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AI for contract management: Use cases, solution and implementation

AI in contract management
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In the ever-evolving business landscape, contracts serve as vital conduits, facilitating the smooth flow of transactions within the corporate ecosystem. They are pivotal in establishing trust, mitigating risks, and fostering profitability as businesses expand and cultivate diverse relationships with stakeholders such as suppliers, partners, and customers. However, managing a multitude of contracts is a complex chore, fraught with challenges due to their varied and often disordered nature. Inefficiencies in contracts can diminish significant value from deals, making effective contract management imperative.

Enter AI-powered contract management — an effective tool that transforms the handling of contracts. With AI, businesses can navigate through an extensive array of contracts with precision, enhancing efficiency and decision-making. AI clarifies critical contract elements, such as expiration dates and legal provisions, facilitating informed decisions that strengthen a company’s competitive stance. According to Future Market Insights, the global contract management software market, valued at approximately $2,200.1 million in 2022, is projected to witness a robust CAGR of 12.9%, reaching nearly $2,448.7 million by 2023.

In the evolving domain of contract management, AI emerges as a crucial ally for legal professionals, amplifying their expertise and efficacy.

This article aims to unravel the intricacies of AI in contract management, shedding light on its transformative potential, myriad use cases, and the profound benefits it can offer businesses.

What is AI-based contract management?

AI-based contract management involves utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to optimize and streamline the processes involved in drafting, organizing, and overseeing contracts. These AI systems are engineered to comprehend the nuanced and complex language typically found in legal contracts, mirroring the proficiency of a human lawyer.

AI algorithms undergo training to recognize patterns and discern various elements within contracts, allowing them to identify key terms, conditions, and concepts effectively. They achieve this through a meticulous analysis of contextual and repetitive language present in legal documents.

AI-driven contract management significantly reduces repetitive administrative tasks across the entire contract lifecycle. For instance, AI software can automatically extract vital data and highlight specific noteworthy terms, such as effective dates, governing laws, or personal details. Without AI, legal professionals would need to tag and capture such information manually.

This automation not only enhances efficiency but also augments the accuracy and consistency of contract management processes.

Why do we need AI for contract management?

Contracts are a crucial foundation for establishing trust and accountability among multiple parties. They ensure adherence to clauses, timely payments, completion of work, and more. However, understanding these multi-page documents can prove to be difficult and time-consuming. This complexity arises due to the detailed and legalistic nature of the language used, making it challenging to grasp the full scope of obligations, rights, and provisions contained within them.

In an environment where time equates to money, industries such as law firms, government agencies, HR departments, and real estate brokers confront the challenge of managing extensive contracts.

Consider the scenario where the expiration date of a contract is nearing, or there are alterations in legislative regulations affecting contractual terms; it becomes imperative for law firms to notify their clients promptly. Additionally, it is crucial to monitor agreed-upon payments and deliverables closely. Fortunately, a substantial portion of these tasks can be streamlined and made more efficient through automation, thereby substantially cutting down the time and expenses associated with these processes.

This is where technology steps in. The integration of AI into contract management has made significant advancements in replicating tasks that were previously executed solely by law professionals. Technological integration into contract management has seen remarkable advancements, with AI replicating tasks traditionally handled solely by legal professionals, such as data extraction and risk mitigation. This synergy of technology and human expertise heralds a new era of efficiency and precision, minimizing errors and accelerating the contract lifecycle, making the management of contracts more effective and agile.

By identifying critical terms to mitigate risks and accelerating the entire contract lifecycle, the synergy between humans and technology marks a new era of efficient and effective contract management.

Unlock the Power of Smart Contracts with AI Integration

Enhance your contract management capabilities with AI-driven solutions. Discover how our expertise can optimize your workflow and increase productivity.

Use cases of AI-based contract management systems

AI in contract management has various use cases, which include:

AI-based contract management systems

Data extraction

AI simplifies real-time data extraction from diverse file formats, including PDFs, images, and word processors. AI’s Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities enable the extraction of crucial details such as expiration dates, stakeholder names, legal clauses, and contract terms and conditions. This automation streamlines contract setup, freeing up valuable time previously spent on tedious tasks. The extracted information can be leveraged for various purposes, from sending deadline notifications to identifying ambiguous language for legal review or sending reminders to clients.

Intelligent workflow automation

AI’s capabilities extend beyond data extraction; it can also orchestrate contract reviews, approvals, and workflow automation. Managing stakeholders can be a challenging aspect of contract management, but AI offers valuable assistance by:

  • Sending timely signature request emails.

  • Automatically sending reminders to those who missed initial emails.

