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Conversational AI: Use cases, types and solution

Conversational AI
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In the fast-paced world of modern customer engagement, businesses confront a formidable challenge: the need to consistently exceed customer expectations while maintaining efficiency and personalization at scale. This delicate balancing act demands innovative solutions that can bridge the gap between customer demands and resource constraints. Among these solutions, conversational AI has emerged as a beacon of promise, offering a means to enhance interactions between businesses and their customers.

Imagine a system where users can receive quick, accurate, and valuable responses to their queries regardless of the time or platform they use. This can be made possible with conversational AI tools, bridging the divide between the constant influx of inquiries and a business’s commitment to providing excellent service. They have proved indispensable in today’s interaction-rich business environment, boosting team efficiency and expanding a business’s reach to a wider audience. Essentially, conversational AI tools enhance customer service and engagement, making it more efficient and accessible.

A conversational AI chatbot, for instance, doesn’t just increase the capacity for timely assistance — it ensures that every customer feels acknowledged and valued. According to Grand View Research, the global market size for conversational AI was valued at approximately USD 7.61 billion in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.6% from 2023 to 2030.

In this article, we delve into the realm of conversational AI, exploring the various components that comprise these systems. We will also cover other critical areas, including its types, working and real-world use cases, painting a comprehensive picture of their role in today’s digital-first customer service landscape.

What is conversational AI?

Conversational AI is a subset of artificial intelligence that enables human-like interactions between computers and humans using natural language. It leverages natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to allow machines to understand, process, and respond to human language in a way that mimics natural conversation.

These systems combine techniques from several domains, including NLP for understanding textual or spoken inputs, machine learning to improve response accuracy over time, and speech recognition to handle voice interactions.

Diverse in application, conversational AI has made significant inroads across multiple industries, providing a transformative edge in areas such as customer service. Here, AI-powered chatbots are integrated into websites, e-commerce platforms, social media, and messaging apps, enhancing the customer experience by offering prompt, round-the-clock support.

The components of conversational AI

A conversational AI system, often exemplified by chatbots, is built upon five fundamental components that synergistically enable computers to comprehend and engage in human-like conversations. The components of a conversational AI chatbot include:

Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP enables computers to understand and respond to human language in a way that feels natural to users. It involves interpreting word meanings, sentence structures, idioms, and colloquialisms. The capability of NLP is rooted in machine learning, which trains computers to comprehend language by analyzing large datasets to discern the relationships between words and their contextual use.

Machine Learning (ML): A core component of artificial intelligence, machine learning allows computers to derive insights from data autonomously without being explicitly programmed for each task. As machine learning algorithms are exposed to more data, they self-improve, enhancing their ability to analyze and predict. This is crucial for teaching computer language comprehension, identifying patterns within large datasets, and building models that can emulate complex processes, including those that approximate human thought.

Dialogue management: Dialogue management in conversational AI is essentially the conductor of a conversation, ensuring that the interaction flows naturally and contextually. It remembers the context, recognizes user intents, and crafts appropriate responses. This system enables the AI to manage complex, multi-turn exchanges, keep the conversation relevant and on track, and handle any errors or misunderstandings effectively. By doing so, dialogue management is crucial for providing users with a seamless and engaging conversational experience.

Content management: Content management in conversational AI serves as the AI’s informational foundation, equipping it with a vast array of curated responses and data. This system ensures that the AI provides accurate and relevant answers by tapping into a continually updated knowledge base. It supports dynamic learning from interactions, allows for personalized communication tailored to individual users, and can handle various content types, including multimedia. Moreover, it’s designed to seamlessly integrate with external databases and scale with the evolving needs of the AI application, enabling complex and contextually rich dialogues.

Integration framework: The integration framework is essential for conversational AI to function interactively and contextually, enabling it to connect seamlessly with external databases, perform actions, and fetch live data during conversations. It ensures that conversational AI can execute a wide range of tasks, from simple data retrieval to complex transactions, across various platforms and services while maintaining high standards of security and compliance. This framework is adaptable and can evolve to accommodate new technologies and services, making it a critical element for the scalability and versatility of conversational AI systems.

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The role of LLMs in conversational AI

Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, Llama 2, Palm 2 and Claude, play a pivotal role in the development and improvement of conversational AI tools. These models have significantly advanced the capabilities of chatbots, virtual assistants, and other conversational AI systems in several key ways:

  • Natural Language Understanding: LLMs excel at understanding and processing natural language, making them highly effective in comprehending user input and context. They can handle a wide range of conversational nuances, from slang and colloquial language to complex sentence structures.
  • Contextual understanding: LLMs have the ability to maintain context over longer conversations. They remember previous user interactions and responses, enabling more coherent and contextually relevant conversations. This is crucial for providing a more natural and engaging user experience.
  • Generating responses: LLMs can generate human-like responses based on the input they receive. They use the vast amount of text data they’ve been trained on to produce contextually appropriate and coherent replies. This ability is particularly valuable in chatbots and virtual assistants.
  • Multilingual support: Many LLMs can operate in multiple languages, making them versatile for global audiences and multilingual chatbots.
  • Customization: Developers can fine-tune LLMs for specific tasks and domains. This allows for the creation of specialized conversational AI tools tailored to specific industries, such as healthcare, customer support, or finance.
  • Transfer learning: LLMs can be adapted for various conversational AI applications. Developers can leverage pre-trained models and fine-tune them for specific tasks, reducing the need for extensive training data and resources.
  • Integration: LLMs can be integrated into existing conversational AI platforms and applications, enhancing their capabilities without the need to build models from scratch.
  • Continuous learning: Conversational AI tools powered by LLMs can be designed to learn and improve over time through user interactions, making them more effective as they accumulate more data and experience.
  • User engagement: With the ability to provide more natural, context-aware responses, LLMs contribute to higher user engagement and satisfaction, as users feel like they are interacting with a more human-like AI.

