution: AI analyzes patient data to assist in the design of personalized medical devices, enhancing their effectiveness and usability.
Prototype and testing
  • AI application: Quality control and process automation.
  • Execution: AI monitors production quality and automates repetitive manufacturing processes, improving output and consistency.
Production and manufacturing
  • AI application: Automated testing procedures.
  • Execution: AI manages and analyzes results from clinical trials or equipment tests, expediting the iteration process.

Software industry

PLCM stage Application
Conceptualization and planning
  • AI application: Market analysis for software demands.
  • Execution: AI evaluates market trends, guiding the development of software products that meet emerging customer needs.
Design and development
  • AI application: User experience (UX) optimization.
  • Execution: AI analyzes user interactions and feedback to enhance software usability and design.
Prototype and testing
  • AI application: Automated testing and bug detection.
  • Execution: AI conducts automated tests, identifying and rectifying software issues more efficiently.
Production and manufacturing
  • AI application: Continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD).
  • Execution: AI facilitates automated code integration and deployment, streamlining software release processes.

Fashion industry

PLCM stage Application
Conceptualization and planning
  • AI application: Trend forecasting.
  • Execution: AI analyzes global fashion trends, social media, and market demands to anticipate upcoming fashion trends, helping designers plan collections.
Design and development
  • AI application: Customized design assistance.
  • Execution: AI suggests design modifications and helps in creating unique, customer-preferred styles and fits, enhancing the product’s market viability.
Prototype and testing
  • AI application: Virtual fitting rooms.
  • Execution: AI-powered virtual fitting rooms enable customers to try on clothes virtually, gathering user feedback to optimize designs.
Production and manufacturing
  • AI application: Supply Chain Optimization.
  • Execution: AI optimizes inventory management and supplier relationships, ensuring a streamlined production process and reduced waste.

Construction industry

PLCM stage Application
Conceptualization and planning
  • AI application: Site analysis and planning.
  • Execution: AI helps in evaluating potential construction sites, analyzing geographical and environmental conditions to inform project planning.
Design and development
  • AI application: Building Information Modeling (BIM).
  • Execution: AI enhances BIM, allowing for more precise building designs, better visualization, and improved collaboration among architects and engineers.
Prototype and testing
  • AI application: Safety and compliance testing.
  • Execution: AI monitors compliance with safety regulations and industry standards during the prototype and testing stages, ensuring all components meet required criteria.
Production and manufacturing
  • AI application: Robotic Process Automation (RPA).
  • Execution: AI-driven robots perform repetitive construction tasks, increasing efficiency, and reducing human error.

Consumer electronics industry

PLCM stage Application
Conceptualization and planning
  • AI application: Consumer needs analysis.
  • Execution: AI studies market trends and consumer feedback to identify potential areas of innovation or improvement in electronic goods.
Design and development
  • AI application: Smart feature integration.
  • Execution: AI assists in incorporating intelligent features, such as voice recognition and automation, into electronic devices.
Prototype and testing
  • AI application: User experience simulations.
  • Execution: AI simulates user interactions with electronics, enabling fine-tuning of features and interfaces based on user experience insights.
Production and manufacturing
  • AI application: Production line automation.
  • Execution: AI automates various production stages, enhancing the efficiency and consistency of electronic device manufacturing.

Manufacturing industry

PLCM stage Application
Conceptualization and planning
  • AI application: Market analysis and demand forecasting.
  • Execution: AI algorithms analyze market trends, consumer preferences, and competitive products to identify potential product concepts and estimate demand.
Design and development
  • AI application: Intelligent product design.
  • Execution: AI assists engineers and designers by suggesting design optimizations, material selections, and process improvements, ensuring a cost-effective and efficient design phase.
Prototype and testing
  • AI application: Predictive maintenance and quality assurance.
  • Execution: AI predicts equipment maintenance needs and enhances quality assurance processes, ensuring that prototypes are developed and tested under optimal conditions.
Production and manufacturing
  • AI application: Smart manufacturing.
  • Execution: AI oversees production processes, optimizing workflows, managing inventory, and ensuring product quality through real-time monitoring and analysis.
Distribution and Service
  • AI application: Supply chain optimization.
  • Execution: AI improves logistics and supply chain management, ensuring efficient distribution, and minimizing delays and costs.
Customer feedback and improvement
  • AI application: Customer feedback analysis.
  • Execution: AI analyzes customer reviews and feedback for insights into product performance and areas for improvement, informing future product development cycles.