  • Comparing various contract versions and highlighting changes.

  • Ensuring everyone accesses and collaborates on the correct contract version.

It functions as a digital shepherd, guiding stakeholders efficiently towards their necessary tasks.

Extract insights from the contract

AI is exceptionally adept at extracting valuable insights from contracts. AI can identify patterns, trends, and anomalies in the contract by analyzing large datasets. For example, it can pinpoint common clauses, frequently negotiated terms, or areas of high legal risk. These insights empower businesses to make well-informed decisions, negotiate contracts more strategically, and better understand their contractual relationships. AI-driven insights also enhance risk management by highlighting potential compliance issues and offering early warnings of contract-related challenges, allowing for proactive mitigation measures.

Bulk document organization

AI-driven contract management tools excel at efficiently organizing extensive contract libraries, simplifying the process of locating specific contracts or data. This streamlined approach saves time and minimizes the likelihood of errors or omissions.

By simply uploading a batch of documents, AI swiftly tags and organizes them, automatically grouping attachments to consolidate all pertinent information for a particular case, deal, or contract, all at the click of a button.

Contract review

AI-powered contract review refers to using AI technologies to automate and enhance the process of reviewing and analyzing legal contracts. This technology-driven approach aims to improve contract review efficiency, accuracy, and speed, benefiting businesses and legal professionals in various ways.

The average contract review takes approximately 92 minutes. AI can streamline contract reviews by automatically identifying potential issues or areas of concern, ensuring accuracy, completeness, and compliance with regulations in less time. Moreover, AI can reveal unexplored cost-saving opportunities that have previously gone unnoticed during manual reviews.

Contract risk analysis

Automated contract management systems integrated with AI capabilities can scrutinize contract terms, identify potential risks, and evaluate adherence to internal policies and external regulations. These systems can extract and assess crucial contract data by harnessing natural language processing flagging non-compliance or potential discrepancies. This proactive approach to risk management empowers organizations to mitigate potential pitfalls, promptly address non-compliance issues, and avoid legal disputes.

Managing contract volume

As businesses grow, the volume of contracts they handle escalates significantly. For instance, enterprises may oversee as many as 20,000 contracts concurrently. AI proves valuable in efficiently managing this extensive contract load by:

  • Automating routine tasks

  • Detecting potential areas of concern.

  • Streamlining bulk uploads.

  • Centralizing related documents in one location.

This alleviates the workload on contract managers and enhances overall efficiency, ensuring effective contract management.

Contract creation and standardization

AI contract management solutions expedite contract creation by automatically generating drafts from established templates and user-defined parameters. This eliminates the potential for manual errors and reduces the time required to draft contracts while ensuring document accuracy. Businesses can enhance efficiency, reduce turnaround time, and uphold compliance with internal policies and legal mandates by standardizing the contract creation process.

Intelligent contract management systems ensure consistency in contract structures and language while saving substantial time for legal professionals. These systems enhance efficiency, maintain standardization, and offer language improvements, streamlining the contract drafting process and enabling law professionals to focus on strategic tasks.

Automating contract lifecycle management

AI plays a pivotal role in automating different phases of the contract lifecycle, including contract initiation, approval workflows, and monitoring essential dates or milestones. With AI algorithms, organizations receive timely notifications for contract renewal, expiration, or re-negotiation, enabling proactive management and minimizing the risk of missed opportunities or compliance issues.

A primary challenge in contract management is maintaining visibility throughout the contract lifecycle. AI technologies provide real-time visibility into contract status, critical dates, and obligations. Advanced contract management systems can generate automated alerts for contract renewals, milestones, or potential risks, ensuring businesses never overlook important deadlines.

Predictive analysis

AI leverages historical contract data to extract insights and predict potential contract risks and outcomes. By examining past contract records, AI algorithms reveal patterns, trends, and areas where there is scope for improvements. This data-centric approach empowers organizations to make informed decisions and improve their contract management processes.


Contract negotiations often involve multiple parties, intricate terms, and prolonged back-and-forth interactions. By incorporating automation, AI can streamline the negotiation process by facilitating collaborative efforts, tracking revisions, and offering insightful suggestions. AI contract management software can analyze past contracts, identify key negotiation points, and propose favorable terms based on historical data. This expedites the negotiation phase, minimizes delays, and enhances the likelihood of reaching mutually advantageous agreements.

