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Our Methodology

We help startups and enterprises accelerate innovation, enhance productivity with technology services, including Custom Software Development, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Blockchain and Cloud. See how we work.

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We start the process by having the client elaborate on their app idea or business problem they are facing. Once we have a thorough understanding of the problem, we begin capturing all of the requirements in a Scope of Work document. When we are all on the same page, our creative team will quickly produce an Interactive Creative Brief to demonstrate our understanding of the application and showcase our mobile app expertise.

Stakeholders Interview Icon | Client Profiling | Mobile App Development

Stakeholders Interview

We will consult with your team to learn all about your problem or idea: our goal is to understand where you are now and where you want to go. Our app experts will brainstorm with you and recommend the best practices to give your mobile application the best possible user experience.


Scope of Work Icon | Client Profiling | Mobile App Development

Scope of Work Document

The goal of this document is to capture everything that we understand about your desired app. This covers everything from the user experience to the back-end architecture, design, and implementation. This document will also include a listing of the technologies we will use to implement the solution, time and cost estimates, and any known hurdles we must overcome to guarantee a successful launch of the solution.

Creative Brief Icon | Client Profiling | Mobile App Development

Creative Brief

Our creative team will design and produce an initial Interactive Creative Brief to demonstrate a possible direction for the user experience of your app. Your feedback on our creative work helps us further transform the initial Scope of Work document into a detailed formal proposal.


Once we have completed the profiling process, we then create the Design Proposal. Our design proposal covers the discovery, design, and documentation for our client’s app project. We commit to a fixed price for the project: when it is complete, our client will retain full ownership of the complete pixel-perfect screen designs of their app solution, from the front-end to the back-end. As part of this process, our clients work with our award-winning user interface design team to bring the app concept to life, while we document the complete technical architecture required to build the app.

High Fidelity Screen Icon | Design Proposal | Mobile App Development

High-Fidelity Screens

Our design team experts create detailed designs to match each client’s unique vision for their mobile application. These screens are uploaded to our application lifecycle management platform, which gives each customer the freedom to access the high fidelity screens and provide feedback.

Functionality Document Icon | Design Proposal | Methodology

Functionality Document

We deliver a design proposal to each client at the end of this stage; the complete flow of the app is consulted upon and captured within this document in pixel-perfect screen designs.


This stage helps us to design the right app for our client’s individual needs and budget; their thorough feedback on app designs helps us in perfecting the user experience. Our Project Manager, Technical Architect, and User Interface Designers advise and consult with the client continuously throughout the Design Phase.

We document the app’s flow through pixel-perfect screen designs and interactive prototypes. We also work closely with our client’s IT team to ensure integration with their existing infrastructure. If required, we also create any admin portals or Content Management Systems and web services. At all times, our focus is on delivering the best user experience. Once our client approves the final designs in the Design stage, we are ready to move on to the Development stage.

Understanding Existing Solution Icon | Design | Methodology

Understanding Existing Solution

During the Design Stage, we analyze and document the infrastructure and web services that will be a part of the project. Additionally, any other deliverables will be captured from the client side, such as existing patented algorithms that the app must utilize.

Tech Architure Icon | Design | Mobile App Development

Tech Architecture

Using Agile software development, lightweight design, and efficient management procedures, we respond to our clients’ varying requirements. Our Project Managers work with our Technical Architects to create a technical framework architecture that will ensure flawless communication between the app and backend systems.

Web Services Definition Icon | Design | Mobile App Development

Web Services Definition

As part of our deliverables for the Design stage, we identify and document all web services and technical architecture requirements to form the development strategy.


After we have completely captured the functionality and user experience in the Design stage, we provide a proposal with a fixed cost for the Development stage. After receiving a sign-off on the Development proposal, our team begins coding the entire app solution and sending our client periodic test releases of the app for them to install, try out, and give feedback. Our fixed cost includes comprehensive quality assurance procedures, as well as submission of the app to the app stores or helping to distribute the app within the client’s organization.

