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AI in talent acquisition: Use cases, development and benefits

AI in talent acquisition
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The process of talent acquisition, which involves finding and hiring the right candidates for job positions, is experiencing significant transformation through the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The impact of AI on recruitment processes is profound, manifesting in various ways, including heightened efficiency and precision across the entire hiring procedure. AI enhances the recruitment process by conducting in-depth data analysis and facilitating data-driven candidate selection. The AI-powered recruitment system streamlines interactions with candidates through chatbots and simplifies administrative tasks such as document management and onboarding procedures. Integrating AI in talent acquisition provides a more sophisticated and personalized recruitment process, significantly enhancing the recruitment experience for both candidates and organizations. As per the Facts and Factors reports, the AI recruitment market reached $610.3 million in 2021, projected to rise to $890.51 million by 2028, with a CAGR of around 6.5%.

In an age that values innovation and adaptability, AI emerges as the driving force propelling talent acquisition into uncharted territories. It opens doors for organizations to harness the full potential of their human resources and foster a diverse and inclusive culture. As we enter this new era of innovation, the focus is on utilizing AI’s capabilities to create a more agile, informed, and equitable approach to talent acquisition.

This article delves into a comprehensive exploration of AI’s role in talent acquisition, shedding light on its advantages and various applications.

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence has transcended the boundaries of science fiction and become an integral part of modern society, driving us further into an automated digital era. AI empowers machines to make autonomous decisions by emulating human thinking. This is the technology behind smart assistants like Alexa and Siri, enabling them to comprehend spoken instructions and translate them into actions. With the growing significance of AI in talent acquisition, more and more organizations are embracing AI innovations to equip their recruitment experts with tools that enhance efficiency and help attract the right candidates.

The role of AI in talent acquisition

Artificial intelligence plays a pivotal role in talent acquisition. It significantly impacts how companies find, attract, and select candidates for job positions. One example of how AI is used in this context is in the screening of resumes.

Traditionally, recruiters have had to spend a lot of time reviewing a large number of resumes submitted by job applicants. This is a time-consuming and often tedious task. AI is being used to automate and enhance this process. AI can analyze resumes much faster and more efficiently than humans, which saves recruiters a lot of time and effort.

AI-powered tools can process and examine a large volume of resumes by analyzing them against specific job requirements or criteria. They can quickly identify potential candidates who closely match what the organization is looking for. This means that recruiters can focus their time and attention on the most promising candidates rather than spending hours manually reviewing each resume.

Many HR professionals use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to manage and catalog incoming resumes and applications. An ATS streamlines resume screening and candidate management, saving HR professionals time and improving the quality of hires by ensuring a highly efficient and data-driven recruitment process. Today’s AI technologies assist recruiters in effectively screening the most suitable candidates, enabling them to accomplish this task in a fraction of the time that conventional methods would demand.

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This automation significantly reduces the time and effort spent on manual resume screening, allowing recruiters to allocate their time strategically.

Use cases of AI in talent acquisition

Here are some use cases of AI in talent acquisition:

Use cases of AI in talent acquisition

Job descriptions

Recruiters often face the challenge of crafting job descriptions that are both gender-neutral and inclusive, especially when hiring for specialized technical roles. Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a valuable role in addressing this issue by identifying and rectifying unintentional biases in language. For instance, if a recruiter, influenced by their prior experiences, inadvertently uses language that seems to favor a specific gender when describing a job, AI can spot and correct such biases. However, it’s essential for human resources professionals to exercise diligence and review AI-generated content carefully. AI’s effectiveness depends on the data it learns from, and if this data carries inherent biases, the AI may inadvertently perpetuate stereotypes. Therefore, while AI can significantly enhance the inclusivity of job descriptions, human oversight remains indispensable to ensure fairness and accuracy.

Job postings

AI streamlines job posting for recruiters by analyzing historical data, industry trends, and candidate preferences to suggest optimal keywords and attract qualified applicants. It helps eliminate unintentional bias, ensures inclusive language and maximizes outreach efficiency. Additionally, AI assists in personalized content creation, tailoring job descriptions to target specific talent pools, ultimately streamlining the recruitment process and enhancing candidate engagement. Let’s take the example of CareerBuilder. Their AI job posting tool offers recruiters valuable insights into the effectiveness of their job postings, enabling them to post five times faster and achieve a remarkable 175% increase in applications. It assesses posts using a candidate appeal score, predicting their attractiveness to potential candidates.

Applicant screening

AI has transformed the process of applicant screening by harnessing its data analysis capabilities. AI not only extracts valuable insights and patterns from resumes, industry records, and portfolios but also taps into external data sources like salary ranges and labor statistics to enhance its understanding. This wealth of information empowers AI-driven systems to recommend job positions to candidates based on their unique skill sets, education, and soft skills. Moreover, these systems can even suggest career advancement opportunities for existing employees in alignment with their individual aspirations. This approach greatly benefits applicants, providing them with tailored job recommendations that match their qualifications and preferences. Simultaneously, it assists companies in diversifying their talent pools by optimizing the selection process for a more inclusive workforce.