Smart approval routing

Streamlining approval processes is pivotal in simplifying contract management. Acquiring signatures from various stakeholders can become complex without suitable management technology. This complexity increases when contracts have variations necessitating additional approvals, such as lengthy agreements or those exceeding a specific monetary threshold. AI can utilize contextual cues to pinpoint sections requiring approval from different stakeholders and seamlessly incorporate these steps into the workflow. Furthermore, the system can draw from past approval routing experiences to identify where extra steps are warranted, ensuring a smooth and efficient approval process.

Metadata extraction

Metadata extraction is greatly enhanced by AI, allowing for the automatic retrieval of crucial contract details. This encompasses extracting vital information like involved parties, effective dates, termination clauses, and payment terms. AI-driven tools additionally aid in validating, converting, and arranging the extracted data, streamlining contract management. This feature is readily accessible and delivers substantial value to businesses, enhancing workflow and offering benefits through alerts.

Contract language translation

AI-driven translation tools provide the capability for instant contract translation across languages. Nonetheless, it’s crucial to acknowledge that while AI can aid in translation, accuracy might fluctuate due to regional idiomatic expressions and language subtleties. Consequently, implementing a validation process is crucial to ensure the reliability of the translated contract.

Contract summarization

Contract summarization emphasizes essential points and pertinent details in the contract. These summaries can serve as valuable tools for grasping vital facets of a contract, offering rapid insights to related parties and executives, and eliminating the need for exhaustive document review.

Data security and confidentiality

Amidst the digitization of contract management, concerns regarding data security and confidentiality are paramount. However, AI contract management software offers robust security measures to safeguard sensitive contract data. These systems provide controlled access, encryption, and secure storage solutions, ensuring only authorized individuals can access and modify contract information. Automated audit trails further enable organizations to monitor and trace contract changes, thus upholding data integrity and compliance.

How does AI in contract management work?

Integrating AI into contract management involves various components to automate document analysis, accelerate processing, extract actionable insights, and empower informed decision-making. This transcends conventional methods by integrating powerful Large Language Models (LLMs) and linking them with the organization’s unique knowledge base repository. This approach enriches the depth of contract analysis, identifying key clauses and facilitating agile and well-informed contract management decisions. This AI-driven architecture seamlessly integrates multiple components to streamline and optimize the contract management lifecycle. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how it works:

AI in contract management

  1. Data sources: The process begins by gathering data from various sources relevant to the contract management process. This data can include:
    • Contract repository: Database containing key contract details such as parties involved, terms and conditions, milestones, obligations, expiration dates, renewal options, and amendments or addendums.
    • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system: Data related to procurement, purchasing, invoicing, and financial transactions.
    • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system: Information about customers, contacts, sales opportunities, service agreements, customer-specific contracts and obligations.
    • Document Management System (DMS): Documents such as proposals, statements of work, and correspondence.
    • Communications and correspondence: Emails, meeting minutes, and other correspondence related to contract negotiations, discussions, or changes.
    • Vendor or supplier data: Data on vendor performance, contact information, key personnel, and any relevant vendor agreements or contracts.

2. Data pipeline: The data gathered from the previous sources is subsequently channeled through data pipelines. These pipelines handle tasks such as data ingestion, cleaning, processing (including data transformations like filtering, masking, and aggregations), and structuring, thereby preparing it for subsequent analysis.

3. Embedding model: The processed data is segmented into chunks and fed into an embedding model. This model converts textual data into numerical representations called vectors, enabling AI models to comprehend it effectively. Well-known models for this purpose are developed by OpenAI, Google, and Cohere.

4. Vector database: The resulting vectors are stored in a vector database, facilitating streamlined querying and retrieval processes. This database efficiently manages the storage, comparison, and retrieval of potentially billions of embeddings (i.e., vectors). Prominent examples of such vector databases include Pinecone, Weaviate, and PGvector.

5. APIs and plugins: APIs and plugins such as Serp, Zapier, and Wolfram serve a critical function by linking various components together and facilitating additional functionalities, such as accessing supplementary data or executing specific tasks seamlessly.

6.Orchestration layer: The orchestrating layer plays a key role in managing the workflow. An example of this layer is ZBrain, which streamlines tasks like prompt chaining, handling interactions with external APIs to determine when API calls are necessary, fetching contextual data from vector databases, and preserving memory across multiple LLM calls. This layer generates a prompt or series of prompts for submission to a language model for processing. Overall, its responsibility lies in orchestrating data flow and tasks, ensuring smooth coordination among all other components in this architecture.

7. Query execution: The data retrieval and generation process commences upon the user submitting a query to the contract management app. This query may pertain to any aspects related to the contract, including terms and conditions, performance metrics or compliance standards.

