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AutoML: Components, techniques, working, tools, platforms and use cases


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In a time where technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate and possibilities seem limitless, Machine Learning (ML) plays a crucial role in driving progress. From intricate stock market algorithms to predictive healthcare systems, from personalized retail recommendations to efficient transportation logistics, machine learning has seeped into almost every industry, emerging as a critical driver of innovation. Machine learning systems, once confined to the realms of research and development, have entered the enterprise domain, heralding a new era of data-driven decision-making.

However, the path to leveraging traditional machine learning is strewn with challenges. Implementing a robust ML model demands a profound understanding of algorithm science and the finesse of feature selection. It calls for continual tuning, optimization, and crucially, a seasoned team of data scientists—a resource many businesses might grapple with procuring or investing in. Thus, the question arises: How can businesses harness the complete power of machine learning without being hindered by these obstacles? Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) is the answer. AutoML is a pioneering approach devised to democratize machine learning by automating its complex end-to-end processes. Born out of the necessity to streamline machine learning, AutoML has been steadily evolving, empowering even those with rudimentary expertise in the field to deploy effective machine learning models. Addressing the labor-intensive aspects of ML—data preprocessing, feature selection, model training, and hyperparameter tuning, AutoML bridges the knowledge gap, making machine learning accessible to a broader swath of businesses and individuals.

The global AutoML market’s impressive growth trajectory testifies to its growing prominence. Having generated a revenue of $1 billion in 2023, the AutoML market is projected to skyrocket to $6.4 billion by 2028, advancing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 44.6% during the forecast period (2023–2028)

As we take a deep dive into the intriguing world of AutoML, we will examine its origins, decipher its key components, analyze its real-world applications, and forecast its future path. Through this exploration, we aim to demonstrate how AutoML stands not merely as an alternative, but as a definitive solution to making machine learning genuinely accessible and impactful in various real-world scenarios.

What is AutoML?

A typical machine learning process looks like this:


Automated machine learning, commonly known as AutoML, is a modern approach that leverages automation to streamline the application of machine learning models for real-world problems. AutoML simplifies the entire process of machine learning, which traditionally involves complex stages of model selection, composition, and parameter tuning. Through automation, these stages become significantly more manageable, enabling efficient and optimal model building even without a deep understanding of the underlying algorithms.

An automated machine learning process looks like this:

automated machine learning

In essence, AutoML deals with the inherent complexities of the machine learning process in three main ways:

  • Model selection: AutoML automates the process of choosing the most suitable machine learning model for a given task. This is particularly useful given the multitude of models available, each having its strengths and limitations depending on the type of data and problem at hand.
  • Model composition: AutoML can handle the task of assembling multiple models or parts of models to build a more complex and powerful model. This can include building ensemble models, which are combinations of different models to improve predictive performance.
  • Parameterization: AutoML tools can automatically fine-tune model parameters, a process known as hyperparameter optimization. This task, if done manually, is not only time-consuming but also requires substantial expertise to avoid underfitting or overfitting the data.

With these capabilities, AutoML platforms democratize machine learning by making it more accessible and user-friendly. They eliminate the necessity of having specialized data scientists or machine learning experts in-house, by offering tools that are much more intuitive to use.

Organizations can acquire these platforms from third-party vendors who provide pre-packaged solutions, often with a user-friendly interface. They can also opt for open-source AutoML tools, which are abundantly available in online repositories such as GitHub, providing flexibility and allowing customization to meet specific needs. Alternatively, if an organization has the necessary resources and expertise, they can choose to build their own AutoML system in-house, tailoring it precisely to their business needs.

AutoML significantly streamlines the machine learning process, making it faster and often yielding more accurate results than traditional, hand-coded algorithms. This ultimately empowers a wider range of organizations to leverage the power of machine learning, even without the traditional data science expertise.