However, it’s important to note that LLMs are not without their challenges, including potential biases in their responses, ethical considerations, and the need for responsible and controlled use. As the field of conversational AI continues to evolve, LLMs will likely play a central role in shaping the future of human-computer interactions.

Types of conversational AI

Conversational AI encompasses various technologies that facilitate human-like interactions between users and machines. Here are some common types of conversational AI:

Rule-based chatbots

A rule-based chatbot is a conversational AI system based on a predefined set of rules and instructions. Unlike AI chatbots that utilize machine learning and natural language processing to generate responses, rule-based chatbots follow explicit rules developers create to determine how they should interact with users. These rules dictate the chatbot’s behavior, responses, and actions in various scenarios.

AI chatbots

An AI-based chatbot leverages artificial intelligence and natural language processing to engage in dynamic and contextually relevant conversations with users. It learns from data, understanding user intent and adapting to diverse queries. Unlike rule-based counterparts, AI chatbots generate responses independently, offering a more human-like and versatile interaction. Their capabilities encompass understanding context, sentiment and patterns, enhancing user experiences across various platforms.

Hybrid chatbots

Hybrid chatbots merge the reliability of rule-based responses with the adaptability of AI-driven techniques to create a versatile and context-aware conversational experience. They can provide specific answers based on predefined rules while using NLP to grasp the user’s intent and context. This combination allows hybrid chatbots to offer more natural and accurate interactions, especially in scenarios where explicit rules might not cover every possibility.

Virtual assistants

Virtual assistants are advanced chatbots that aim to provide more comprehensive support and services. They often have natural language understanding capabilities and can perform tasks like setting reminders, sending emails, providing weather updates, etc. Examples include Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa.

Voice assistants

Voice assistants are specialized virtual assistants that primarily operate through voice-based interactions. Users can use voice instructions to ask questions, make requests, and receive spoken responses. These assistants can control smart devices, provide information, and even call.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems

IVR systems use voice prompts and keypad inputs to guide users through menu options, helping them complete tasks or access information. While often associated with phone-based systems, IVR can be integrated with conversational AI platforms to provide enhanced and intuitive voice interactions.

The architecture and operational mechanics of conversational AI

Conversational AI enables machines to engage in natural language conversations. It involves the following steps:

User input

Conversations start with users providing input, either in the form of text or speech. This input is the initial interaction point between the user and the conversational AI system.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

The NLP is the core component responsible for interpreting user input and understanding its meaning. It converts the user’s language into structured inputs that the system can process effectively.

  • Tokenization: The first step is to break down the input into smaller units called tokens. Tokens are typically words or subword units. For example, the sentence “I love cats” would be tokenized into [“I,” “love,” cats”]. Tokenization enables the system to work with individual language units, making subsequent analysis easier.
  • Normalization: After tokenization, the text may undergo normalization. This involves correcting typos, standardizing contractions, and converting text to a consistent format. For instance, “u r” might be normalized to “you are” to ensure uniformity and accuracy in further processing.
  • Entity recognition: NLP then identifies entities, which are specific information such as names, dates, locations, or any other keywords that might indicate the central topic of the conversation. For example, in the sentence “Book a flight to Paris for tomorrow,” the entities recognized could be “flight” and “Paris” as the relevant keywords.
  • Semantic analysis: Next, the system performs semantic analysis to infer the text’s overall meaning. This involves understanding the relationships between words and the context in which they appear. For example, in the sentence “The cat followed the mouse,” semantic analysis helps determine that the cat is the one following and the mouse is being chased.

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Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

  • Dictionary-based meaning: In the NLU process, the chatbot employs a dictionary or predefined vocabulary to decipher the meanings of individual words in the user’s input. Each word matches its corresponding definition, forming an initial understanding that lays the groundwork for interpreting the overall message. This step assists the chatbot in identifying the basic semantic meaning of the words used.
  • Syntax and grammar parsing: A parser is used to analyze the syntax and grammar of the input. Utilizing a parser, NLU analyzes the syntax and grammar of the user’s input. This involves deconstructing the speech into its grammatical components, such as subjects, verbs, objects, and phrases. By understanding the grammatical structure, the chatbot establishes the framework of the sentence, which is essential for comprehending the relationships between different words.
  • Structural analysis: NLU delves deeper into the input’s structure by applying grammar rules to dissect it further. This process aids in identifying the roles that different parts of speech play within the sentence and how they interact to convey meaning. This structural analysis enhances the chatbot’s understanding of the user’s intent and context.
  • Intent classification: An essential aspect of NLU in a chatbot context is classifying the user’s intent. NLU is responsible for recognizing the user’s underlying purpose or goal in their speech. Whether the user is asking a question, making a request, giving a command, expressing an opinion, or pursuing any other motive, NLU accurately categorizes and discerns this intent.
  • Contextual understanding: NLU in a chatbot goes beyond isolated inputs by considering the broader context in which the speech occurs. It considers prior interactions, the user’s historical data, and the ongoing conversation to provide more accurate interpretations and responses. Contextual understanding ensures that the chatbot’s responses align with the flow of the conversation and the user’s intentions.
  • Machine Learning: To enhance its accuracy, NLU models in a chatbot often leverage machine learning techniques and training data. These models learn from extensive datasets containing examples of user input and the corresponding intents. By learning from diverse speech patterns, NLU models improve their predictive capabilities, enabling more precise and contextually relevant responses.