8. LLM processing: Upon receiving the query, the application forwards it to the orchestration layer. This layer then retrieves pertinent data from the vector database and LLM cache and sends it to the suitable LLM for processing, with the selection of the LLM dependent upon the query’s nature.

9. Output: The LLM produces an output based on the query and received data. This output can take various forms relevant to contract management, including evaluations of contract compliance, risk identification, generation of draft agreements, or summarization of contract terms and obligations.

10. Contract management app: The validated output is subsequently delivered to the user through the contract management platform. This central application integrates all data, analyses, and insights, presenting them in an intuitive format. This empowers stakeholders to efficiently review and make informed decisions regarding contract-related information.

11. Feedback loop: User feedback on the LLM’s output is a crucial component of this architecture. This feedback is utilized to continuously enhance the accuracy and relevance of the LLM’s results, ensuring better performance over time.

12. Agent: AI agents play a vital role in this process by solving complex problems, interacting with the external environment, and enhancing learning through post-deployment experiences. They accomplish this by employing advanced reasoning and planning, strategically utilizing tools, and memory, recursion, and self-reflection.

13. LLM cache: To expedite the AI system’s response time, frequently accessed information is cached using tools like Redis, SQLite, or GPTCache.

14. Logging/LLMOps: During this process, LLMOps tools such as Weights & Biases, MLflow, Helicone, and Prompt Layer aid in logging actions and monitoring performance, ensuring optimal functionality of the LLMs and facilitating continuous improvement through feedback loops.

15. Validation: A validation layer is utilized to authenticate the LLM’s output, accomplished through tools such as Guardrails, Rebuff, Guidance, and LMQL, ensuring the precision and dependability of the information shared.

16. LLM APIs and hosting: LLM APIs and hosting platforms are integral for executing contract management tasks and hosting the application. Depending on project requirements, developers can choose from LLM APIs offered by companies like OpenAI and Anthropic or explore open-source models. Similarly, they have various hosting platform options, including cloud providers such as AWS, GCP, Azure, and Coreweave, or opinionated clouds like Databricks, Mosaic, and Anyscale. The selection of LLM APIs and cloud hosting platforms depends on the unique needs of the project and the preferences of the developers.

This flow provides a holistic understanding of how AI optimizes contract management, leveraging varied data sources and technological tools to generate accurate and actionable insights. By automating contract management tasks, AI boosts operational efficiency, minimizes risks, and elevates the overall quality of decision-making in contract-related matters.

Unlock the Power of Smart Contracts with AI Integration

Enhance your contract management capabilities with AI-driven solutions. Discover how our expertise can optimize your workflow and increase productivity.

How does LeewayHertz’s enterprise AI solution facilitate contract management workflows?

LeewayHertz’s enterprise AI solution, ZBrain, plays a transformative role in optimizing contract management workflows, offering solutions to elevate efficiency, ensure compliance, and achieve operational excellence. As a comprehensive, enterprise-ready platform, ZBrain empowers businesses to design and implement applications tailored to their specific operational requirements. The platform uses clients’ data, whether in the form of text, images, or documents, to train advanced LLMs like GPT-4, Vicuna, Llama 2, or GPT-NeoX for developing contextually aware applications capable of performing diverse tasks.

In contract management, prevalent challenges include manual processes, compliance risks, and intricate negotiation dynamics. ZBrain effectively addresses these challenges through its distinctive feature called “Flow,” which provides an intuitive interface that allows users to create intricate business logic for their apps without the need for coding. Flow’s easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface enables the seamless integration of large language models, prompt templates, and media models into your app’s logic for its easy conceptualization, creation, or modification.

With robust applications developed on ZBrain, enterprises can transform contract data into actionable insights, optimizing the entire contract management workflow. The platform offers comprehensive solutions to address key challenges in contract management. The following example illustrates ZBrain’s impact on the contract management process within the finance and banking sector:

AI-driven contract analysis in finance and banking

ZBrain elevates contract analysis in the finance and banking sector by enabling you to build apps for automating manual review processes, navigating regulatory complexities, and identifying contract variations. Initiating contract analysis by collecting diverse data sources, including contract documents, legal and regulatory updates, historical contract data, and risk assessment data, ZBrain performs automated Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to assess adherence and identify concerns. Advanced embedding techniques transform textual contract data into numerical embeddings, laying the foundation for enhanced analysis. Upon user request, ZBrain utilizes an OpenAI Large Language Model (LLM) to conduct a thorough analysis of the contracts, generating a comprehensive report highlighting deviations and offering actionable recommendations. Following LLM’s report generation, ZBrain employs a rigorous parsing method to enhance and extract pertinent insights, ensuring compliance officers receive accurate, actionable, and timely recommendations for managing contract-related issues effectively.