How does LeewayHertz’s generative AI platform transform product lifecycle management processes?

LeewayHertz’s generative AI platform, ZBrain, plays a transformative role in optimizing product lifecycle management processes across diverse industries. As a comprehensive, enterprise-ready platform, ZBrain empowers businesses to design and implement applications tailored to their specific operational requirements. The platform uses clients’ data, whether in the form of text, images, or documents, to train advanced LLMs like GPT-4, Vicuna, Llama 2, or GPT-NeoX for developing contextually aware applications capable of performing diverse tasks.

Within the dynamic landscape of product lifecycle management, enterprises grapple with challenges that include complex product structures, cross-functional collaboration, ensuring data accuracy and security, navigating change control and version tracking, addressing compliance issues, and balancing the need for rapid product development while maintaining high quality standards. ZBrain effectively addresses these challenges through its distinctive feature called “Flow,” which provides an intuitive interface that allows users to create intricate business logic for their apps without the need for coding. Flow’s easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface enables the seamless integration of large language models, prompt templates, and media models into your app’s logic for its easy conceptualization, creation, or modification.

To comprehensively understand how ZBrain Flow works, explore this resource that outlines a range of industry-specific Flow processes. This compilation highlights ZBrain’s adaptability and resilience, showcasing how the platform effectively meets the diverse needs of various industries, ensuring enterprises stay ahead in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.

ZBrain apps enable organizations to streamline design processes, enhance decision-making, optimize resource management, foster collaboration, and ensure quality control, all while upholding stringent data privacy standards. This optimization yields enhanced efficiency, minimized errors, heightened innovation, cost savings, guaranteed regulatory compliance, and improved lifecycle visibility with real-time data, ensuring a steadfast delivery of high-quality products across their entire lifecycle.

LeewayHertz’s AI development services for product lifecycle management

At LeewayHertz, we specialize in developing AI solutions that cater to the unique requirements of product lifecycle management (PLM). Our strategic AI/ML consulting enables companies to harness AI for enhanced decision-making, improved product development, and optimized manufacturing strategies.

We excel in developing Proof of Concepts (PoCs) and Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) that allow firms to preview the potential impacts of AI tools in real scenarios, ensuring that the solutions are effective and tailored to the specific needs of the product lifecycle.

Our expertise in generative AI transforms routine tasks like report generation and data management, automating these processes to free up professionals for more strategic roles.

By fine-tuning large language models to the nuances of product terminology and customer interactions, LeewayHertz enhances the accuracy and relevance of AI-driven communications and analyses in the context of product development and management.

Additionally, we ensure that our AI systems integrate seamlessly with existing technological infrastructures, enhancing operational efficiency and decision-making throughout the product life cycle.

Our AI solutions development expertise

AI solutions development for product lifecycle management typically involves creating systems that enhance decision-making, automate routine tasks, and personalize product services. These solutions integrate key components such as data aggregation technologies, which compile and analyze product information from diverse sources. This comprehensive data foundation supports predictive analytics capabilities, allowing for the forecasting of market trends that inform strategic decisions. Additionally, machine learning algorithms are employed to tailor product strategies to individual customer profiles, ensuring that each customer’s unique needs and preferences are considered. These solutions often cover areas like product development, production planning, quality control, supply chain management, and customer relationship management.

Overall, AI solutions in product lifecycle management aim to optimize product outcomes, improve efficiency, and enhance the customer experience.

AI agent/copilot development for product lifecycle management

LeewayHertz builds custom AI agents and copilots that enhance various product lifecycle management operations, enabling companies to save time and resources while facilitating faster decision-making. Here is how they help:

Product analysis:

  • Performing data analysis and generating reports on product performance and market trends.
  • Identifying potential product improvements or new product opportunities based on predefined criteria or rules.
  • Analyzing historical and real-time data to predict future product demand and market movements.

Client engagement:

  • Analyzing client data and past interactions to provide personalized product recommendations and customer support.
  • Automating communication tasks like product updates and customer inquiries.
  • Offering 24/7 virtual assistance to answer customer queries and provide product information.

Compliance and risk monitoring:

  • Automating regulatory document analysis, ensuring compliance with product regulations and standards.
  • Monitoring product compliance with predefined rules and quality policies.
  • Automating documentation and reporting processes.
  • Flagging any potential compliance violations or product quality discrepancies.

Process automation:

  • Automating repetitive tasks such as data entry and report generation.
  • Automating data validation and verification tasks.
  • Automating product development and launch processes.

