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Data Analytics Services

Leverage the expertise of LeewayHertz’s data analysts, proficient in data analytics and machine learning model training, to harness the power of data and improve business performance with data-driven decisions. With their deep knowledge of statistics, programming, data visualization, and machine learning, our data analysts empower businesses of all sizes to extract crucial insights from their data, refine their data strategies, and comprehend complex data.

Data analytics Services
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Our Data Analytics Services

Data Analysis

Data Analysis

Our data analysis service helps businesses gain insights from their data through advanced tools and approaches, such as EDA. We clean and prepare the data, visualize it, analyze it using statistical methods and ML algorithms, and create customized reports.

Data Analytics Consulting

Data Analytics Consulting

Whether your business requires consulting services for developing data strategies, conducting data analysis and reporting, building predictive models, or establishing data governance, we are well-equipped to provide you with the support your business needs.

Data Strategy Development

Data Strategy Development

We assess your data environment, identify opportunities for data analytics, develop a roadmap, and implement and refine the strategy. Our service helps you gain valuable insights from your data and use them to make better decisions and improve business operations, products, and services.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics

Our predictive data analytics service uses advanced statistical methods and ML algorithms like linear regression and random forests to identify patterns and relationships in your data and build predictive models that can forecast future trends and outcomes with a high degree of accuracy.

Our Data Analyst’s Areas of Expertise

Machine Learning

Machine Learning

With proficiency in multiple ML resources like Keras, PyTorch and Scikit-learn and numerous ML techniques, including reinforcement and transfer learning, our data analysts work closely with our AI developers to build highly efficient models for tasks like predictive maintenance and anomaly detection.

Deep Learning

Deep Learning

We have a thorough understanding of deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow, Caffe and Theano and have in-depth knowledge of multiple neural networks, be it CNNs or RNNs, using which we develop business-specific AI models with optimized performance.

Data Preprocessing

Data Preprocessing

To ensure that the data we collect and clean is accurate, complete, and properly formatted, our analysts use advanced developer resources like SQL, Python, and R, besides performing tasks like data transformation and feature extraction to prepare them for ML model training.

Supervised and Unsupervised Learning

Supervised and Unsupervised Learning

With expertise in both supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms, including decision trees, SVMs, k-means, hierarchical clustering and t-SNE, our data analysts work on both labeled and unlabeled data required for AI model training and fine-tuning.

Model Fine-tuning

Model Fine-tuning

Our data analysts use hyperparameter tuning, cross-validation and grid search, among other techniques, to refine the model’s architecture and enhance its accuracy. They also assess the performance metrics of the model to identify the areas of improvement and fine-tune them.

Feature Engineering

Feature Engineering

LeewayHertz’s data analysts are skilled in feature engineering, which involves techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA), feature scaling, and one-hot encoding. They are also experienced in domain-specific features, such as image feature extraction for computer vision.

AI Models We Have Expertise In

Tech Stack Our Data Scientists Utilize

AI Frameworks


Cloud Platforms


Integration and Deployment Tools


Programming Languages




Collaborative tools

Data preprocessing tools

Data visualization tools





Supervised/Unsupervised Learning


Metric Learning

Fewshot Learning

Ensemble Learning

Online Learning

Neural Networks



Representation Learning

Manifold Learning

Variational Autoencoders

Bayesian Network

Autoregressive Networks

Long Short-term Memory (LSTM)

Our Artificial Intelligence Portfolio

Machinery Trouble shooting using AI
AI-powered App

LLM-powered Application for Safer Machinery Troubleshooting

LeewayHertz collaborated with a top-tier Fortune 500 manufacturing company to develop an innovative LLM-powered machinery troubleshooting application. This innovative solution streamlines machinery maintenance, elevates safety protocol adherence and mitigates operational risks of the firm. By seamlessly integrating static machinery data and dynamic safety policies, the application provides quick access to relevant information for troubleshooting issues while also enhancing safety with clear and detailed instructions on equipment handling.