By significantly reducing the time and effort invested in contract analysis and compliance governance, ZBrain’s LLM applications enable organizations to proactively manage contracts, leading to superior risk mitigation, enhanced compliance, and improved overall contract governance. Explore this detailed Flow for a deeper understanding of how ZBrain redefines contract management, providing a more streamlined and effective approach to handling contractual processes.

LeewayHertz’s AI development services for contract management

At LeewayHertz, we create customized AI solutions tailored to the specific needs of contract management processes. Our strategic AI/ML consulting empowers organizations to leverage AI for enhanced contract creation, review, and management, improving accuracy, efficiency, and compliance.

Our expertise in developing Proof of Concepts (PoCs) and Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) allows businesses to explore the potential impacts of AI tools in real-world scenarios, ensuring that solutions are both effective and customized to meet specific operational requirements.

Our work in generative AI transforms routine tasks such as contract drafting and clause analysis, automating these processes to free up legal teams for more strategic roles.

By fine-tuning large language models to the intricacies of legal terminologies and contract nuances, LeewayHertz enhances the accuracy and relevance of AI-driven contract management processes.

Additionally, we ensure these AI systems integrate seamlessly with existing technological infrastructures, boosting operational efficiency and decision-making capabilities in contract management.

Our AI solutions development expertise

AI solutions development for contract management typically involves creating systems that enhance decision-making, automate routine tasks, and personalize contract evaluations. These solutions integrate key components such as data aggregation technologies, which compile and analyze contract information from diverse sources. This comprehensive data foundation supports predictive analytics capabilities, enabling proactive contract management and risk assessment.

Machine learning algorithms are employed to evaluate contract clauses and terms based on various criteria, ensuring that each contract is reviewed accurately and efficiently. These solutions often cover areas like contract creation, compliance, risk assessment, and Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM).

Overall, AI solutions in contract management aim to optimize contract outcomes, drive efficiency, and improve the overall management process.

AI agent/copilot development for contract management

LeewayHertz builds custom AI agents and copilots that enhance various contract management operations, enabling companies to save time and resources while facilitating faster decision-making. Here is how they help:

Contract creation and drafting:

  • Automating the drafting of standard contracts based on predefined templates.
  • Ensuring consistency and compliance by incorporating standard clauses and terms.
  • Customizing contract drafts based on specific business requirements and regulatory standards.

Clause and term analysis:

  • Analyzing contract clauses to identify potential risks and compliance issues.
  • Comparing contract terms against industry standards and internal policies.
  • Automating the review of clauses to ensure they meet organizational requirements.

Risk assessment:

  • Utilizing predictive analytics to assess the risk profile of contracts.
  • Identifying and flagging high-risk clauses and terms for further review.
  • Automating the generation of risk assessment reports to support decision-making.

Compliance monitoring:

  • Automating compliance checks to ensure contracts adhere to regulatory requirements.
  • Monitoring contract portfolios for compliance with internal policies and external regulations.
  • Generating compliance reports and documentation to facilitate regulatory audits.

Contract lifecycle management:

  • Tracking contract milestones and key dates to ensure timely renewals and terminations.
  • Automating notifications for critical contract events and deadlines.
  • Managing the entire contract lifecycle from initiation to renewal or termination.

Document management:

  • Automating the organization and categorization of contract documents.
  • Ensuring easy retrieval and access to contract information through intelligent search.
  • Maintaining a centralized repository for all contract-related documents.

Process automation:

  • Automating repetitive tasks such as data entry, report generation, and document management.
  • Streamlining the contract approval process by automating decision-making workflows.
  • Enhancing operational efficiency by reducing manual intervention and errors.

Customer engagement:

  • Offering 24/7 virtual assistance to handle contract-related inquiries and support requests.
  • Automating routine communication tasks such as contract status updates and follow-ups.
  • Analyzing customer interactions to provide personalized responses and recommendations.

Data analytics and reporting:

  • Gathering and analyzing contract data to provide real-time insights into contract performance.
  • Automating the generation of contract analytics reports to support strategic decision-making.
  • Customizing data analytics based on specific business goals and market conditions.

AI agents/copilots not only increase the efficiency of operational processes but also significantly enhance the quality of contract management and strategic decision-making. By integrating these advanced AI solutions into their existing infrastructure, organizations can achieve a significant competitive advantage, navigating the complex contract management landscape with innovative, efficient, and reliable AI-driven tools and strategies.

How to implement AI in contract management?

