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AI-enabled virtual try-ons: The new frontier in personalized fashion

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Do you know that businesses lose a staggering $550 billion annually due to customer returns? And did you ever wonder why a whopping 70% of shoppers struggle to find clothes that truly fit? These pressing questions have plagued the fashion and cosmetics industry, but a remarkable solution is emerging.

Picture this: Your customers, the fashion-forward trendsetters or makeup enthusiasts, confidently exploring products online, knowing exactly how that outfit will drape on them or how that lipstick shade will complement their style. This is not science fiction; it’s the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in action.

In the world of fashion and cosmetics, where style and personal expression reign supreme, AI is paving the way for an innovative shopping experience for your customers. Say goodbye to the old hit-or-miss approach—AI-enabled virtual try-ons are poised to redefine how fashion and cosmetic business owners engage with their customers.
AI-driven virtual try-ons offer a dynamic and immersive way for your customers to interact with your fashion and cosmetic offerings. This advanced technology not only reduces the hassle of returns but also builds customer confidence, ultimately boosting your brand’s loyalty and sales.

This article delves into the world of AI virtual try-ons in fashion and cosmetics industries. We explore how AI enhances the customer experience and delves into the technology’s inner workings. Additionally, we showcase real-world applications, AI technologies powering virtual try-ons, future trends, and organizations leading the way in this transformative space.

Understanding virtual try-ons

Virtual try-ons have redefined the way consumers experience and interact with fashion in the digital age. These innovative technologies bridge the gap between online shopping and the tactile nature of traditional in-store shopping. Let us explore what virtual try-ons are, how they work, and their importance in the fashion industry.

What are virtual try-ons?

Virtual try-ons are innovative digital solutions allowing consumers to virtually try on accessories, clothing, and even makeup without the need to physically do so in a store. These solutions employ a fusion of advanced technologies. Computer vision is utilized to analyze the user’s physical features, while augmented reality (AR) overlays digital images of products onto these features. Additionally, artificial intelligence (AI) contributes by optimizing the fit and style recommendations based on user preferences and body dimensions. Together, these technologies provide an immersive and interactive experience, transforming the way consumers shop for fashion and beauty products.

How do virtual try-ons work?

Virtual try-ons work by superimposing digital representations of clothing and accessories onto a user’s real-time image or video. The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Image capture: Users provide an image or video of themselves through a webcam or smartphone camera.
  2. Body mapping: Computer vision algorithms analyze the user’s image to create a detailed 2D or 3D representation of their body. This includes identifying key landmarks such as the position of eyes, nose, mouth, and body measurements.
  3. Garment simulation: Virtual clothing items are simulated and draped onto the user’s digital avatar, adjusting for size, fit, and style based on user input or AI recommendations.
  4. Rendering: The rendered image or video is displayed to the user, showing them how the selected clothing or accessories would look on them in real life.
  5. Interactivity: Users can interact with the virtual try-on by changing clothing items, adjusting sizes, and experimenting with various styles. Some platforms also allow users to share their virtual try-on sessions with friends or on social media.

AI-enabled virtual try-ons in fashion and cosmetics: An overview

AI-enabled virtual try-ons have redefined the fashion and cosmetics industries, offering consumers a highly interactive and convenient way to explore products before making a purchase. These virtual try-on systems leverage advanced artificial intelligence and augmented reality technologies to provide immersive and realistic experiences, enhancing the overall shopping journey.

In the realm of fashion, AI-enabled virtual try-ons empower customers to virtually try on clothing and accessories from the comfort of their homes. By uploading a photo or using a live camera feed, users can see how different outfits look on them, helping to alleviate concerns about sizing, fit, and style. This not only reduces the number of returns but also enhances the online shopping experience, making it more engaging and personalized.

Cosmetic brands have also harnessed the power of AI to create virtual try-on experiences for makeup products. With these tools, individuals can experiment with different makeup looks, including lipstick shades, eyeshadows, and even complete makeup collections. AI algorithms accurately detect facial features, allowing users to visualize how a particular product will appear on their skin tone and face shape. This empowers consumers to make more informed choices when selecting makeup products and helps brands cater to a wider and more diverse audience.