Resource management:

  • Gathering and analyzing data from diverse sources, providing product managers with a holistic view of resource allocation and utilization.
  • Customizing resource plans based on product requirements and resource availability, ensuring efficient resource allocation.
  • Providing real-time insights into product conditions and resource performance, supporting timely and informed decision-making.

Asset management:

  • Recommending asset management strategies based on predefined models or rules.
  • Identifying asset maintenance needs and suggesting actions within defined thresholds.

Risk mitigation:

  • Monitoring product activities for predefined patterns or rules associated with potential risks.
  • Flagging potential risks based on predefined criteria or models.

Customer segmentation and targeting:

  • Analyzing customer data to segment customers based on predefined criteria (e.g., demographics, buying behavior, product preferences).
  • Identifying potential opportunities for product customization or targeted marketing based on customer segments.

AI agents/copilots don’t just increase the efficiency of operational processes but also significantly enhance the quality of customer service and strategic decision-making. By integrating these advanced AI solutions into their existing infrastructure, companies can achieve a significant competitive advantage, navigating the complex product lifecycle landscape with innovative, efficient, and reliable AI-driven tools and strategies.

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AI technologies used in PLCM

Artificial Intelligence has a transformative impact on Product Lifecycle Management PLM, influencing various stages from conception to obsolescence. Several AI technologies and techniques are pertinent in enhancing and transforming the processes involved in PLM:

1. Machine Learning (ML)

  • Predictive analytics: ML enables predictive analytics by analyzing historical data to predict future trends, potential issues, or outcomes. This is particularly useful in product planning and design stages.
  • Pattern recognition: ML can identify patterns and trends in data, which is valuable in making informed decisions throughout the product lifecycle.

2. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  • Requirements management: NLP can help in analyzing and synthesizing large sets of unstructured data like customer reviews and feedback to extract user needs and requirements.
  • Documentation: Automatically generating and managing product documentation by processing and summarizing relevant information.

3. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

  • Workflow automation: Automating routine and repetitive tasks in the PLM process, such as data entry, thereby enhancing productivity.
  • Change management: Automating the change management process to handle revisions, approvals, and other related tasks efficiently.

4. Computer vision

  • Quality inspection: Using computer vision to automate the quality inspection processes in the manufacturing stage to ensure product standards.
  • Design assistance: Assisting designers by converting visual concepts into detailed designs or schematics.

5. Recommendation systems

  • Component reusability: Recommending existing components or materials that can be reused in new product developments to save costs and time.
  • Supplier and material recommendation: Assisting in making informed decisions about suppliers and materials based on historical data and trends.

6. Simulation and optimization algorithms

  • Product testing: Using algorithms to simulate product performance under various conditions to identify areas of improvement.
  • Optimization: Optimizing product designs and processes for better performance and cost-effectiveness.

7. Knowledge graphs

  • Data interlinking: Connecting related data to provide a comprehensive view of information relevant to the product lifecycle.
  • Semantic search: Enhancing search capabilities within PLM systems for more relevant and contextual results.

Integrating these AI technologies within PLM processes fosters innovation, improves efficiency, and enhances decision-making across the product lifecycle. It allows organizations to be more responsive and adaptive to market needs and changes, ensuring the continual evolution and improvement of products.

Advantages of applying AI in product lifecycle management

Applying AI in product lifecycle management comes with a multitude of advantages that enhance the overall product development process and subsequent management stages. Here are the benefits detailed across different stages of the PLCM:

Ideation and planning

  • Enhanced market analysis: AI can meticulously analyze market trends, consumer behaviors, and competitive landscapes to identify viable product opportunities and innovations.
  • Improved forecasting: AI enhances predictive analytics, helping in better forecasting product viability and market demand and facilitating more informed decision-making.

Design and development

  • Optimized design processes: AI can assist designers in making data-driven decisions, offering suggestions, identifying potential design flaws, and enhancing creativity through generative design.
  • Material and process selection: AI can aid in choosing materials and processes that optimize product performance, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness.

Prototyping and testing

  • Automated testing: AI can automate and optimize testing processes, identifying defects or areas of improvement with precision and speed.
  • Predictive maintenance: AI predicts when equipment or prototypes may need maintenance or adjustments, minimizing downtime.

Manufacturing and production

  • Smart manufacturing: AI facilitates intelligent automation and real-time monitoring of the manufacturing processes, enhancing productivity and quality.
  • Inventory management: AI assists in managing and optimizing inventory levels, predicting demand, and improving supply chain efficiencies.