Knowledge base

A knowledge base serves as a central storage of information that a chatbot employs to deliver precise and pertinent answers to user inquiries. It’s like a virtual library where the chatbot can access pre-existing information, facts, guidelines, instructions, and other content users might ask about. This information can include product details, service descriptions, troubleshooting steps, FAQs, and more.

Different businesses have unique needs and domains of expertise. Therefore, each business tailors its knowledge base to align with its specific offerings and industry. For instance, a customer support chatbot for an e-commerce company might include information about products, shipping, returns, and order tracking.

Data storage

Conversations between users and chatbots are often stored in databases to retain a record of interactions. These databases can be hosted on-premise (within an organization’s servers) or in the cloud (on remote servers provided by cloud service providers). Stored conversations are used for customer service purposes and both training and testing.

Dialogue manager

The dialogue management agent handles the context of the conversation, ensuring coherent and relevant interactions.

  • Controlling conversation flow: The dialogue manager is a crucial component of a chatbot’s architecture that guides the progress of a conversation between the user and the chatbot. It ensures that the conversation remains coherent and relevant and follows a logical sequence. Think of the dialogue manager as the conductor of a conversation orchestra, orchestrating the back-and-forth exchange of information.
  • Maintaining interaction records: As the user and chatbot engage in conversation, the dialogue manager records the interactions. This record includes the parties’ messages, prompts, queries, and responses. By recording these interactions, the dialogue manager creates a conversation history that can be referenced later.
  • Adjusting responses as needed: The interaction records stored by the dialogue manager serve as a valuable resource for adjusting responses. When a user poses a question or query, the dialogue manager can review past interactions to ensure the chatbot’s response aligns with the ongoing conversation. If the user refers to something mentioned earlier or the context has changed, the dialogue manager can tailor the response to maintain continuity and relevance.
  • Tracking changes in conversation context: Context is critical to effective conversation. The dialogue manager tracks changes in the conversation context to understand the evolving circumstances of the conversation. This involves recognizing shifts in topics, user intents, preferences, or even emotional tones. By understanding these changes, the dialogue manager can ensure that the chatbot’s responses remain accurate, coherent, and contextually appropriate.

For example, consider a scenario where a user asks a series of questions about booking a hotel room. The dialogue manager retains the context of the ongoing discussion, allowing the chatbot to provide answers that align with the user’s inquiries and preferences, even if they aren’t explicitly restated in each message.

Natural Language Generation (NLG)

Natural Language Generation converts structured data or information into human-readable and understandable text, allowing chatbots and AI systems to communicate effectively with users.

  • Content determination: Content determination involves selecting the relevant data or information from the knowledge base or database to address the user’s query or request. It ensures the response is accurate and aligned with the user’s intent.
  • Data interpretation: NLG further delves into data interpretation, identifying patterns and meaningful relationships within the structured data. By understanding these connections, NLG extracts insights that can be seamlessly transformed into coherent human language. This ensures that the response provided by the chatbot is contextually relevant and valuable to the user.
  • Document planning: It involves the selected data and information into a coherent narrative. It organizes the information logically to create a well-organized and easy-to-follow response.
  • Sentence aggregation: NLG compiles expressions, data points, and relevant details into complete sentences. This process involves merging various pieces of information to create meaningful and informative sentences. By aggregating these elements, NLG crafts responses that offer a comprehensive view of the subject matter, catering to the user’s needs.
  • Grammaticalization: Grammaticalization applies proper grammar rules and linguistic constructs to the generated sentences. It ensures that the text adheres to the syntactic and grammatical norms of the target language.

For instance, consider an e-commerce chatbot responding to a user’s query about a specific product:

The chatbot identifies key product details, including its name, price, features, and availability. Recognizing the user’s interest in purchasing, it focuses on the most important features. The chatbot organizes the information logically, presenting fundamental product attributes first, followed by specific features, and concluding with availability and pricing details. By skillfully weaving these details into sentences like “The XYZ product boasts a sleek design and advanced features. It’s available in multiple colors and sizes,” the chatbot ensures a grammatically accurate and engaging response.

NLG empowers conversational AI chatbots to generate user-friendly, coherent, and contextually relevant responses, fostering effective interactions between the system and users.