Implementing AI in contract management can significantly streamline processes, improve efficiency, and reduce the risk of errors. Here are steps you can take to integrate AI in contract management:

Define objectives

Identify specific pain points and objectives you want to address with AI in contract management. This could include tasks like contract review, analysis, risk assessment, and compliance monitoring.

Data collection and organization

Gather and organize your existing contract data. Clean and standardize the data to ensure consistency. The quality and quantity of data are crucial for training AI models effectively.

Training machine learning models

Choose an appropriate machine learning model and train the model to analyze historical contract data. These models can learn patterns, identify risks, and provide insights into contract performance. Supervised learning can be employed for tasks like contract categorization and sentiment analysis.

Integrate with other systems

Integrate your contract management system with other enterprise systems, such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management). This facilitates seamless data flow and ensures that contract information is consistent across different departments.

Continuous improvement

Regularly assess the performance of your AI models and update them as needed. Monitor user feedback and make iterative improvements to enhance the system’s effectiveness over time.

If you are in search of a technical partner for contract management, LeewayHertz stands as your dependable partner. Specializing in generative AI consulting and development services, we are dedicated to advancing your contract management systems to the forefront of the digital age. With a solid history of implementing diverse advanced LLM models and solutions, LeewayHertz is equipped to initiate or enhance your AI-driven contract management journey, ensuring efficiency, compliance, and innovation every step of the way.

Key factors to consider when implementing an AI-powered contract management system

Implementing an AI-powered contract management system necessitates thorough planning and consideration of several crucial factors, such as:

Data quality

Accuracy: AI-powered contract management systems thrive on precise data. Ensure that the data entered is accurate to make informed decisions.

Completeness: The data should be comprehensive. Missing information can hinder the performance and the decision-making capabilities of the AI.

Timeliness: The data should be up-to-date to reflect current realities and make relevant decisions based on the most recent information.


Compatibility: Ensure the AI system is compatible with existing CRM, ERP, and document management systems for smoother operation and information flow.

Coordination: Detailed planning is essential to ensure that all systems work in harmony without glitches, contributing to smoother operations.

User adoption

Training: Invest in extensive training programs to familiarize the team with the new technology, ensuring they can use it efficiently.

Support: Offer ongoing support and resources to users to solve any issues swiftly and ensure consistent and productive use of the new system.


Access control: Implement stringent access controls to restrict access to sensitive information, allowing only authorized personnel to access confidential data.

Data protection: Robust security measures, such as encryption, should be in place to protect the data from potential threats and unauthorized access.

Unlock the Power of Smart Contracts with AI Integration

Enhance your contract management capabilities with AI-driven solutions. Discover how our expertise can optimize your workflow and increase productivity.

Benefits of using an AI-powered contract management system

Here are some of the key benefits of using AI-powered contract management systems:

Improved accuracy: AI-powered contract management systems utilize advanced algorithms to review and process extensive contract data. By doing so, they can pinpoint mistakes, discrepancies, and irregularities within contracts. This meticulous analysis minimizes the likelihood of errors, enhancing accuracy and adherence to legal requirements. Ultimately, this technology streamlines contract management, enhancing reliability and mitigating potential risks associated with faulty contracts.

Eliminate errors: Considering the entire contract lifecycle, there is ample opportunity for mistakes. These errors may involve omissions of critical clauses or oversights regarding compliance requirements. AI contract management software ensures that all stakeholders are informed of any changes and are held accountable for compliance, thus reducing the likelihood of errors.

Enhanced efficiency: AI-powered contract management systems utilize advanced algorithms to handle repetitive tasks like drafting contracts, extracting key information from them, and analyzing their content. This automation reduces manual workload, accelerates processes, and enhances accuracy, ultimately streamlining the contract management lifecycle.

Better compliance: AI-based contract management software is pivotal in facilitating legal and regulatory compliance for businesses. These systems utilize AI algorithms to meticulously analyze contracts, cross-referencing them with relevant standards and regulations. Automating this process ensures that contracts adhere to the legal parameters, minimizing non-compliance risk. This saves time and mitigates potential legal issues, fostering a secure and compliant business environment.

Improved decision-making: AI-based contract management offers businesses valuable insights and analytics that serve as a foundation for informed decision-making. These systems uncover trends, patterns, and anomalies by analyzing vast contract data. This empowers businesses to optimize processes, identify bottlenecks, and streamline workflows. Moreover, the insights garnered enable a more effective contract management strategy, enhancing negotiation tactics, risk assessment, and resource allocation. Ultimately, these AI-driven capabilities lead to improved operational efficiency and more successful business outcomes.