One of the key advantages of AI-enabled virtual try-ons is their ability to adapt to changing trends and preferences. These systems can swiftly incorporate new fashion collections or makeup products, keeping consumers up-to-date with the latest offerings. Moreover, they collect valuable data on customer preferences and usage patterns, enabling brands to tailor their marketing strategies and product recommendations more effectively.

Furthermore, these virtual try-on technologies extend beyond e-commerce platforms and have found applications in physical retail stores. Retailers are integrating virtual mirrors and kiosks equipped with AI-powered try-on features, offering an enhanced shopping experience for in-store customers. AI-enabled virtual try-ons have significantly impacted the fashion and cosmetics industries by providing a dynamic and personalized shopping experience. They empower consumers to make confident purchasing decisions while reducing return rates and helping brands adapt to evolving market trends.

Launch your project with LeewayHertz!

Transform your fashion or cosmetics business with AI-driven virtual try-ons for enhanced customer engagement. Utilize LeewayHertz’s AI expertise for all your development and consulting needs.

The need for AI-enabled virtual try-ons in fashion and cosmetics industries

In the fashion and cosmetics industries, consumers today expect immersive and convenient shopping experiences, both online and offline. AI-enabled virtual try-ons have emerged as a game-changing technology to meet these evolving demands. These virtual try-ons are reshaping how consumers shop for clothing and cosmetics, benefiting businesses by improving customer engagement and boosting sales. Here are some of the compelling reasons why AI-enabled virtual try-ons are becoming indispensable in the fashion and cosmetics sectors.

The Need for AI-enabled Virtual Try-ons in Fashion and Cosmetics

Enhanced customer engagement

AI-enabled virtual try-ons provide customers with a highly interactive and engaging shopping experience. By using augmented reality (AR) and computer vision technologies, customers can visualize how a particular outfit or makeup product would look on them in real time. This immersive experience keeps customers engaged and encourages them to invest more time exploring products, ultimately increasing the likelihood of making a purchase.

Personalization and customization

One-size-fits-all approaches are no longer sufficient to satisfy modern consumers. AI-powered virtual try-ons enable personalization to a level previously unattainable. Algorithms analyze a customer’s facial features, body shape, and preferences to recommend the most suitable clothing styles or makeup products. This customization not only improves customer satisfaction but also helps reduce the rate of returns, a significant issue for online fashion retailers.

Convenience and reduced decision fatigue

Trying on multiple outfits or experimenting with various cosmetics can be time-consuming and exhausting. AI-driven virtual try-ons streamline this process. Shoppers can virtually test an array of options quickly, saving time and minimizing decision fatigue. This convenience is particularly valuable in today’s fast-paced world, where consumers are constantly seeking efficient shopping solutions.

Increased confidence in purchasing

One of the biggest challenges in online shopping is the uncertainty of whether a product will meet one’s expectations. AI-enabled virtual try-ons bridge this gap by providing consumers with a realistic preview of how they will look with a specific outfit or makeup. This increased confidence in purchasing contributes to higher conversion rates and reduced cart abandonment.

Sustainability and reduced environmental impact

The fashion and cosmetics industries have long faced criticism for their environmental impact, driven in part by the high rate of product returns. Virtual try-ons can help mitigate this issue by reducing the need for physical trial and error. Fewer returns mean less waste and a more sustainable approach to consumption.

Competitive advantage

As AI technology becomes more prevalent, businesses that adopt AI-enabled virtual try-ons gain a competitive edge. They can cater to the demands of tech-savvy consumers who expect innovative and immersive shopping experiences. Moreover, these businesses collect valuable data on customer preferences and behaviors, which can be used to refine product offerings and marketing strategies.

Improved marketing and product development

Virtual try-on platforms generate a wealth of data regarding customer interactions and preferences. Retailers and cosmetics companies can use this data to refine their marketing campaigns and product development efforts. For example, they can identify popular styles or color trends and adapt their inventory accordingly.

AI-enabled virtual try-ons are no longer a novelty but a necessity in the fashion and cosmetics industries. They address key challenges such as customer engagement, personalization, convenience, and sustainability while offering businesses a competitive advantage and valuable insights. As technology continues to advance, the integration of AI-driven virtual try-ons into shopping experiences will likely become the standard rather than the exception, transforming the way we browse and purchase fashion and cosmetics products.