User interfaces

User interfaces serve as the visual and interactive medium through which users communicate with chatbots. These interfaces represent the front end of the chatbot, enabling users to input their queries, receive responses, and interact seamlessly. User interfaces play a vital role in creating a user-friendly and engaging experience.Conversational AI Architecture

Traditional chatbots vs. conversational AI chatbots

When exploring the realm of automated digital assistants, it’s crucial to distinguish between standard chatbots and the more sophisticated conversational AI.

Standard chatbots function as digital aides, adept at managing particular tasks and offering responses that are contingent upon a set of predefined rules. Conversely, conversational AI represents an evolution in this technology, employing a synergy of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and machine learning to facilitate interactions that are more nuanced and dynamic. Here is a detailed difference:

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Connect with our AI experts for intelligent engagement that yields results! Our AI-driven conversational solutions aim to enhance internal as well as customer interactions for businesses.



Traditional chatbots


Conversational AI chatbots



Computer programs designed for chat-like interactions with users.

Advanced technology enabling computers to engage in human-like conversations.


Typically limited to scripted responses or predefined commands.

Utilizes natural language processing and machine learning for context-aware, dynamic interactions.


Primarily responds to specific keywords or triggers.

Understands context, intent, and nuances in language for more natural interactions.

Learning ability

Limited learning ability, usually based on predefined rules.

Learns and adapts from user interactions and data, becoming more sophisticated over time.


Generally less complex, suitable for simple tasks and FAQs.

Can handle complex dialogues and multi-turn conversations, offering a wider range of interactions.


Limited personalization based on user data.

Offers personalized responses and recommendations by analyzing user history and preferences.

User experience

May lack understanding, leading to frustrating interactions.

Offers more human-like, engaging, and satisfying interactions.


Commonly integrated into websites, apps, or messaging platforms.

Integrated across various platforms including websites, apps, smart devices, and more.


Basic customer support chatbots on websites.

Virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant; advanced customer service solutions.

Context awareness

Typically lacks understanding of conversation context.

Understands and maintains context, allowing seamless transitions between topics.


Limited potential for growth without significant updates.

Continuously evolves through machine learning and data analysis, improving over time.

While traditional chatbots offer straightforward interactions for specific tasks, conversational AI chatbots offer a more advanced and dynamic approach, providing human-like conversations with a deeper understanding of language and context.

What are the benefits of conversational AI?

The advantages of conversational AI are extensive, showcasing its potential to transform business operations and enhance user experiences:

Personalized interactions

Conversational AI distinguishes itself by proficiently crafting personalized dialogues catering to users’ unique preferences. Leveraging their capability to comprehend user intentions and grasp contextual nuances, conversational AI chatbots deliver interactions that adapt dynamically, centering on the user’s needs and ensuring an experience that revolves around them.

24/7 availability and rapid response

Conversational AI chatbot directly meets the growing need for immediate assistance by providing continuous support at any time of day. This contrasts with traditional customer service approaches, often involving delays and limited availability. Through its automated nature and real-time responsiveness, conversational AI significantly reduces waiting periods, offering users swift resolutions and surpassing the limitations of conventional customer service methods.

Multilingual support

Conversational AI offers a distinct advantage to businesses through its proficiency in communicating across multiple languages. This empowers businesses to engage with audiences from diverse linguistic backgrounds globally. By transcending language barriers, conversational AI enables seamless interactions, facilitates better understanding, and fosters meaningful connections, ultimately contributing to broader reach and improved cross-cultural communication.

Automation of routine tasks

Automating repetitive tasks through technologies like conversational AI liberates human agents from mundane, routine responsibilities, enabling them to dedicate their expertise and energy to more intricate, strategic tasks that add substantial value to the organization. This shift enhances the workforce’s overall productivity and optimizes resource allocation by directing human talent toward tasks that demand critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving, ultimately fostering greater efficiency and innovation within the operational landscape.

Enhanced user satisfaction

The swift, personalized, and accurate interactions facilitated by technologies such as conversational AI play a pivotal role in elevating customer satisfaction. These interactions create a sense of individual attention and understanding by promptly addressing customer queries with tailored responses that align with their needs. The accuracy of the information provided further solidifies the customer’s trust in the brand. This heightened satisfaction cultivates a stronger sense of customer loyalty, increasing customer retention rates as users are more likely to return and engage with a brand that consistently meets their expectations and values their experience.

Data insights

Conversational AI systems adeptly accumulate and scrutinize extensive datasets comprising conversational interactions. By delving into this information, these systems uncover valuable patterns and trends in user behavior and preferences. These insights provide businesses with a profound understanding of their customers, enabling the refinement of strategic approaches and crafting more targeted, effective engagement tactics. As a result, customer interactions are elevated to a higher level of personalization and relevance, fostering improved satisfaction and forging stronger connections between businesses and their clients.

Efficiency and cost savings

Conversational AI contributes to operational streamlining by automating and optimizing various customer interaction and support aspects. By handling routine inquiries and tasks, these AI systems alleviate the burden on human support teams, enabling them to focus on more complex and strategic activities. This efficiency translates to cost savings as businesses can operate with a leaner support structure while maintaining or even enhancing the quality of customer service. With reduced dependency on extensive human resources, organizations can allocate their budget more effectively, invest in innovation, and allocate resources to areas that directly impact growth and customer satisfaction.