Generative AI Application

Generative AI Application

LLM-powered App for Compliance and Security Access

LeewayHertz has partnered with Scrut to engineer an LLM-powered app designed to streamline access to compliance benchmarks, frameworks, and audit-relevant data for Scrut's clientele. Drawing on Scrut's proprietary data, our team utilized advanced embedding and prompt engineering techniques to seamlessly incorporate an LLM, yielding rapid query responses and upgraded user experiences. This initiative has equipped Scrut's clients with a robust tool, fostering informed decision-making and providing clear insight into industry benchmarks as well as Scrut’s risk monitoring and mitigation strategies and services.
Generative AI Application
Geospatial Data Analysis

Data Analysis

Geospatial Data Analysis

A US-based geospatial intelligence and analytics firm sought LeewayHertz’s expertise to tackle a complex dataset with limited identifiers, aiming to derive valuable insights, identify patterns, spot unusual movements, and ensure data security. Our solution involved deploying a sophisticated data analysis pipeline, encompassing timestamp conversion, geocoding for contextual enrichment, clustering for pattern recognition, correlation analysis, and anomaly detection. Beyond unveiling intricate location-based patterns, our approach prioritized robust data security, resulting in the delivery of actionable intelligence that precisely met our client's objectives.
GenAI-based Clinical Decision Support System

Generative AI Solution

GenAI-based Clinical Decision Support System

A GenAI-based clinical decision support system tailored for an esteemed healthcare organization that analyzes diverse patient data using advanced algorithms and NLP to provide healthcare professionals with swift and accurate disease diagnoses. The platform’s user-friendly interface optimizes the diagnostic workflow, offering evidence-driven insights and comprehensive reports that include discussions, testing guidance, therapy recommendations, specialist referrals, and patient education. This solution ultimately elevates patient care through the seamless integration of generative AI, fostering efficiency, precision, and innovation in healthcare delivery.
GenAI-based Clinical Decision Support System

Big Brands Trust Us


Our Engagement Models

Digital Transformation Services LeewayHertz

Dedicated Development Team

Our developers leverage cutting-edge cognitive technologies to deliver high-quality services and tailored solutions to our clients.

Dedicated software development team LeewayHertz

Team Extension

Our team extension model is designed to assist clients seeking to expand their teams with the precise expertise needed for their projects.

Dedicated software development team LeewayHertz

Project-based Model

Our project-oriented approach, supported by our team of software development specialists, is dedicated to fostering client collaboration and achieving specific project objectives.

Get Started Today

1. Contact Us

Fill out the contact form protected by NDA, book a calendar and schedule a Zoom Meeting with our experts.

2. Get a Consultation

Get on a call with our team to know the feasibility of your project idea.

3. Get a Cost Estimate

Based on the project requirements, we share a project proposal with budget and timeline estimates.

4. Project Kickoff

Once the project is signed, we bring together a team from a range of disciplines to kick start your project.

Start a conversation by filling the form

Once you let us know your requirement, our technical expert will schedule a call and discuss your idea in detail following the signing of an NDA..

All information will be kept confidential.


How do you evaluate the performance of an AI model?

There are several ways to evaluate the performance of an AI model, such as measuring accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and AUC-ROC. Our data analysts use a combination of these metrics and other techniques to evaluate the model’s performance.

Can AI models be used for predictive analytics?

Yes, AI models are used for predictive analytics, which uses historical data to forecast future events or outcomes. Our data analysts have expertise in developing and training predictive models using various techniques such as regression, decision trees and neural networks.

Do LeewayHertz's data analysts have expertise in using different data types for developing AI models?

AI models can be trained on various data types, such as numerical, categorical, image, text, and more. However, it’s important to ensure the data is high quality and relevant to the problem you are trying to solve.

Data analysts at LeewayHertz have expertise working with various data types, whether text, image or numerical. They also have experience working with structured, unstructured, semi-structured and streaming data for AI models. Our team is equipped to handle the complexities of different data formats and sources, enabling us to provide customized solutions to meet the unique needs of our clients.

How long does developing and deploying an AI model usually take?

The time required for developing and deploying an AI model depends on the project’s complexity, the amount of data available, and the model’s specific requirements. It can range from a few weeks to several months.

Can you help us with data visualization and dashboard creation for our data analysis needs?

Data visualization and dashboard creation are part of our data analytics services. Our team has expertise in various tools and technologies for data visualization and can provide customized solutions based on the client’s specific needs.