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Our AutoML expertise takes the complexity out of machine learning for you,
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AutoML vs traditional machine learning

AutoML vs traditional machine learning

Here is a detailed comparison between traditional machine learning and AutoML:

Aspect Traditional Machine Learning AutoML
Expertise Requires deep understanding of machine learning algorithms, statistical modeling, and feature engineering. Requires basic understanding of machine learning. More emphasis on understanding the problem and the data.
Time Consumption Can be time-consuming due to manual feature engineering, model selection, hyperparameter tuning, and validation. More efficient as it automates many of the tedious parts like feature engineering, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning.
Scalability Scaling traditional ML models to larger datasets requires significant effort and expertise. Designed for scalability, able to handle large datasets and automatically select the best models accordingly.
Performance Performance depends on the expertise of the data scientist and can be inconsistent across different problems. Performance is generally good across a variety of problems due to automatic model selection and tuning. However, for certain complex problems, expert tuning might still achieve better results.
Flexibility Offers high flexibility. Data scientists can modify every part of the machine learning pipeline according to the problem’s needs. Less flexible as it’s more of a black-box approach. However, some platforms do offer customization options.
Cost Mostly open-source tools available. Cost associated with longer development time and need for expert personnel. Some tools are open-source, but many commercial platforms charge for their services. May reduce costs associated with time and personnel.
Maintenance Maintenance can be complex and requires regular manual updates. Usually provides easier and more streamlined maintenance processes, such as retraining the models.

While AutoML has significant advantages in terms of usability and efficiency, it does not entirely replace the need for expertise in machine learning. Both traditional machine learning and AutoML have their strengths and are suited to different scenarios.

Why is AutoML important? Its advantages

The necessity for AutoML stems from the complexities and challenges associated with the classical machine learning approach. Despite the significant advancements and success of machine learning across numerous applications, many organizations face substantial obstacles in deploying ML models.

The conventional process of applying machine learning models involves various intricate steps, such as feature engineering, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning, which require a team of skilled data scientists. Hiring such a team can be costly, given the high demand for experienced data scientists who often command premium salaries. Additionally, even with an excellent team, determining the most suitable model for a specific problem often necessitates more practical experience than theoretical knowledge.

This is where AutoML steps in as a game-changer. It simplifies the machine learning process by automating the majority of steps involved in an ML pipeline, thereby requiring minimal human effort and potentially improving the model’s performance. Contrary to the traditional ML approach where a data scientist manually performs tasks like feature engineering and model training, in the AutoML approach, these steps are automated. Importantly, AutoML is domain-agnostic, meaning it can be utilized across various types of data, ranging from credit scoring and sales stock to text classifications and more.

The benefits of adopting AutoML are manifold:

  • Productivity boost: AutoML increases productivity by automating repetitive tasks, enabling data scientists to dedicate more time to understanding the problem at hand rather than grappling with the models.
  • Error reduction: Automating the ML pipeline minimizes the chances of human errors that might creep in during manual processes.
  • Democratization of ML: AutoML is a leap towards democratizing machine learning, making it accessible to a wider range of users beyond seasoned data scientists.
  • Cost and time efficiency: AutoML can help save considerable amounts of money and human resources by providing a scalable solution adaptable to various tasks. While a human might achieve better accuracy in some cases, such solutions are less scalable, more time-consuming, and require specialist analysts.

Moreover, AutoML addresses one of the major criticisms often associated with machine learning and artificial intelligence – the “black box” problem. Traditional ML algorithms, although highly efficient and powerful, are often hard to interpret or reverse-engineer. This makes it challenging to choose the appropriate model for a given problem as it is difficult to predict the output if a model operates like a black box.

By automating various parts of the ML process and applying it to real-world scenarios, AutoML enhances the transparency and accessibility of machine learning. It learns and makes decisions that would be overly time-consuming or resource-intensive for humans, thus making machine learning less of a black box. Furthermore, AutoML facilitates the fine-tuning of the machine-learning pipeline through meta-learning, a crucial aspect that would be challenging to achieve manually at scale.

Here are a couple of case studies that highlight the advantages of AutoML over traditional machine learning:

Retail demand forecasting – Walmart

Walmart, one of the world’s largest retailers, turned to AutoML to improve the accuracy of their demand forecasting. Handling hundreds of thousands of products across a variety of categories, made the tasks of manual feature engineering and model selection both time-consuming and complex.

Walmart used Google Cloud AutoML tables to automate the process. This not only saved significant time and resources but also improved the accuracy of their demand forecasts. Better forecasts enabled Walmart to manage inventory more effectively and reduce costs. The ease of use of the AutoML tool also allowed a wider group of Walmart’s data analysts (not just ML experts) to create and deploy models.

Predictive maintenance – Airbus

Airbus, a leader in the aerospace industry, leverages AutoML for predictive maintenance to anticipate failures and schedule timely maintenance of aircraft components. Traditional machine-learning approaches required a deep understanding of machine learning and substantial manual labor.