Omnichannel support

Conversational AI serves as a cohesive bridge in customer support, ensuring consistent and synchronized assistance across various platforms, from websites to social media channels. By harmonizing interactions, these systems offer users a seamless and uninterrupted experience, regardless of their chosen communication channel. This unified approach guarantees that customers receive cohesive support and information, irrespective of where they initiate their inquiries, fostering a sense of continuity and reliability. Moreover, the real-time nature of conversational AI enables responsive engagement, further enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty by catering to their needs promptly and consistently across all platforms.

The benefits of conversational AI extend beyond mere automation, empowering businesses to deliver exceptional service while optimizing operations for growth and customer loyalty.

Enhance customer interactions with conversational AI!

Connect with our AI experts for intelligent engagement that yields results! Our AI-driven conversational solutions aim to enhance internal as well as customer interactions for businesses.

Conversational AI use cases across industry verticals

Conversational AI has demonstrated its utility across diverse industries by mimicking human-like conversations and delivering tailored support to users. Here are some conversational AI use cases across different sectors:


  • Chatbots for customer assistance: Businesses in the retail sector can implement chatbots on their online platforms or mobile applications to offer immediate support for customer inquiries. These bots can answer FAQs, guide customers through purchasing, and provide product information.
  • 24/7 availability: Conversational AI allows retailers to offer round-the-clock customer support, addressing customer inquiries outside business hours.
  • Product recommendations: Utilizing conversational AI chatbots, businesses can harness customer data such as preferences and past purchases. By processing this information, these chatbots can intelligently recommend personalized product suggestions. This tailored approach enhances the shopping experience, increases the likelihood of meeting customers’ needs, and subsequently drives higher conversion rates, resulting in improved sales and customer satisfaction.
  • Virtual shopping assistants: Chatbots serve as virtual assistants proficient in leading customers through every step of their shopping experience. By understanding preferences and inquiries, they provide tailored product recommendations, suggest appropriate sizes, and highlight styles that align with individual tastes. This technology streamlines decision-making, making it easier for customers to discover items tailored to their tastes and needs.
  • Voice commerce: Voice-enabled AI introduces effortless purchasing via voice commands, catering to customers’ multitasking needs. This innovation enables seamless shopping interactions, allowing users to place orders without disrupting their activities. By integrating voice technology, businesses enhance convenience and accessibility, fostering a more user-centric shopping experience.
  • Automated order tracking: Conversational AI offers the convenience of instant updates on orders. It informs customers about order status, tracks shipments, and provides accurate delivery timelines. This real-time information empowers customers, reduces uncertainty, and enhances their satisfaction by keeping them well-informed throughout the purchase process.
  • Gathering customer feedback: Leveraging AI, chatbots can administer post-purchase surveys, collecting valuable customer feedback. These insights offer retailers a deep understanding of product satisfaction and service quality. By analyzing this data, businesses can refine their offerings, address pain points, and enhance the overall customer experience, fostering long-term loyalty and growth.


  • Appointment scheduling and reminders: Conversational AI can assist patients in scheduling appointments, checking availability, and sending automated reminders via text messages or voice calls. This technology not only reduces the administrative burden on staff but also helps patients stay organized by keeping their appointments on track.
  • Health tracking and management: Conversational AI empowers individuals to monitor their health proactively, enabling early symptom detection and virtual consultations with healthcare experts. Accessible tools and information facilitate self-care. This technology broadens healthcare access, aiding goal setting, medication tracking, and providing regular health tips.
  • Post-discharge follow-up: Following a patient’s release from the hospital, conversational AI can engage in post-discharge discussions to track recuperation progress, identify potential issues, and offer guidance for post-discharge care.
  • Medical history and records access: Conversational AI offers patients a secure and convenient way to retrieve their medical history, test outcomes, and treatment records. By engaging with this technology, individuals can access vital healthcare information promptly, empowering them to make informed decisions and facilitate seamless communication with medical professionals.
  • Emergency response: During emergencies, conversational AI becomes a lifeline, providing step-by-step first aid guidance, real-time medical suggestions, and aid in reaching out to emergency services. Its quick response and accurate information empower individuals to act effectively, potentially saving lives. This technology ensures timely assistance and informed decision-making in critical situations, enhancing emergency preparedness.

Real estate

  • Property information and search: Conversational AI can assist potential buyers and renters in finding properties that match their preferences. Through natural language processing (NLP), conversational AI chatbots can understand user inquiries and provide relevant property listings, details about the properties, pricing information, and even schedule virtual tours.
  • Virtual tours and property showings: Potential buyers can take virtual tours guided by conversational AI instead of physically visiting properties. Chatbots can navigate through properties, provide multimedia content, and answer questions in real-time, making it convenient for users to explore properties remotely.
  • Customer support and FAQs: Conversational AI chatbots can respond instantly to FAQs about properties, financing, legal processes, and more. This enhances customer support, provides quick information, and reduces the load on human agents. According to a Tidio survey, approximately 53% of individuals identify prolonged response times as the most exasperating aspect when engaging with businesses.
  • Appointment scheduling: Conversational AI chatbots streamline property viewings by efficiently scheduling appointments 24/7, increasing lead generation and freeing real estate agents to focus on other tasks, whereas clients benefit from a seamless, swift scheduling experience.
  • Automated paperwork and documentation: Real estate agents often face the tedium of managing paperwork and documentation. Conversational AI chatbots offer a remedy by automating these tasks, leading to quicker processing and diminished errors. By integrating AI with other technologies, such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and document management systems, conversational AI can streamline and automate paperwork-related tasks. As a result, agents can dedicate more attention to delivering superb customer service and less to administrative duties.