Launch your project with LeewayHertz!

Transform your fashion or cosmetics business with AI-driven virtual try-ons for enhanced customer engagement. Utilize LeewayHertz’s AI expertise for all your development and consulting needs.

Use cases of AI-enabled virtual try-on

AI-powered virtual try-on systems have gained significant popularity and adoption in the fashion and cosmetics industries due to their ability to enhance the online shopping experience. Here are some key use cases for these systems in these industries:

Use Cases of AI-enabled Virtual Try-ons in Fashion and Cosmetics Industries

Virtual fitting rooms

Virtual fitting rooms, coupled with smart mirror technology, represent the fashion and cosmetic industries’ ultimate secret weapon. Imagine offering your customers an immersive, try-before-you-buy experience from the comfort of their homes. This innovative approach allows customers to digitally slip into your latest garments or experiment with cosmetics using AI technology. By seamlessly integrating smart mirrors into the virtual fitting room experience, these mirrors leverage augmented reality to take personalization to the next level. Customers can now see themselves in real-time wearing different outfits or trying out various makeup looks, adding an element of fun and engagement to the shopping process. This not only enhances the overall virtual fitting room experience but also creates a seamless and enjoyable online shopping journey, bridging the gap between the digital and physical retail worlds. It’s a game-changer for reducing returns, boosting online sales, and enhancing brand loyalty, ultimately redefining the online shopping experience to be interactive, personalized, and utterly irresistible.

Personalized recommendations

In the dynamic world of fashion and cosmetics, standing out is everything. That’s where personalized recommendations come to the rescue. Imagine having an AI-powered assistant that knows your customers’ tastes and preferences better than they know themselves. With this technology, fashion and cosmetic businesses can analyze a customer’s past purchases, browsing history, and even social media activity to curate tailored product recommendations. Whether it’s suggesting the perfect shade of lipstick to match their skin tone or highlighting the latest fashion trends aligned with their style, these recommendations are like a personal shopper in the palm of their hand. The result? Enhanced customer engagement, higher conversion rates, and an unmistakable edge in the competitive world of beauty and fashion. With personalized recommendations, your brand becomes not just a product provider but a trusted style advisor, forging deeper connections with your audience and ensuring they keep coming back for more. It’s the future of customer-centric e-commerce, and it’s at your fingertips.

Product visualization

Picture this: your customers are browsing your fashion or cosmetics website and stumble upon a product they are curious about. Instead of relying on static images, they’re greeted with an enchanting experience called product visualization. With the magic of AI, your customers can now virtually touch and feel the product, even though it’s on a screen. This technology conjures up lifelike 3D renderings that let shoppers rotate, zoom, and interact with the product as if it were right in front of them. They can see how the fabric drapes, how the makeup sparkles, or how the shoes catch the light. It’s like trying it out before committing to a purchase, making online shopping feel as delightful as a trip to the store. Product visualization redefines the way your fashion and cosmetic brand engages customers, turning curiosity into confidence and transforming hesitant browsers into eager buyers. It’s not just shopping; it’s an enchanting experience that sets your brand apart in the competitive world of fashion and cosmetics.

Size and fit prediction

Generative AI, working alongside augmented reality (AR), enables customers to virtually try on clothes in real-time via their smartphones or computers. This immersive experience allows them to observe the fit and drape of garments, offering a confidence level similar to using a physical fitting room. Shoppers enter basic measurements, and AI, acting like a skilled tailor, superimposes the recommended perfect size for the chosen items and predicts the fit—whether it’s relaxed, slim, or tailored. This technology significantly reduces hesitations and returns due to sizing errors, minimizing fashion missteps. Size and fit prediction, seamlessly integrated with generative AI and augmented reality, aims to ensure every purchase is a near-flawless fit, elevating your brand as a beacon of convenience and customer satisfaction.

This digital fitting room transcends the boundaries of traditional shopping, leaving customers in awe and encouraging repeat business. In the world of fashion, cosmetics, and footwear, where confidence in sizing is crucial, this AI-driven technology acts as a pivotal tool for enhancing customer loyalty and driving retail success. However, it’s important to note that while AI provides remarkable accuracy, it is continuously evolving, and there may still be room for improvement. This technology, combined with responsive customer service and flexible return policies, makes for a comprehensive strategy to meet customer needs effectively.