With the adoption of DataRobot’s AutoML platform, Airbus successfully automated the process, which enhanced predictive accuracy and saved significant time that was previously spent on manual model development. Airbus was able to scale the solution across their global operations due to the scalable nature of AutoML.

Fraud detection – PayPal

PayPal, a global online payments system, deals with huge amounts of transactions daily, making it a potential target for fraudulent activities. Traditional machine learning methods were not scaling effectively to handle the enormous volume of transactions.

PayPal turned to’s AutoML platform to address this challenge. The platform automated the machine learning process, significantly reducing the time to generate models. The AutoML solution could quickly process and learn from large volumes of data, helping PayPal to detect and prevent fraudulent transactions more effectively and in real time.

These case studies highlight how AutoML can save time and resources, scale more effectively, and often deliver more accurate results compared to traditional machine learning methods. However, it’s important to note that the most effective solution will depend on the specific circumstances and requirements of each situation.

Contact LeewayHertz’s ML experts today!

Our AutoML expertise takes the complexity out of machine learning for you,
enabling you to focus on results rather than the process.


Key components of AutoML

Automated machine learning includes several key components that work together to streamline and automate the machine learning process. These components aim to perform tasks traditionally done by data scientists and machine learning engineers, thus making machine learning more accessible. Let’s go through each of these key components:

  • Data preprocessing: Data preprocessing is the first step in any machine learning pipeline. It involves cleaning and transforming raw data into a suitable format for machine learning algorithms. This could include tasks such as handling missing data, removing outliers, normalizing numerical data, and encoding categorical data. AutoML automates this process, making it possible to process large volumes of data quickly and efficiently.
  • Feature engineering and selection: Feature engineering is the process of creating new features from existing data that can better represent the underlying patterns for the predictive models. On the other hand, feature selection involves choosing the most relevant features for model training. Both processes are crucial for improving the model’s performance. AutoML systems can automatically engineer new features and select the most relevant ones, eliminating the need for manual intervention and domain expertise.
  • Model selection: Model selection involves choosing the most appropriate machine learning algorithm for a given problem. There are numerous machine learning models, each with its strengths and weaknesses depending on the type of data and problem at hand. AutoML can evaluate multiple algorithms and automatically select the one that is likely to perform best on the given problem, saving significant time and effort.
  • Hyperparameter optimization: Hyperparameters are the settings of a machine learning model that are fixed before the learning process begins. The process of choosing the best hyperparameters is called hyperparameter optimization. This can be a very time-consuming task, as there can be a large number of combinations to test. AutoML automates this process, testing different combinations of hyperparameters and identifying the ones that yield the best model performance.
  • Model evaluation and validation: Model evaluation involves assessing the performance of a machine learning model, while validation involves testing the model’s performance on unseen data to ensure its ability to generalize. AutoML automates these processes, providing reliable metrics to evaluate the model’s performance and validate its ability to make accurate predictions on new data.

By automating these components, AutoML makes it feasible for non-experts to apply machine learning to real-world problems. It also speeds up the machine learning process, allowing for quicker deployment of effective machine learning models.

Core AutoML techniques

AutoML uses a variety of core techniques to automate the various components of the machine learning process. These techniques are often inspired by and borrow concepts from different fields of study. Here are some of the prominent ones:

  • Bayesian optimization: Bayesian optimization is a technique used in AutoML for hyperparameter tuning, which is the process of optimizing the parameters that are used to train a machine learning model. Bayesian optimization builds a probabilistic model of the function mapping from hyperparameters to the model’s performance. It then uses this model to select the hyperparameters that are likely to improve the model’s performance. This technique balances the exploration of new hyperparameters with the exploitation of hyperparameters that are known to perform well, making it an efficient way to optimize hyperparameters.
  • Genetic algorithms: Genetic algorithms, which mimic natural selection, are used in AutoML to adjust settings (hyperparameters) and choose the best models. They begin with various possible solutions (machine learning models with distinct setups), assess their efficiency, and make new solutions by mixing successful ones and adding changes. They do this multiple times, intending to create a solution that works well for a specific task.
  • Reinforcement learning: Reinforcement learning is used in AutoML to automate the process of machine learning pipeline configuration. It is a type of machine learning where an agent learns to make decisions by taking actions in an environment to maximize some notion of cumulative reward. In the context of AutoML, the agent can be thought of as the machine learning algorithm, the actions as the choices made in configuring the pipeline, and the reward as the performance of the resulting model. Reinforcement learning algorithms can learn to make a sequence of decisions that lead to a high-performing machine learning pipeline.
  • Neural Architecture Search (NAS): Neural Architecture Search (NAS) is a method in AutoML that automates the creation of neural network designs. NAS algorithms look through different network designs to find the one that works best for a specific task. This might involve deciding things like how many layers a network has, what type of layers to use, how many nodes each layer has, and how the layers are connected. To find the best design, NAS algorithms can use several search methods, including random search, Bayesian Optimization, reinforcement learning, and evolutionary algorithms