Distribution and service

  • Supply Chain optimization: AI enhances logistics and distribution through route optimization, demand forecasting, and automated customer service.
  • Service automation: AI can automate customer service processes, using chatbots or virtual assistants to improve customer interaction and problem resolution.

Feedback and improvement

  • Customer feedback analysis: AI can analyze customer feedback and reviews across various platforms to garner insights into product performance and areas for improvement.
  • Continuous improvement: AI helps in identifying patterns and areas that recurrently need improvement, fostering a cycle of continuous product enhancement.

Challenges of applying AI in product lifecycle management

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are transformative forces reshaping Product Lifecycle Management across various sectors. These technologies bring a wealth of opportunities to enhance operations, from design and production to distribution and maintenance. However, they also introduce a series of formidable challenges that need meticulous management and strategy to harness their full potential effectively.

Data quality and integration

  • Challenge: AI and ML thrive on data, which often comes from diverse sources and systems, each with its variability in quality and format. So, ensuring impeccable data quality is paramount.
  • Solution necessity: A stringent data governance strategy is crucial, emphasizing validation, cleaning, and standardization processes, which ensure the integrity and relevance of the data fed into AI and ML algorithms.

Analytics and reporting

  • Challenge: Transforming vast volumes of data into valuable insights requires sophisticated analytics and reporting capabilities. Harnessing meaningful information from data is pivotal for optimizing performance and driving informed strategic decisions.
  • Solution necessity: Investment in advanced tools, skills enhancement, and robust methodologies is essential to manage, visualize, and communicate complex datasets effectively.

Automation and optimization

  • Challenge: While AI and ML promise enhanced efficiency through automation, they also introduce concerns regarding ethics, legality, and social ramifications. The advent of automation necessitates a reevaluation of human roles, responsibilities, and overarching ethical considerations.
  • Solution necessity: A balanced approach that carefully weighs the benefits of automation against potential risks, promoting human involvement, oversight, and continuous evaluation, is crucial.

Innovation and differentiation

  • Challenge: AI and ML are powerful catalysts for innovation, enabling businesses to distinguish themselves in competitive markets. However, fostering an innovative environment is complex, demanding a blend of creativity, risk tolerance, and experimental zeal.
  • Solution necessity: Cultivating an organizational culture that champions innovation, supported by AI and ML, is essential. This culture should encourage creative exploration, coupled with structured strategies for ideation, prototyping, and continuous learning and adaptation.

Harnessing the transformative potential of AI and ML in PLCM necessitates a multifaceted strategy. This strategy should emphasize impeccable data management, advanced analytics capabilities, a balanced approach to automation, and a vibrant culture of innovation. By navigating these challenges with precision and strategic foresight, businesses can leverage AI and ML to enhance their Product Lifecycle Management, driving efficiency, innovation, and competitive differentiation.


In the dynamic landscape where technology and innovation intertwine, the fusion of Artificial Intelligence with Product Lifecycle Management unfolds unprecedented possibilities and challenges. As we navigate through the complexities and nuances of this integration, it becomes evident that AI is not merely an adjunct but a transformative force, redefining the reshaping the structure of PLCM across industries. It empowers, enhances, and elevates processes, breathing innovation and strategic foresight into the lifecycle of products, steering them towards success and sustainability.

In conclusion, the journey of exploring AI’s influential role in PLCM leaves us with a vision of the future — a future marked by intelligent strategies, informed decision-making, and a new paradigm of product development and management. We stand on the threshold of an exciting era where AI becomes the compass guiding products through their lifecycle with precision, agility, and a wealth of insights, heralding a transformation set to redefine industries and the essence of product innovation and management.

Enhance innovation, optimize operations, and accelerate market delivery by leveraging LeewayHertz’s cutting-edge AI solutions tailored for product lifecycle management.

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Author’s Bio


Akash Takyar

Akash Takyar LinkedIn
CEO LeewayHertz
Akash Takyar is the founder and CEO of LeewayHertz. With a proven track record of conceptualizing and architecting 100+ user-centric and scalable solutions for startups and enterprises, he brings a deep understanding of both technical and user experience aspects.
Akash's ability to build enterprise-grade technology solutions has garnered the trust of over 30 Fortune 500 companies, including Siemens, 3M, P&G, and Hershey's. Akash is an early adopter of new technology, a passionate technology enthusiast, and an investor in AI and IoT startups.

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