Skill assessment

Through AI-powered tools and platforms, recruiters can assess candidates’ skills more efficiently and accurately. Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms analyze resumes and cover letters, extracting key qualifications and matching them with job requirements. AI-driven pre-employment assessments can evaluate candidates’ technical abilities, cognitive skills, and even soft skills, say through online tests. Additionally, AI-driven analytics provide insights into a candidate’s potential, helping organizations make data-driven decisions during the hiring process. Overall, AI helps talent acquisition professionals identify the most qualified candidates quickly and effectively, reducing bias and improving the chances of finding the right talent for the job. AI can assess a candidate’s core skills-related competencies and highlight areas where additional training may be required. This becomes particularly crucial for re-skilling initiatives, as AI identifies skill gaps within the workforce and finds the individuals with the highest potential to bridge those gaps effectively.

Bias mitigation

Incorporating AI in talent acquisition systems combats bias in the hiring process and promotes diversity. An unbiased AI application can effectively address discrimination based on factors like regional accents, perceived social status, and parental status. Unlike humans, AI tools are not swayed by factors such as a visually appealing resume layout or a minor typo, which can unconsciously influence human decision-making.

These intelligent tools meticulously assess job requisitions, postings, and written content to identify and rectify gender-biased language. However, not all AI-powered talent acquisition solutions are equal. Relying solely on limited internal historical data can lead to biased outcomes. Effective applications leverage deep-learning neural networks that incorporate external data alongside internal datasets. Nonetheless, recruiters must be cautious when reviewing AI-generated recommendations, as historic systemic biases can persist despite extensive data inputs.

Online interviewing

In video interviews, AI excels at capturing subtle cues like gestures and facial expressions, aspects that humans might overlook. Besides, it can purposefully filter out certain mannerisms that human interviewers might find distracting but that do not impact a candidate’s suitability for the job. Furthermore, AI’s tireless analysis of vast data sets reveals patterns that could escape the attention of busy recruiters and managers, showcasing its adeptness in extracting insights and identifying correlations from substantial information.

Moreover, AI excels at streamlining interview scheduling, a task often perceived as cumbersome and prone to inefficiencies when managed manually. AI-driven scheduling solutions offer a more streamlined and satisfactory experience for all involved parties.

Candidate experience

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) employs bots to emulate human actions when addressing time-consuming inquiries and tasks. Chatbots, equipped with natural language processing, guide candidates, answer questions, and provide updates, enhancing engagement and efficiency. As younger generations increasingly prefer bot interactions, these intelligent systems seamlessly handle tasks such as interview scheduling, responding in real-time, and personalizing interactions, all while reducing the need for human intervention.


AI systems, especially chatbots, play a crucial role in ensuring that employees have a positive experience and remain engaged from the moment they accept a job offer until their first day at work. AI-powered solutions play a vital role in the hiring and onboarding process. Firstly, they ensure that job-related forms are completed accurately and for the correct job position and location. They use digital signatures to finalize these forms well in advance of the employee’s start date. Additionally, AI can identify inconsistencies in the provided details and prompt individuals to make corrections.

Furthermore, AI guides new hires through virtual onboarding processes, acquainting them with the workplace and addressing frequently asked questions. This not only saves time for the HR department but also helps reduce anxiety among new employees.

However, despite the benefits of AI, the personal touch and involvement of the hiring manager remain irreplaceable, highlighting the importance of human interaction in the hiring and onboarding process.

How LeewayHertz’s generative AI platform improve talent acquisition processes?

LeewayHertz’s generative AI platform, ZBrain, plays a transformative role in enhancing and streamlining the talent acquisition lifecycle across diverse industries. As a comprehensive, enterprise-ready platform, ZBrain empowers businesses to design and implement applications tailored to their specific operational requirements. The platform uses clients’ data, whether in the form of text, images, or documents, to train advanced LLMs like GPT-4, Vicuna, Llama 2, or GPT-NeoX for developing contextually aware applications capable of performing diverse tasks.

Within the dynamic landscape of talent acquisition, enterprises often grapple with challenges in identifying suitable candidates, navigating evaluation processes, and expediting decision-making. ZBrain effectively tackles these issues through its specialized feature, “Flow,” offering an intuitive interface for seamless business logic creation without the need for coding skills. The user-friendly drag-and-drop interface of Flow streamlines the integration of large language models, prompt templates, and media models into the app’s logic, ensuring effortless ideation, creation, or modification of apps.

To comprehensively understand how ZBrain Flow works, explore this resource that outlines a range of industry-specific Flow processes. This compilation highlights ZBrain’s adaptability and resilience, showcasing how the platform effectively meets the diverse needs of various industries, ensuring enterprises stay ahead in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.

ZBrain apps enable organizations to optimize talent acquisition workflows, expedite decision-making, streamline candidate sourcing, and substantially enhance overall productivity. These applications elevate the experience for both employers and candidates while upholding stringent data privacy standards. The outcome is improved operational efficiency, streamlined onboarding processes, and an enhanced quality of the hiring process through improved screening and shortlisting procedures.