Each of these techniques has its strengths and trade-offs, and they can be combined in different ways to create AutoML systems that are tailored to specific types of problems. By employing these techniques, AutoML systems can make the process of applying machine learning more accessible and efficient.

Contact LeewayHertz’s ML experts today!

Our AutoML expertise takes the complexity out of machine learning for you,
enabling you to focus on results rather than the process.


How does AutoML work?

Automated machine learning is a process that leverages advanced techniques to automate the steps involved in a machine learning pipeline, from raw data processing to the analysis of results. This automation process aims to replace the traditional, manual approach where each step is handled separately and requires substantial expertise.

How does AutoML work

At its core, AutoML operates on a platform or uses open-source libraries that simplify every step in the machine learning process. Let’s go through the step-by-step functioning of AutoML.

Raw data processing

Raw data processing is the initial and one of the most crucial steps in the machine learning pipeline, and it involves transforming the raw data into a format that is compatible with machine learning algorithms. This step often includes a variety of tasks such as data cleaning, data integration, data transformation, and data reduction. AutoML automates these tasks, enabling large volumes of data to be processed efficiently and effectively.

Here’s a more detailed look into what happens during the raw data processing stage in AutoML:

  • Data cleaning: Raw data often contains errors, inconsistencies, and missing values, which can significantly affect a model’s performance if not properly addressed. AutoML uses algorithms that can automatically detect and handle such issues. For example, missing values can be handled in several ways such as deletion, imputation with mean/median/mode, or prediction. Outliers can also be detected and handled appropriately based on predefined rules.
  • Data integration: When data is collected from multiple sources, there can be inconsistencies and redundancies. AutoML systems use techniques like data fusion and data reconciliation to merge data from different sources into a coherent data set.
  • Data transformation: Raw data may need to be transformed into a suitable format for machine learning algorithms. This could involve tasks such as normalization, where numerical data is scaled to a standard range, and encoding, where categorical data is converted into a numerical format. AutoML automates these transformations to ensure that the data is in the most suitable form for the subsequent steps of the machine learning pipeline.
  • Data reduction: Large data sets can be time-consuming to process and can lead to overfitting. AutoML can apply techniques such as feature selection and dimensionality reduction to reduce the size of the data set without losing important information.

Through these steps, AutoML ensures that the raw data is cleaned, integrated, transformed, and reduced to a format that is suitable for machine learning algorithms. This not only improves the performance of the machine learning models but also saves a lot of time and effort that would otherwise be spent on manual data preprocessing.

Feature engineering and feature selection

Feature engineering and feature selection are integral steps in the machine learning pipeline that deal with the creation, selection, and optimization of input features (data attributes) that will be used by a machine learning model.

  • Feature engineering: This process involves creating new features from existing ones in an effort to better capture the underlying patterns in the data. It can also involve transforming features to make them more suitable for a particular machine learning algorithm. For example, date fields can be broken down into separate year, month, and day features, or continuous numerical data can be discretized into categories or bins. Feature engineering can be challenging because it requires domain knowledge and understanding of the machine learning algorithm to be used. However, AutoML systems automate this process, applying algorithms that can automatically generate and transform features based on their understanding of the data and the problem at hand. These algorithms can perform a wide range of transformations, such as polynomial transformations, which create new features by raising existing numerical features to a power, or interaction transformations, which create new features by combining two or more existing features.
  • Feature selection: After the features have been engineered, it’s essential to select the most relevant ones for training the machine learning model. Including irrelevant features can negatively impact the model’s performance, leading to decreased accuracy and increased computational complexity. Feature selection in AutoML is often done using algorithms that can evaluate the importance of each feature in predicting the target variable. This can be done using various statistical methods, or by training a machine learning model and analyzing the influence of each feature on the model’s predictions. There are different types of feature selection methods, such as filter methods, wrapper methods, and embedded methods. Filter methods rank features based on statistical measures, wrapper methods use a subset of features and train a model on it to determine its performance, while embedded methods integrate feature selection as part of the model training process.