Virtual makeup try-on

Imagine your customers being able to virtually experiment with makeup products in real time, all through the lens of their smartphone or webcam. With this advanced technology, they can try on various shades of lipstick, eyeshadow, foundation, and more, instantly visualizing how each product complements its unique features. It’s like having a makeup artist in the palm of their hand, enabling them to craft the perfect look before making a purchase. Not only does makeup try-on using AI boost engagement and time spent on your platform, but it also reduces the guesswork for customers, making them more confident in their beauty choices. In the world of beauty and fashion, where self-expression reigns supreme, this technology is a game-changer, making your brand the go-to destination for trendsetters and beauty enthusiasts alike.

Data-driven virtual try-on

Virtual try-on solutions serve as invaluable tools for market research and data collection. Imagine a fashion retailer implementing a virtual try-on system that not only allows customers to digitally try on clothes but also captures data on their preferences and interactions. Through this innovative technology, the retailer gains valuable insights into popular styles, preferred colors, and even specific features that customers find appealing. The virtual try-on system becomes a dual-purpose asset, enhancing the customer experience while providing the retailer with actionable data to refine product offerings, optimize inventory, and tailor marketing strategies. This seamless integration of technology not only fosters a more engaging shopping experience for customers but also empowers businesses with valuable market intelligence for strategic decision-making.

Overall, AI-powered virtual try-on systems offer huge benefits for both customers and businesses in the fashion and cosmetics industries, including increased sales, reduced returns, and improved customer satisfaction. These systems are likely to continue evolving and expanding their use cases as technology advances.

Launch your project with LeewayHertz!

Transform your fashion or cosmetics business with AI-driven virtual try-ons for enhanced customer engagement. Utilize LeewayHertz’s AI expertise for all your development and consulting needs.

Key AI technologies powering virtual try-on

In this section, we will explore how advanced AI algorithms are transforming the way we experience and interact with clothing and cosmetics, digitally transforming our shopping experience.

AI Techniques and Technologies Powering Virtual Try-ons

Computer vision

Computer vision forms the foundation of virtual try-on systems. It enables these systems to analyze images and videos, particularly the user’s appearance. Key algorithms include face detection, which can employ methods like Haar Cascade or Faster R-CNN to locate and identify facial features. Additionally, facial landmark detection utilizes deep learning models, such as CNNs, to precisely identify landmarks like eyes, nose, and mouth. These landmarks are vital for accurately placing virtual makeup or accessories. Pose estimation algorithms, like OpenPose, determine the user’s body pose, ensuring clothing items are fitted correctly.

Machine learning and deep learning

Machine learning and deep learning models are harnessed to understand user preferences and deliver personalized recommendations. Recommendation systems, employing collaborative filtering and content-based algorithms, suggest clothing, makeup, or accessories that align with the user’s style based on historical data and preferences. Style transfer, a deep learning technique such as neural style transfer, can be utilized to replicate the style of a user’s favorite fashion icon or influencer on their images, providing style inspiration.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP facilitates communication between users and virtual try-on(VTO) systems. Chatbots within VTO applications utilize NLP to comprehend and respond to user queries, providing information about the products. Sentiment analysis, another NLP application, examines user reviews and feedback to gain insights into product preferences and enhance recommendations.

Generative AI

Generative AI technologies have become increasingly important in VTO applications, allowing for the creation of realistic and customizable virtual elements. One of the most notable applications is Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). GANs comprise a duo of neural networks: one is the generator, and the other is the discriminator. These two networks work together to produce top-notch synthetic data. In the context of VTO:

  • Virtual garment generation: GANs can generate virtual clothing items with remarkable realism. By training on a diverse dataset of clothing designs, GANs can produce new and unique clothing options that users can virtually try on. This extends the range of available clothing and enhances user engagement.
  • Makeup style transfer: Generative AI can be used to transfer makeup styles from reference images or videos onto the user’s face. This allows users to experiment with different makeup looks virtually, from subtle changes to dramatic transformations.
  • Hairstyle generation: GANs can create virtual hairstyles, taking into account factors like hair length, texture, and color. Users can visualize how various hairstyles would appear on them, aiding in hairstyle selection.