Benefits of AI in talent acquisition

The benefits of AI in talent acquisition are:

Enhanced precision in hiring

Recruiters invest long hours evaluating potential candidates, while AI software can swiftly process vast datasets, promptly discerning suitable matches for job roles. AI-based software can align job prerequisites with candidates’ skills and experiences in minutes or hours, efficiently filtering out resumes that need more alignment.

Furthermore, AI software identifies promising individuals with fitting skills and experiences and delves into candidates’ online presence, scrutinizing resumes and social media profiles to gauge their potential success in the designated role.

Efficient recruitment processes

AI-driven chatbots are pivotal in streamlining recruitment by furnishing prospective candidates with round-the-clock responses and information.

AI’s role extends to scheduling, coordinating, and conducting video interviews. It streamlines recruitment processes, saving time and resources. It swiftly identifies the best-fit candidates by analyzing extensive data, reducing manual effort. This efficiency ensures faster and more accurate hiring decisions, ultimately improving the overall quality of the workforce.

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Enhanced talent retention

AI has emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing talent retention within organizations. Through predictive analytics, AI can identify employees at risk of leaving, enabling proactive interventions. Personalized development plans based on individual skills and career aspirations keep employees engaged and committed. AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants facilitate continuous feedback, helping organizations address concerns and improve job satisfaction. By analyzing compensation data, AI ensures fair pay, reducing the likelihood of employees seeking better offers elsewhere. Additionally, AI matches employees’ skills with available opportunities, maximizing their contributions and job satisfaction. Streamlining onboarding through automation further ensures a positive and efficient experience, contributing to talent retention. Overall, AI empowers organizations to nurture and retain their valuable workforce, ultimately enhancing their long-term success.

Efficient onboarding

AI automates facets of the onboarding process, making it less cumbersome or time-consuming. Drawing from an archived repository of company policies and protocols, AI automates updates regarding salary, paid time off, and other onboarding procedures. Fresh hires can engage with AI for requisite training sessions and safety regulations, streamlining the induction process.

Cost savings

AI improves the recruitment process, saving time for recruiters and costs for companies. This financial aspect is vital for business sustainability. Efficient AI-powered processes enhance productivity and cut costs, striking a balance between higher productivity and lower expenses.

Examples of companies using AI for talent acquisition


Amazon is in the process of creating an automated mechanism to assess incoming job applications. The AI-powered system aims to determine the potential success of candidates in their applied roles.

The automated software meticulously examines submitted resumes, cross-referencing them with existing data and behavioral trends exhibited by current Amazon staff. Upon identifying promising prospects, the AI-driven software channels these individuals into advanced interview rounds specifically tailored for positions from medium to high ranks within the organization.


LinkedIn has long leveraged AI in talent acquisition, and it’s now advancing towards a more profound integration of generative AI within its platform. The advanced AI system boosts site functionality, leading to better job matches. This generative AI is an agile recruiter assistant, managing tasks like creating job descriptions, categorizing applications, and assessing resumes.

Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines has embraced AI in talent acquisition to optimize its hiring procedures. Their AI-driven solution enables the airline to maintain a dynamic database of potential candidates for forthcoming roles.

When a new job opportunity arises, the airlines can proactively engage a curated group of promising candidates, encompassing individuals who have previously applied for positions or submitted resumes during non-open periods. The AI software further streamlines the process by scheduling interviews and managing interactions with potential hires, elevating the efficiency of the hiring process.


With the continuous advancement of AI technology, the field of talent acquisition, encompassing both recruitment agencies and individuals, stands to gain significant advantages by harnessing its capabilities. While AI can only partially replace human intuition and subjectivity, it is crucial in optimizing and refining the recruitment process. Notably, AI-powered solutions excel at expeditiously sifting through many resumes, significantly streamlining the initial phases of talent acquisition.

Employing AI’s analytical prowess to analyze prior work histories with the performance patterns of existing employees, organizations can now foresee the potential long-term success of prospective candidates, resulting in elevated job retention rates and an elevated standard of workforce quality. By adopting AI-driven talent acquisition solutions, employers can achieve notable cost savings. AI in talent acquisition remains an indispensable asset for recruiters striving to amplify their recruitment protocols’ efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness. The benefits of AI in talent acquisition are reshaping and elevating the recruitment landscape to new heights.

Unlock new horizons in talent acquisition with AI. From skill assessment and applicant screening to job posting and onboarding, AI can streamline your talent acquisition and retention processes effortlessly. Connect with LeewayHertz’s experts today to embrace AI-driven recruitment transformation!

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Author’s Bio


Akash Takyar

Akash Takyar LinkedIn
CEO LeewayHertz
Akash Takyar is the founder and CEO of LeewayHertz. With a proven track record of conceptualizing and architecting 100+ user-centric and scalable solutions for startups and enterprises, he brings a deep understanding of both technical and user experience aspects.
Akash's ability to build enterprise-grade technology solutions has garnered the trust of over 30 Fortune 500 companies, including Siemens, 3M, P&G, and Hershey's. Akash is an early adopter of new technology, a passionate technology enthusiast, and an investor in AI and IoT startups.

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