AutoML’s ability to automate these complex processes makes it easier and more efficient to create high-performing machine learning models, even with large and complex datasets. This automation also reduces the need for extensive domain knowledge and manual labor in the feature engineering and selection process, making machine learning more accessible to non-experts. AutoML automates feature engineering, which involves creating new features from existing data that better capture underlying patterns. After this, it performs feature selection by identifying the most relevant features to feed into the model, enhancing the model’s accuracy and efficiency.

Model selection

Model selection is an essential part of the machine learning pipeline where the most suitable model or algorithm is chosen for a particular task. The performance of machine learning models can significantly vary depending on the type of data and the problem at hand. Therefore, choosing an appropriate model is critical in achieving good performance.

In traditional machine learning, this task is often done manually, relying heavily on the experience and intuition of the data scientist. This involves training multiple models, tuning their hyperparameters, and comparing their performances to select the best one. This process can be time-consuming and computationally expensive, particularly when dealing with large and complex datasets.

In contrast, AutoML automates the model selection process using various techniques. These techniques involve training multiple models on the dataset and evaluating their performances to select the most suitable one. This is done in a systematic and efficient manner, using search strategies and performance metrics that are tailored to the task at hand.

Here’s a more detailed look at how this process works in AutoML:

  • Model space definition: AutoML starts by defining a model space, which is a set of candidate models that can potentially solve the problem at hand. This could include a variety of models, such as linear models, decision tree-based models, and neural networks, depending on the problem.
  • Model training and evaluation: AutoML then trains each candidate model on the dataset and evaluates its performance. The performance is often evaluated using a validation set or through cross-validation, where the dataset is divided into smaller subsets, and the model is trained on some subsets and tested on others.
  • Model selection: After all candidate models have been trained and evaluated, AutoML selects the model that achieved the best performance according to a predefined metric. This could be accuracy for classification problems, mean squared error for regression problems, etc.
  • Ensembling: In some cases, AutoML might also create an ensemble of multiple models. An ensemble is a combination of multiple models where each model’s predictions are aggregated in some way (like voting or averaging) to make the final prediction. Ensembles often achieve better performance than individual models by leveraging their strengths and mitigating their weaknesses.

Through this process, AutoML can select the most suitable model for a given problem in an efficient and systematic manner. It removes the need for manual trial and error, and the extensive experience that is often required in traditional model selection. This not only saves time and computational resources but also makes machine learning more accessible to non-experts.

Hyperparameter and parameter optimization

Hyperparameter optimization, also known as model tuning, is a crucial step in the machine learning process. It involves adjusting the parameters of a machine learning model to improve its performance.

Parameters and hyperparameters are settings that influence the behavior of machine learning models. Parameters are learned from the data during model training, such as the weights in a linear regression model or a neural network. Hyperparameters, on the other hand, cannot be learned from the data and must be set prior to training. These include settings like the learning rate in a neural network, the depth of a decision tree, or the number of clusters in a K-means algorithm.

In traditional machine learning, hyperparameter tuning is often done manually and can be a time-consuming and iterative process that involves a lot of trial and error. However, in AutoML, this process is automated, making it more efficient and effective.

Here is a more detailed look at how hyperparameter optimization works in AutoML:

  • Search space definition: First, AutoML defines a search space, which is the range of possible values for each hyperparameter. This could be a set of discrete values, a range of continuous values, or a combination of both.
  • Search strategy: AutoML then uses a search strategy to explore the search space and find the best hyperparameters. There are various search strategies, such as grid search, which systematically tests all combinations of hyperparameters, and random search, which randomly selects hyperparameter values within the defined search space. More advanced strategies include Bayesian optimization and gradient-based optimization, which use statistical techniques to guide the search for optimal hyperparameters.
  • Performance evaluation: For each combination of hyperparameters, AutoML trains the model and evaluates its performance using a validation set or cross-validation. The performance is typically measured using a predefined metric, such as accuracy for classification problems or mean squared error for regression problems.
  • Optimal hyperparameters: After exploring the search space, AutoML selects the hyperparameters that achieved the best performance.