Database Schema Design Icon | Mobile App Development

Database Schema Design

The database schema in the app is chosen after the user experience has been approved during the Design stage. We construct the databases in the app as well as any backend databases with which the app needs to communicate. We determine the data that needs to be be cached locally so that the app can be used even if there is no active internet connection. If we are integrating with the client’s existing infrastructure, we will work with their IT team to decide on the setup and structure of databases for the backend systems.

Coding & Integration Icon | Mobile App Development

Coding And Integration

Our developers start coding once all the designs from the Design stage are approved by the client: they follow the Design Document as a complete blueprint for the coding of the application. With each test build we send, we refine functionality and implement any feedback received. When necessary, we will integrate the app into our client’s existing infrastructure or build the backend of the solution.


In the Development and Quality Assurance phase, our technical architect, software development team, and quality assurance teams plan the implementation of the application and then start the coding process utilizing agile development methodologies.

Integration & UI Testing Icon | Mobile App Development

Integration And UI Testing

The user experience is a critical component of any successful app. The app must be intuitive and user-centric or the user simply will not use the app. We test to make sure the entire flow of the app is streamlined so the user can quickly access or retrieve information seamlessly

Beta Testing Icon | Development | Mobile App Development

Beta Testing

We ensure that the flow of the app is very intuitive and the features work exactly as expected. Our testing team manually tests the app’s flow and functionality. We also use automated testing tools to optimize the communication structure, navigation, and data input-output results. With each test release we implement both our test cases and any test cases that the client provides. We also help roll out the app out to Beta Release users at the client’s organization to capture their real world feedback so that we can make final improvements prior to the full production launch.

App Store Testing Icon | Mobile App Development

App Store Testing

After doing end-to-end testing, we do a final check of the app store review guidelines ensuring the application meets all the latest requirements. We have a complete understanding of Apple, Google, and Window’s Terms and Conditions to ensure our client’s app maintains compliance from the ground up.


We take care of the entire app deployment process: whether our client’s app needs to go live in the app stores or be securely available only within their enterprise, we can handle it. We can also create the content for the app store landing pages as well as a separate landing page website to help market the app.

Provisioning Setup Icon | Launch | Mobile App Development

Provisioning Setup

When we are ready to deliver test releases of the application, we ask the client to provide the necessary information for any necessary app store provisioning processes, such as capturing the UDID of their iPhone or iPad. We coordinate with the client to establish how their Apple Developer Account credentials should be used in building the final iOS application and submitting it to the App Store. We also work with the client’s IT team for enterprise deployment.

Submission Icon | Launch | Mobile App Development


We handle the submission of the app to the app stores so our clients don’t have to. You must purchase an Apple or Google Developer Account to submit an app to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. We can also help our clients securely distribute their app in their enterprise. Distributing iOS apps within enterprises requires an Enterprise Apple Developer Account.


After the app goes live on the app stores or is distributed within our client’s organization, we offer a standard warranty period. We review users’ feedback on the app and advise on any changes that need to be made. During the warranty period, we fix any issues with the app solution and update it on the app store at no additional charge.

Source Code Transfer Icon | Warranty & Maintenance | Mobile App Development

Source Code Transfer

The client will own all the source code and work products that we create for the project. In fact, all intellectual property we create for our client’s app becomes their sole property.

Warranty & Maintenance | Mobile App Development

Feedback And Follow Up

Once users are using the app and giving feedback, whether through app store reviews or internal feedback processes, we will be available to offer guidance and best practices on how to improve the app.

Warranty & Maintenance | Mobile App Development

Maintenance And Enhancement

After the warranty period expires, any further enhancements to the app will be quoted on a case-by-case basis. Client approval will be required before we do any follow-up billable work. We commit to providing this support for the client’s app from the cradle to the grave.

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