How industries can gain a competitive edge with AI-powered contract management software

Contract management software can provide significant advantages to various industries by streamlining and automating various aspects of contract creation, negotiation, execution, and management. Here are several industries that can gain a competitive advantage with contract management software:


The healthcare sector manages a substantial volume of daily contracts, necessitating meticulous handling of agreements involving third parties like insurers, pharmacies, medical equipment suppliers, and more. Healthcare firms benefit from contract management software in the following key areas:

  • Payer and provider contracts
  • Vendor contract management
  • Contract security
  • Compliance tracking


Many companies rely on legal professionals and law firms to efficiently manage their contracts. Consequently, legal practitioners and firms can harness the power of contract management software to enhance their contract-related processes, elevate service quality, and expedite service delivery.


Large-scale manufacturing industries handle extensive contracts, often spanning global vendors and international suppliers. Consequently, effective contract management becomes a formidable challenge. Manufacturing companies should consider adopting contract management software to address these complexities.

Consumer goods

Consumer goods companies, much like their counterparts in manufacturing, often contend with a substantial volume of active contracts involving suppliers, vendors, and business partners. Consequently, they recognize the necessity of implementing contract management software to handle intricate compliance requirements and adhere to contract deadlines effectively.

Real estate

In the real estate sector, managing contracts is a fundamental aspect of business operations. AI can aid in automating workflows, ensuring legal compliance, and managing various stakeholder agreements efficiently, which can be pivotal in closing deals promptly and maintaining a steady workflow.


Technology companies frequently engage in contracts involving intellectual property, partnerships, and customer agreements. AI-based contract management can enhance the handling of these contracts by improving accuracy, protecting intellectual property, and optimizing negotiation processes.


Educational institutions handle contracts related to partnerships, vendor agreements, and employment. AI can streamline the management of these contracts, ensuring that educational institutions operate smoothly, maintain compliance, and effectively manage their resources.


Retailers manage contracts with suppliers, service providers, and partners. AI can optimize contract management processes by automating repetitive tasks, improving negotiation strategies, and ensuring that the best terms are secured to enhance business operations and customer satisfaction.

The public sector

Government agencies manage a vast array of contracts related to public services and projects. AI can facilitate improved contract management by ensuring transparency, compliance with regulations, and effective allocation of public resources.


AI in contract management is reshaping the way businesses handle their agreements. By streamlining operations, ensuring consistency, and unlocking valuable insights from contract data, AI empowers organizations to navigate contracts more efficiently and make informed decisions that drive competitiveness and success. The utilization of AI in this field not only streamlines operations but also promotes better decision-making and regulatory compliance. As technology continues to evolve, embracing AI for contract management is not just a choice but a strategic imperative for businesses seeking to grow in the ever-changing business landscape.

By embracing AI’s unique capabilities, you can now leave behind the complexities and risks associated with contract management. Partner with LeewayHertz to simplify your contract management processes with robust AI-powered contract management solutions.

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Author’s Bio


Akash Takyar

Akash Takyar LinkedIn
CEO LeewayHertz
Akash Takyar is the founder and CEO of LeewayHertz. With a proven track record of conceptualizing and architecting 100+ user-centric and scalable solutions for startups and enterprises, he brings a deep understanding of both technical and user experience aspects.
Akash's ability to build enterprise-grade technology solutions has garnered the trust of over 30 Fortune 500 companies, including Siemens, 3M, P&G, and Hershey's. Akash is an early adopter of new technology, a passionate technology enthusiast, and an investor in AI and IoT startups.

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What is AI contract management?

AI contract management refers to leveraging artificial intelligence technologies to optimize various aspects of contract lifecycle management, including drafting, analyzing, organizing, and monitoring contracts. By automating repetitive tasks and extracting valuable insights from contract data, AI enhances efficiency and accuracy in managing contracts.

How does AI extract and analyze data from contracts?

AI employs advanced algorithms, including natural language processing (NLP), to extract relevant information from contracts. These algorithms analyze the language used in contracts, identify key terms, conditions, and clauses, and extract data such as dates, names, and legal provisions. The extracted data is then processed and utilized for various contract management tasks, such as compliance monitoring and risk assessment.

How can leveraging AI for contract management benefit my business?

Implementing AI in contract management provides several benefits, including improved accuracy in contract analysis, streamlined workflows, enhanced efficiency, better compliance monitoring, proactive risk mitigation, and valuable insights from contract data. These advantages contribute to increased operational efficiency, reduced manual workload, and more informed decision-making, ultimately driving business success.