This automated process allows AutoML to efficiently tune a machine learning model and achieve high performance, even with complex models and large datasets. It removes the need for manual tuning and the extensive expertise that is often required in traditional hyperparameter optimization, making machine learning more accessible to non-experts.


Deployment in machine learning is the process of integrating a trained machine learning model into a production environment where it can make predictions on new data. This step is crucial because it enables the machine learning model to provide real-world value, be it predicting customer churn, recommending products, or detecting fraudulent transactions. However, deploying machine learning models can be challenging due to the various technical and business constraints.

In AutoML, the deployment process is often automated to address these challenges and make it easier and more efficient to bring machine learning models into production. Here’s a detailed look at how deployment works in AutoML:

  • Model export: After the model has been trained and optimized, AutoML exports the model in a format that can be used in the production environment. This could be a file containing the model parameters, a script that can recreate the model, or a container that encapsulates the model and its dependencies.
  • Environment setup: AutoML helps set up the production environment to support the deployed model. This could involve installing necessary dependencies, setting up servers or cloud resources, and configuring network settings. This setup ensures that the model can run smoothly in the production environment and provide predictions when needed.
  • Model integration: AutoML integrates the model with the production system. This could involve writing code to call the model, setting up APIs that can access the model, or configuring data pipelines that feed data into the model. This integration allows the model to provide predictions as part of the production system.
  • Performance monitoring: AutoML sets up monitoring tools to track the performance of the deployed model. This could involve tracking prediction accuracy, latency, and resource usage. This monitoring ensures that the model continues to provide accurate predictions and helps identify issues that may require retraining or model updates.
  • Model updating: AutoML often provides mechanisms to update the model in the production environment. This could involve retraining the model on new data, tuning the model to improve performance, or replacing the model with a new one. These updates ensure that the model remains effective as the data and the business environment evolve.

By automating these steps, AutoML makes it easier to deploy machine learning models, even in complex business and technological environments. This automation reduces the need for manual coding and configuration, saving time and resources. It also helps ensure that the deployed models perform well and continue to provide value in the production environment.

Evaluation metric selection

Evaluation metric selection is a crucial step in machine learning and AutoML pipelines. It involves choosing the right metrics to measure and evaluate a machine learning model’s performance. This choice depends on the type of problem being solved (regression, classification, etc.) and the specific business context and objectives.

In traditional machine learning, selecting an appropriate evaluation metric requires a strong understanding of the problem and the available metrics. This often involves a manual process and a deep understanding of the underlying mathematics of different metrics.

In contrast, AutoML automates the selection of the most suitable evaluation metrics, making it more accessible and less error-prone. Here is a detailed look at how evaluation metric selection works in AutoML:

  • Understanding the task: AutoML first determines the nature of the task. For instance, is it a regression problem (predicting a continuous value), a binary classification problem (predicting one of two classes), a multi-class classification problem (predicting one of multiple classes), or some other type of task?
  • Suitable metrics selection: Based on the identified task, AutoML automatically selects suitable evaluation metrics. For example, in a regression task, Mean Absolute Error (MAE) or Mean Squared Error (MSE) might be selected. In a binary classification task, metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, or area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC) could be chosen. In multi-class classification tasks, metrics like multi-class accuracy or log loss might be appropriate.
  • Metric calculation: After selecting the appropriate metrics, AutoML automatically calculates these metrics during model training and validation. This process usually involves comparing the model’s predictions with the true values and then computing the selected metrics based on this comparison.
  • Performance evaluation: AutoML uses the calculated metrics to evaluate the performance of different models and configurations during the model selection and hyperparameter tuning processes. This helps in identifying the models that perform best according to the selected metrics.
  • Performance reporting: AutoML reports the performance of the models based on the selected metrics. This helps users understand how well the models are likely to perform on unseen data and provides a quantitative basis for choosing a final model to deploy.

By automating the selection and calculation of evaluation metrics, AutoML makes it easier to accurately assess the performance of machine learning models. This not only saves time and effort but also ensures that the evaluation is based on metrics that are suitable for the task and the business context. This ensures that the chosen models are likely to perform well in practice and provide real value.

