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Everything you should know about Full Stack Development

Know About Full Stack Development

Today, the full stack developers are in high demand in the software development industry. Full-stack developers understand all aspects of the development process including the front end and back end sides of the application. 

Hiring full stack developers reduce the need to hire various resources for product development. In this article, we have explained the concept of full stack development and how it can benefit different businesses.

Full Stack development is classified into two domains:

Front-end development:

Front-end development consists of the entire user-facing parts of software development. It is the responsibility of the front-end developers to implement visual elements, for example, how the software or an app will look, interact and operate with the user.

Back-end development:

Back-end development is done to make a program function well. Developers who work at the back-end spend a lot of time creating and working with databases. 

A full stack developer is proficient in both the technical domains. Also, they know how to work on front-end, back-end, database queries and various operating systems.

Such high-skilled developers are recognized as “developer generalists” as they can develop any complex application from scratch and understand how each technical layer interacts with the other.

To become an expert in full stack development, a developer should have knowledge of the following technical skills:
1. Programming languages

A skillful full-stack developer must be proficient in multiple programming languages like JAVA, C#, Ruby and PHP. It is crucial to be a master in the language syntax and be familiar with how to design, structure, test and implement the programming codes.

2. Development frameworks and third-party libraries

Programming languages are generally accompanied by a good development framework like Node.Js, Express.JS, Hibernate, Python Django, Java Spring, MyBatis and PHP Thinkphp. Therefore, it is essential for full stack developers to understand the development frameworks and third-party libraries.

3. Front-end technology

Understanding of front-end technologies is essential for full stack development. The full-stack developer should have some basic knowledge of front-end technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript and should have good command over frameworks such as JQuery, LESS, SASS, AngularJS, or REACT.

4. Database and cache

Every software product needs a database to store the data. A full stack development expert should understand the concepts of the databases and know how to interact with it seamlessly. MongoDB, MySQL, Redis, Oracle are some popular databases that are being used by the developers to develop the backend for dynamic applications.

5. Basic design ability

When it comes to basic design utility, it is crucial for full stack developers to understand the basic principles and skills of prototype design, UX and UI design.

Apart from the technical skills, a full stack developer should also have a grasp on the following innovation skills:

  • Global thinking
  • Good communication skills
  • Creativity
  • Curiosity
  • Time management skills

When it comes to hiring a full stack developer or full stack development company, it is crucial that they should understand the following technology stacks that are key to software development:  


Backend Architecture

  1. Microservices: It allows the business functionality to be split up into independent services. The microservice architecture can help businesses automate in-house processes in a short period. It is the perfect option for every size of companies who wish to automate their business operations and efficiently realize its value.
  2. Blockchain platforms: Using the blockchain platforms for developing dApps have benefited top companies like IBM and Oracle. Following are the blockchain platforms, helping you to choose the right one for your project:
    • Hyperledger: Hosted by Linux Foundation, Hyperledger is an open source project, offering toolsets, frameworks and projects for developers to build and experiment using blockchain technologies.
    • Ethereum: It uses a proof-of-work (PoW) algorithm, known as “Ethash,” which needs more memory to make it hard to mine. You can get the dApp built on Ethereum for streamlining your business operations.
    • Hedera: Hedera is the public hashgraph network, governed by a council of renowned enterprises and organizations, across multiple industries. The Hedera Hashgraph platform provides the distributed consensus in a new form, which is trusted, secure and does not need an intermediary.

Mobile app development

  1. React Native: It allows to build the application using Javascript. The native approach, React Native can speed up the process of development and create compelling mobile apps.

    Rather than offering a slow user experience that’s not useful for a platform, it provides all the advantages of a native application.

  2. Xamarin: Xamarin has been referred to be the best choice for full-stack developers who want to build cross-platform portability that integrates an app to all three mobile platforms, i.e., iOS, Android and Windows.

    Therefore, it minimizes the time, saves money and efforts of the developers when it comes to the development of mobile application.

  3. Cordova: Also known as PhoneGap, it allows developers to build a mobile app and then wrap it in the framework that can be installed as an application across several mobile device platforms without a lot of extra efforts.
  4. SWIFT/Obj.C: These both are programming languages that can be used to code the Apple software products under iOS, tvOS, CarPlay, macOS, watchOS and Linux (only for Swift) operating systems. Also, these languages have different APIs and frameworks.
  5. JAVA/Kotlin: A statically-typed programming language is offering full compatibility with JAVA, allows writing less code, can compile to javascript source code while having readable syntax.

Back-end and Framework Technologies

  1. Node.JS: Built on Chrome’s Javascript runtime that can create scalable network applications faster than ever. The open-source cross-browser environment, Node.JS has been built to seek the attention of worldwide developers.
  2. Express.js: It is an open-source framework for Node.Js can be used to simplify the development with a set of tools, packages, plugins and features. Express.js with Node.js can be used to develop APIs for single and multi-page, hybrid mobile and web apps.
  3. PHP: An open source platform that allows rapid creation of prototypes and websites. The programming language can be used to develop user-friendly websites for small or big enterprises in less time and budget.
  4. Python: Python is based on a high-level dynamic programming language that can offer a plethora of business benefits. Since it can easily interact with other languages, you can get the freedom for future upgrades. Python development is highly suitable for customizing larger apps as the language comes with various features such as scalability, special libraries, extensibility and easy readable syntax.
  5. Laravel: One of the top PHP frameworks, Laravel can offer enhanced security to the data as well as users. It can help limit unauthorized users from accessing any paid services or something crucial to the business.

Front-end Technologies

Front-end refers to the development of the web pages and user interfaces for websites or applications. It implements the design, structure, behavior and animation of everything that you experience visually on the screen while using the site, web applications and mobile apps.