Is AI contract management suitable for all types of contracts and industries?

AI contract management is versatile and applicable across diverse industries such as healthcare, finance, legal services, and more. It seamlessly handles various contract types, including legal agreements, vendor contracts, procurement agreements, and employment contracts, offering streamlined management processes. This adaptability makes it suitable for businesses of all sizes and industries.

How does AI ensure compliance and mitigate risks in contract management?

AI ensures compliance and mitigates risks in contract management by analyzing contracts for adherence to legal and regulatory requirements, flagging potential issues or discrepancies, and providing recommendations for resolution. AI-powered contract management can also track changes in regulations and standards, ensuring ongoing compliance. Additionally, AI helps identify and assess contract risks, enabling proactive measures to mitigate them effectively.

How does AI contract management improve contract lifecycle management processes?

AI contract management enhances the entire contract lifecycle by automating contract creation, review, approvals, and monitoring critical dates. It provides real-time visibility into contract status, sends automated notifications for renewals or milestones, and improves overall efficiency by reducing manual effort and minimizing the risk of missed deadlines. By streamlining workflows and optimizing resource allocation, AI contract management ensures contracts are managed seamlessly from creation to expiration.

How does LeewayHertz's generative AI platform, ZBrain, assist in contract management?

LeewayHertz’s generative AI platform, ZBrain, empowers contract management in several key ways:
Automated contract analysis:
ZBrain automates contract analysis tasks, extracting essential terms, identifying risk factors, and highlighting deviations from standard agreements. This streamlines the review process and ensures thorough analysis without manual intervention.
Regulatory compliance:
Keeping abreast of regulatory changes, ZBrain ensures contracts align with current legal requirements. By integrating compliance checks into the contract management process, businesses mitigate the risk of non-compliance and associated penalties.
Improved drafting and negotiation:
ZBrain aids in drafting contracts by identifying critical clauses and suggesting improvements. During negotiations, it analyzes proposed changes, highlighting potential risks or benefits. This assists in crafting contracts that meet the organization’s objectives while minimizing risks.
Risk management:
ZBrain identifies potential risks within contracts, enabling proactive risk mitigation strategies. By flagging risks early, businesses can address them effectively, reducing the likelihood of costly disputes or non-compliance issues.

Can LeewayHertz assist businesses in customizing AI contract management solutions to align with their unique requirements?

Yes, LeewayHertz specializes in developing customized AI contract management solutions tailored to meet the specific requirements of each client. We offer comprehensive consultation, development, and support services to ensure the AI contract management solution aligns perfectly with the client’s unique needs and goals. Through close collaboration with the client, we identify key priorities and objectives, incorporating them into the solution design and implementation process. Regular communication and feedback loops ensure that the final solution aligns seamlessly with the client’s business objectives, promoting efficiency and effectiveness.

How does LeewayHertz assist clients in integrating AI contract management solutions with their existing systems and workflows?

LeewayHertz has expertise in seamlessly integrating AI contract management solutions with clients’ existing systems, including CRM, ERP, and document management platforms. Our team carefully plans the integration process to ensure compatibility and smooth data flow between systems, minimizing disruption to existing workflows. Through meticulous testing and validation, we ensure that the integrated solution enhances efficiency and efficacy, driving seamless collaboration and information sharing across the organization.

How does LeewayHertz ensure scalability and adaptability in its AI contract management solutions to meet clients' evolving needs?

LeewayHertz designs AI contract management solutions with scalability and adaptability in mind, utilizing flexible architectures and scalable infrastructure. We employ agile development methodologies to iteratively enhance and expand the capabilities of the solution, ensuring it can evolve to meet clients’ changing needs and scale with their business growth. Regular assessments and updates ensure that the AI solution remains responsive to evolving requirements, incorporating new features, technologies, and optimizations as necessary. By prioritizing scalability and adaptability, we future-proof the solution, enabling clients to stay competitive in dynamic business environments.

What does long-term support look like for clients using LeewayHertz’s AI contract management solutions?

LeewayHertz provides long-term support through dedicated account management teams, 24/7 technical support, and regular system updates to ensure optimal performance. Our maintenance services include periodic reviews and adjustments to adapt to new business needs and regulatory changes, ensuring that our solutions deliver sustained value.

How does LeewayHertz facilitate training and adoption of its AI contract management systems?

LeewayHertz offers comprehensive training programs customized to different user roles within the client’s organization. These include hands-on sessions, detailed documentation, and ongoing support to ensure smooth adoption. We also provide analytics to monitor adoption rates and user engagement, allowing us to adjust training as needed to maximize effectiveness.

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