  • Personalized learning: Conversational AI enhances personalized learning by adapting to each student’s pace and preferences. It adjusts instructional content and questioning difficulty based on individual responses, offers immediate feedback, and engages students in interactive dialogue. By analyzing performance data, it identifies and addresses learning gaps, tailors content to interests, and scales complexity to skill levels, fostering a more engaging and efficient educational experience.
  • Artificial teaching assistants: Conversational AI chatbots seamlessly assume the role of Teaching Assistants (TAs), promptly addressing inquiries, assessing assignments, providing feedback, and recommending relevant study resources. This dynamic support enhances the learning experience, offering students timely guidance and assistance while optimizing the teaching process.
  • Instant support: Students now have ready access to assistance through school/university chatbots. They furnish course info, deadlines, and faculty details while suggesting compatible universities using criteria like GPA, extracurriculars, field of study, and location preference. This real-time guidance aids prospective students in making informed academic choices.
  • Automated administrative work: Conversational AI streamlines educational administrative tasks by leveraging machine learning for grading and natural language processing for assignment evaluation. Integrating conversational AI into learning management systems reduces educators’ workloads, freeing them up for direct student engagement and enhancing the learning experience.
  • Language translation: Conversational AI serves as a valuable resource for international students and language learners, providing instant translation services that mitigate language barriers in the learning process. By offering real-time language assistance, this technology ensures that comprehension and participation remain unhindered, fostering an inclusive and effective educational experience for individuals from diverse linguistic backgrounds.
  • Feedback and surveys: Conversational AI facilitates feedback collection and analysis by utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to interpret and organize responses from students and faculty. This technology can automatically categorize feedback themes, quantify sentiment, and highlight areas for improvement, allowing for a more nuanced understanding of the educational experience. It also enables prompt delivery of personalized feedback to students, helping them to concentrate on specific areas of development, thereby enriching the overall learning journey.


  • Customer support and service: Manufacturers can deploy conversational AI chatbots to handle customer inquiries, order status updates, and technical support. These AI-powered systems can provide quick and accurate responses, improving customer satisfaction and reducing human support teams’ workload.
  • Supply chain management: Conversational AI can track and manage inventory levels, place orders, and provide real-time shipment updates. This can streamline supply chain operations, enhance inventory management, and reduce stockouts or overstock situations.
  • Quality assurance: A conversational AI chatbot can contribute to quality control efforts by examining data sourced from sensors and cameras to detect product flaws or anomalies. They can also guide human operators through quality checks and troubleshooting procedures.
  • Maintenance and repairs: Conversational AI can guide technicians, helping them diagnose issues and perform repairs more effectively. Predictive maintenance can be enhanced by analyzing historical data and current conditions to prevent equipment failures.
  • Sales and order processing: Manufacturers can use conversational AI to facilitate the order placement process for their customers. A conversational AI chatbot can help customers navigate product catalogs, select options, and place orders.

Finance and banking

  • Account inquiries: Conversational interfaces empower customers to access key financial information effortlessly. They can inquire about account balances, review transaction history, and monitor pending payments through natural conversations. This intuitive interaction enhances user convenience and provides real-time insights into their financial status.
  • Password resets: Conversational AI facilitates secure password resets and account recovery by engaging with customers in a natural language conversation. Through a series of authentication steps, it can verify the customer’s identity using personal information or multi-factor authentication. It ensures that only authorized users gain access to their accounts. Conversational AI enhances customer support by providing a seamless and secure experience while minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Ask about recent charges on a card or account: Conversational AI in banking offers the convenience of tracking recent transactions and charges on a card or account. Users can effortlessly inquire about their latest spending patterns and associated costs, with virtual assistants readily providing insightful responses. This technology proves particularly advantageous in identifying forgotten subscriptions, addressing a common issue highlighted by CNBC, where 42% of people unknowingly continue payments for unused subscriptions. These AI chatbots assist in clarifying subscription fees and offer insights into a user’s major spending categories, enhancing financial awareness.
  • Financial planning: AI enables users to establish budgets effortlessly, define financial objectives, and monitor expenditure patterns. The technology offers personalized insights and recommendations for optimizing financial decisions by analyzing past spending behaviors and income trends. Through intuitive interactions, users can receive actionable suggestions, allowing them to effectively manage their finances, work towards their goals, and maintain greater control over their economic well-being.
  • Real-time alerts: Conversational AI enhances transaction monitoring by employing machine learning algorithms to scrutinize financial activities in real-time. It compares ongoing transactions against benchmarks and historical trends, swiftly pinpointing anomalies or irregular patterns, such as atypical large transactions, repeated transactions, activities from new locations, or deviations from usual spending behaviors. Upon detecting such discrepancies, the conversational AI system promptly issues alerts to both customers and the bank’s security personnel, facilitating immediate action to mitigate potential fraud and safeguard account integrity and finances.
  • Financial updates: Conversational AI leverages advanced natural language processing to provide users with up-to-the-minute financial news, live stock market updates, and real-time key economic indicators. Users can inquire about specific stocks, market trends, and economic data through interactive conversations, receiving instant and accurate information. This technology empowers customers to stay informed about the rapidly changing financial landscape, make informed investment decisions, and stay ahead in finance.