Generative AI enhances personalization by generating unique and on-trend virtual elements, contributing to a more engaging and enjoyable VTO experience for fashion and cosmetics.

Virtual try-on systems rely on a diverse set of technologies, each playing a crucial role. Computer vision ensures accurate analysis of user appearance, augmented reality delivers immersive experiences, machine learning tailors recommendations, virtual fabric simulation enhances realism, natural language processing facilitates user interaction, and 3D scanning and reconstruction provide accurate measurements. These technologies and their associated algorithms collaboratively create engaging and highly personalized virtual try-on experiences, particularly in the fashion and beauty industries.

The future of AI-enabled virtual try-ons in fashion and cosmetics is poised to be incredibly exciting, with several trends and developments on the horizon:

  1. Hyper-personalization: AI will become even more adept at understanding individual customer preferences and characteristics. Virtual try-on systems will provide hyper-personalized recommendations for fashion and cosmetics, considering factors like skin tone, body shape, style preferences, and even real-time context. This means that customers will receive tailored suggestions that precisely align with their unique tastes and features, creating a personalized and gratifying shopping experience.
  2. Virtual fashion shows: Brands will increasingly turn to AI to host digital fashion shows and events. Customers will be able to virtually attend these shows and use virtual try-on technology to immediately try on and purchase the showcased products.
  3. Sustainability focus: As sustainability becomes a central concern in the fashion and cosmetics industries, AI will play a role in promoting eco-friendly shopping. Virtual try-on systems may include sustainability metrics, showing customers the environmental impact of their potential purchases.
  4. Data privacy and security: With the increasing use of AI and customer data, ensuring robust data privacy and security will be paramount. Brands will need to invest in secure and transparent practices to build and maintain customer trust.

AI-enabled virtual try-on systems are set to redefine the fashion and cosmetics industries by offering highly personalized, immersive, and sustainable shopping experiences. These systems will continue to evolve, driven by technological advancements and changing customer expectations, ultimately enhancing the way we explore and purchase fashion and beauty products.


The integration of AI-enabled virtual try-ons into the fashion and cosmetics industry represents a disruptive shift that promises to redefine the way businesses operate and customers engage with products. For fashion and cosmetic business owners, AI-powered virtual try-ons bring about a paradigm shift in customer interaction. It eliminates the guesswork traditionally associated with online shopping, providing customers with a highly immersive and personalized experience. This fosters confidence in purchasing decisions, ultimately reducing the number of returns and boosting overall customer satisfaction.

Moreover, these virtual try-on solutions serve as invaluable tools for market research and data collection. They offer insights into customer preferences, such as popular styles, colors, and fits, allowing businesses to tailor their offerings more precisely. Armed with this data, companies can optimize their product development and marketing strategies, gaining a competitive edge in the industry. Moreover, the integration of AI into virtual try-on systems resonates with the increasing desire for sustainable approaches within the fashion and beauty industries. By enabling customers to make informed choices, businesses can help reduce the environmental impact of excessive returns, shipping, and wasteful manufacturing practices.

As we look ahead, it’s evident that AI-enabled virtual try-ons will continue to evolve, incorporating more advanced technologies and becoming increasingly accessible to fashion and cosmetic businesses of all sizes. This innovation is a testament to the industry’s adaptability and commitment to providing customers with the best possible shopping experience.

Elevate your fashion or cosmetics business to new heights with AI-enabled virtual try-ons. Harness LeewayHertz’s AI expertise for your development and consulting needs and redefine customer engagement for your business.

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Author’s Bio


Akash Takyar

Akash Takyar LinkedIn
CEO LeewayHertz
Akash Takyar is the founder and CEO of LeewayHertz. With a proven track record of conceptualizing and architecting 100+ user-centric and scalable solutions for startups and enterprises, he brings a deep understanding of both technical and user experience aspects.
Akash's ability to build enterprise-grade technology solutions has garnered the trust of over 30 Fortune 500 companies, including Siemens, 3M, P&G, and Hershey's. Akash is an early adopter of new technology, a passionate technology enthusiast, and an investor in AI and IoT startups.

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