  1. BootStrap: It is a front-end framework, that supports the creation of dynamic websites and applications. It is a highly preferred front-end framework that allows fast and easy ways of building a website. If you want to develop an application, it is crucial to consider Bootstrap as it helps save the coding efforts and offers a lot of commonly used Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) functionalities, by default.
  2. React JS: A javascript library that is perfect for building the amazing user interfaces. Its development is known for delivering high-performance client’s and server-side’s rendering.
  3. AngularJs: When it comes to developing the browser, web-based applications and mobile apps, Angular JS is perfect for the development of all types of apps. Angular JS, developed and maintained by Google developers has been known for its flexibility.
  4. HTML/CSS: These are the basic building blocks used to design and development of websites. It enables you to add content and styles to your project site. It is the building block of any digital content today on the internet.
  5. Javascript: JavaScript has been the most popular scripting language for a long time. It enables you to perform quick actions on the client side itself without the need for a response from the server side. This vastly improves the user experience and efficiency of the website or application.

Database Technologies

Database technologies grab details and store, organize and process it in an easy way that allows users to find the required data quickly.

  1. MySQL: It is free to use an open source database, offering easy database management by connecting it to the software. Since it is a robust, scalable and reliable solution, providing advanced benefits such as data security, on-demand scalability, high performance and complete workflow control, it is widely used in small or medium-sized applications.
  2. MongoDB: It is a free, open-source and distributed database at its core. Having sharding and scaling features, MongoDB can help enterprises to maintain and customize database development to a large extent.
  3. PostgreSQL: Being one of the most advanced open source databases, it offers endless development opportunities to enterprises. It can be widely used in large-scale applications or websites.
  4. DynamoDB: Amazon web service was introduced as one of the most prominent NoSQL cloud databases. DynamoDB has a flexible schema and is scalable, which allows users to quickly change how data is structured and can run various queries against it.

Cloud Services

  1. Amazon Web Services (AWS): It is known to be a secure cloud services platform offering deployment tools, database storage, content delivery, computing power and functionality solutions. These services can aid enterprise applications by increasing flexibility, reliability, lowering the IT costs and offering scalability.
  2. Microsoft Azure: It helps to increase the business agility as it offers a host of application building blocks and services, allowing users to customize the cloud as required.
  3. Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Google offers a suite of public cloud computing services known as GCP. A range of hosted services for computing, applications development and storage, which run on the Google hardware are included in the platform. The GCP services can be utilized by cloud admins, enterprise IT professionals and developers through a dedicated network connection.

Version Control System (VCS) and Debugging

Version control can help record changes to a file or set of files over time, enabling you to recall specific versions later. Following, are some of the version control systems:

  1. GIT: Most favored and widely used distributed version control system, GIT performs robustly and reliably as compared with other VCs. It also helps maintain the integrity of source code. GIT ensures to have an authentic history fo the source code. Full-stack developers or development company can use GIT for developing the projects as it offers excellent performance, security, flexibility and functionality.
  2. Xdebug: Released in 2002, Xdebug is a PHP extension, which provides profiling and debugging capabilities.
  3. Subversion: It is a centralized version control system which means the history of the version is stored in a central server.


It is the combination of tools, cultural philosophies and practices, which enhances the enterprise’s ability to deliver services and apps at high speed.

The great speed allows companies to offer better service to their clients and compete effectively in the market.

It is the practice of operations that allows the developers to participate together in the entire lifecycle of the service, from design to development and production support.

DevOps enables developers and operations teams to offer high speed, reliability, security, scalability and regular updates to their customers.

Let’s discuss some of the following advantages offered by a full stack development company:

  • Knowledge of both front-end and back-end: A professional full-stack developer can easily switch between front-end and back-end development as per the project requirements. It saves time and money as the same company can resolve complexities and issues. Since the company is aware of the result, they can come up with an excellent solution without any need to explain the code or design to another enterprise.
  • Caters the design structure: One of the benefits of hiring a full stack development company is that they are not just working on web development, but they can look at the design structure of the project and work accordingly as required. The company understands the code and design very well, enabling them to prevent slip-ups that can come up during web development.
  • Easily take charge of project responsibility: A renowned full stack development agency can take the ownership of the entire design and implementation of the website. The development company can work better with its full stack development team as the solutions are available in-house.
  • Proves to be cost-effective: The cost will only increase if you consider hiring a specialized front-end developer and separate back-end developer while full stack web development firm can do both the job. A skilfull agency providing Full Stack development can have the team that is expert in all the stack technologies that are required for building a website.
  • Fast and timely delivery of the project: Full stack development team can divide the work of development and design as the flow needs. Working with each other can help them to provide on-time delivery of the project.
  • Easy maintenance and regular updates: According to the studies, the full stack development company stays up to date with new tools and technologies faster than any expert in technology. Having extensive knowledge in all aspects of the techniques makes the upgrading more accessible.

LeewayHertz team can help you provide with custom full-stack development services. With expertise in handling cutting-edge technologies such as Angular JS, PHP frameworks, React JS and more has led us to serve our clients better as a full stack development company.

Author’s Bio

Akash Takyar
Akash Takyar
CEO LeewayHertz
Akash Takyar is the founder and CEO of LeewayHertz. With a proven track record of conceptualizing and architecting 100+ user-centric and scalable solutions for startups and enterprises, he brings a deep understanding of both technical and user experience aspects.
Akash's ability to build enterprise-grade technology solutions has garnered the trust of over 30 Fortune 500 companies, including Siemens, 3M, P&G, and Hershey's. Akash is an early adopter of new technology, a passionate technology enthusiast, and an investor in AI and IoT startups.

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