  • Customer analysis: Conversational AI has the capability to autonomously collect valuable insights and data, including crucial metrics, purchasing trends, and customer behaviors. It can also assess customer habits, storing details about inquiry types and complexity levels. This reservoir of information equips businesses to provide improved future responses, offer relevant upselling opportunities, and enhance customer engagement by understanding their preferences and needs.
  • Customer engagement and retention: Conversational AI fundamentally transforms customer engagement and retention strategies. Through dynamic and context-aware interactions, it creates a sense of genuine connection, addressing queries promptly and offering relevant solutions. Conversational AI keeps customers invested in the brand’s ecosystem by consistently delivering valuable information, personalized recommendations, and entertainment. This proactive assistance resolves issues and anticipates needs, elevating the customer experience. As a result, businesses can cultivate lasting relationships, foster loyalty, and establish themselves as trusted partners in their customers’ journeys.
  • Generating leads: Conversational AI deciphers user behavior patterns from extensive data and sifts through vast datasets to pinpoint optimal customers. Additionally, AI-driven chatbots identify potential leads, streamlining business outreach. This technology efficiently tackles tedious tasks, expediting information dissemination.
  • Email marketing: Utilizing an NLP-based conversational AI chatbot, digital marketers can excel by deploying personalized email campaigns driven by user behavior. This method triggers emails based on specific customer actions, elevating campaign effectiveness. Moreover, the technology’s content personalization enhances email strategies, enabling marketers to precisely target audiences, ensuring meaningful engagement, and optimizing conversions for maximum impact.
  • Social media outreach: Leveraging Conversational AI-driven chatbots, businesses amplify their social media endeavors by addressing customer inquiries, offering tailored content, and streamlining customer engagement. These chatbots proactively monitor social media channels for interactions like comments, likes, and messages, promptly responding with relevant information, queries about requirements, or even suggesting product enhancements to current clients. Furthermore, they bridge the gap between landing pages and social media, fostering seamless connections for enhanced user experiences.
    Suppose a customer signs up for an upcoming webinar. Businesses can establish personalized and impactful interactions by utilizing a chatbot through platforms like Facebook Messenger. This boosts the chances of the individual attending the event and ultimately converting. Conversational AI-driven bots enable businesses to uphold an engaged social media presence, sidestepping the demands of time and expenses typically linked with such efforts.
  • Brand mention monitoring: Conversational AI seamlessly integrates with your existing brand tracking software, enabling swift and effortless monitoring of ongoing online discussions related to your brand. This integration empowers you to gain deeper insights into how people engage with your products or services, comprehend their sentiments, and identify emerging reputation management prospects. By harnessing the capabilities of conversational AI, you can efficiently stay attuned to the digital conversation landscape, enhancing your brand’s perception and effectively managing your online reputation.
  • Personalized marketing: Conversational AI plays a critical role in personalized marketing by delivering tailored interactions that foster strong emotional connections with customers. It leverages data and natural language processing to provide individualized experiences, shaping customer loyalty and transforming them into brand advocates through meaningful, values-based engagement.

Conversational AI offers a more “human-like” avenue for brands to connect with potential customers and existing clients. Chatbots driven by conversational AI leverage insights from websites, backend systems, and previous engagements to deliver personalized interactions and recommend products tailored to users’ interests, backgrounds, and requirements.

Logistics and supply chain

  • Customer support and order management: Chatbots and virtual assistants utilize natural language capabilities to engage in human-like conversations, efficiently handling customer queries, providing real-time updates on the progress of orders, and aiding in various tasks related to order management. This technology ensures seamless and timely communication, enhancing customer satisfaction and streamlining order fulfillment.
  • Supply chain visibility and tracking: Stakeholders gain visibility into shipment movements through real-time tracking. This empowers them to estimate delivery times, monitor progress, and swiftly resolve issues, enhancing transparency and enabling proactive supply chain management.
  • Supplier management: Conversational AI optimizes supplier engagement by automating repetitive processes such as soliciting price quotes, placing orders, and managing contractual arrangements. This efficiency extends to tracking supplier performance, ensuring adherence to standards, and providing analytical insights that facilitate well-informed assessments of suppliers. Ultimately, this automation enhances the procurement process, streamlining operations and enabling strategic supplier decisions.
  • Supply chain risk management and exception handling: Conversational AI actively identifies irregularities and possible disruptions in the supply chain. When detected, it swiftly sends out alerts and provides valuable recommendations to counteract risks, ensuring a timely response to potential issues. This proactive approach minimizes the impact of disruptions and sustains seamless operational flow, contributing to overall supply chain resilience.
  • Data analytics and insights: By scrutinizing extensive datasets sourced from customer interactions, supply chain processes, and external channels, AI generates invaluable insights. These insights are instrumental in optimizing operations, identifying trends, and continually facilitating data-driven decisions to enhance efficiency.

Real-world examples of conversational AI

Here are some examples of conversational AI applications:

Amazon Alexa: Amazon Alexa is a voice-controlled virtual assistant known for its versatile capabilities. It can answer questions, play music, manage smart home devices, offer real-time weather updates, and perform a wide range of tasks, making it a central hub for convenient and hands-free interactions in daily life.

Google Assistant: Google Assistant, akin to Alexa, promptly follows voice prompts to execute tasks such as scheduling reminders, sending text messages, and furnishing directions. It seamlessly integrates into daily routines through natural language interactions, offering a wide range of helpful functionalities.

Apple Siri: Siri, available on iOS devices, employs voice interactions to send messages, initiate calls, schedule reminders, and offer information. Its intuitive capabilities enhance the user experience by seamlessly integrating tasks and inquiries through natural conversation.

IBM Watson: IBM Watson, a versatile AI platform, finds applications across industries for tasks such as language translation, data analysis, and delivering insights. Its adaptable nature empowers businesses to leverage advanced AI capabilities in diverse scenarios, from understanding global markets to making informed decisions based on data-driven intelligence.

Samsung’s Bixby: It is an AI assistant operating predominantly on mobile devices, with extensions to smart refrigerators. Bixby performs various functions like sending messages, fetching location-specific weather updates, scheduling meeting reminders, and narrating news.

Cortana: Cortana, Microsoft’s personal productivity assistant, leverages the Bing search engine to execute diverse functions, encompassing tasks like establishing reminders and addressing user inquiries.

Xiaoice: Created by Microsoft, this Chinese chatbot indulges users in informal dialogues, extends emotional solace, and showcases its creative side by crafting poetry.

These examples showcase the capabilities of conversational AI in various contexts, from smart assistants to mental health support and more.

How can LeewayHertz help enterprises with conversational AI solutions?

We at LeewayHertz offer a range of conversational AI services, focusing on the development and integration of intelligent chatbots and virtual assistants. Utilizing cutting-edge artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and machine learning algorithms, we engineer sophisticated systems capable of understanding and engaging with users effectively. Here is what we do for you when you partner with us:

  1. Consulting and strategy development: Advising clients on the best practices, strategies, and use cases for implementing conversational AI solutions in their businesses.
  2. Custom chatbot development: LeewayHertz builds tailored chatbots for businesses to assist with customer support, sales, or information retrieval. We also have a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering that allows users to effortlessly design and develop custom conversational AI applications using user-friendly drag-and-drop features. These context-aware applications built on users’ proprietary data can be easily integrated into their existing tech infrastructure for heightened efficiency and productivity.
  3. Voice assistant development: Creating voice-controlled AI applications for devices like smart speakers and smartphones.
  4. Multi-platform deployment: Ensuring the conversational AI solutions work seamlessly across various platforms, including websites, mobile apps, and messaging apps.
  5. Fine-tuning ML models: Fine-tuning machine learning models to improve the accuracy and relevance of AI-driven conversations.
  6. Integration with CRM systems: Integrating conversational AI with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to provide valuable insights and manage customer interactions more effectively.
  7. Analytics and reporting: Implementing analytics tools to monitor and analyze user interactions, enabling data-driven improvements.
  8. Security and compliance: Ensuring that the conversational AI solutions adhere to data security and privacy regulations and best practices.
  9. Continuous optimization: Offering ongoing support and optimization services to keep the AI conversational systems up-to-date and relevant.
  10. Training and knowledge base development: Creating and maintaining the knowledge base used by chatbots to ensure accurate and comprehensive responses.
  11. Multilingual support: Making conversational AI solutions available in multiple languages to serve a diverse customer base.
  12. 24/7 customer support: Providing round-the-clock customer support to address issues, troubleshoot, and maintain a high level of service availability.

LeewayHertz delivers conversational AI solutions that can be seamlessly integrated into enterprise systems, facilitating optimized workflow efficiency. Whether you want to integrate a conversational AI tool into your CRM system or enable smart interactions on social media, LeewayHertz’s unwavering expertise in conversational AI ensures that your organization remains at the forefront of innovation.


Conversational AI has ushered in a new era of possibilities across industries, including finance and banking. Its integration into these sectors has significantly changed how businesses engage with customers and streamline internal operations. Additionally, conversational AI has enhanced user experiences and enabled institutions to enhance security measures, provide timely information, and navigate complex regulatory landscapes more effectively. As this technology advances, it stands ready to assume a progressively crucial role in shaping the future landscapes of customer service, financial advice, and operational effectiveness.

Connect with LeewayHertz’s AI experts for smarter engagement that drives results! Our AI-driven conversational solutions are designed to help businesses elevate their internal and customer interactions.

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Author’s Bio


Akash Takyar

Akash Takyar LinkedIn
CEO LeewayHertz
Akash Takyar is the founder and CEO of LeewayHertz. With a proven track record of conceptualizing and architecting 100+ user-centric and scalable solutions for startups and enterprises, he brings a deep understanding of both technical and user experience aspects.
Akash's ability to build enterprise-grade technology solutions has garnered the trust of over 30 Fortune 500 companies, including Siemens, 3M, P&G, and Hershey's. Akash is an early adopter of new technology, a passionate technology enthusiast, and an investor in AI and IoT startups.

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