Monitoring and problem checking

Monitoring and problem checking is a critical part of maintaining a machine learning model after it has been deployed. It ensures that the model continues to perform optimally and provides accurate and reliable predictions over time. AutoML simplifies this process by automating key aspects of monitoring and problem detection. Here is a detailed look at how this process works in AutoML:

  • Performance monitoring: Once a model is deployed, AutoML continually tracks its performance in real time. This involves regularly computing evaluation metrics using the predictions made by the model and the actual outcomes. The system might monitor metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, or any other metric appropriate for the task.
  • Model drift detection: AutoML can automatically detect model drift, a common issue where the model’s performance deteriorates over time. This can happen if the underlying data distribution changes – a phenomenon known as concept drift. For example, in a product recommendation model, consumer preferences might shift over time, changing the data distribution. AutoML tracks changes in the model’s performance and data characteristics to detect such drifts.
  • Problem diagnosis: If an issue like model drift is detected, AutoML can help diagnose the problem. This might involve identifying the features that are causing the drift, examining changes in the input data, or analyzing the predictions made by the model.
  • Alerts and reporting: AutoML can generate alerts or reports if it detects potential issues or significant changes in the model’s performance. These alerts help users respond promptly to issues, preventing potential negative impacts on the system’s performance or the business outcomes.
  • Automatic model retraining: In response to detected issues, AutoML can automatically retrain the model using new data. This ensures that the model stays updated with the latest trends and patterns in the data, maintaining its performance and accuracy.

By automating these aspects of monitoring and problem checking, AutoML makes it easier to maintain deployed models, ensuring that they continue to deliver accurate predictions and provide value over time. It reduces the manual effort required to monitor and maintain models and allows for quicker and more effective responses to any issues that arise.

Analysis of results

The analysis of results is the final step in the AutoML process. It involves interpreting the model’s performance and understanding its strengths and weaknesses. This is typically done by analyzing the prediction results and evaluation metrics. In AutoML, this process is automated and streamlined to provide easy-to-understand insights and reports. Here is a detailed explanation of how result analysis works in AutoML:

  • Model performance summary: AutoML provides a comprehensive summary of the model’s performance based on the evaluation metrics. This could include measures like accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, mean absolute error, or any other metric suitable for the task. This summary gives a clear understanding of how well the model is performing.
  • Feature importance analysis: AutoML can perform an analysis of feature importance, which helps users understand which features or variables in the dataset are most influential in making predictions. This provides insights into the model’s decision-making process and helps identify key drivers of the target variable.
  • Model comparison: If multiple models have been trained, AutoML can compare their performances and highlight the differences. This allows users to see which models perform best and under what conditions.
  • Error analysis: AutoML can also provide an analysis of the model’s errors or mispredictions. This involves identifying patterns in the instances where the model makes incorrect predictions, which can provide insights into potential improvements.
  • Visualization of results: AutoML often includes visualization tools to help users better understand the results. This could include plots of the model’s performance metrics, graphs of feature importance, confusion matrices for classification tasks, or residual plots for regression tasks. These visualizations make the results more intuitive and easy to understand.
  • Interpretation reports: Finally, AutoML can generate reports summarizing the analysis of the results. These reports might include an overall assessment of the model’s performance, detailed insights from the analysis, recommendations for improvements, and other useful information.

By automating the analysis of results, AutoML makes it easier for users to understand the model’s performance and draw meaningful insights from it. This not only saves time and effort but also provides a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the model’s strengths and weaknesses, helping users make more informed decisions about its use and improvement

AutoML leverages two critical concepts to achieve this automation:

  • Neural Architecture Search (NAS)
  • Transfer learning

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enabling you to focus on results rather than the process.


Neural Architecture Search (NAS) is a technique used in AutoML to automate the process of designing neural network architectures. Essentially, NAS is an optimization problem that aims to find the most suitable neural network architecture for a given task, without requiring manual design by a human expert. Here is a detailed look at how NAS is used in AutoML:

  • Defining the search space: The first step in NAS is to define the search space, which is the set of all possible network architectures that could be considered. This could include different types of layers (e.g., convolutional layers, recurrent layers), different numbers of layers, different numbers of neurons per layer, and other aspects of network structure.
  • Searching the space: Once the search space is defined, NAS uses various search strategies to explore it. These strategies aim to find the network architecture that performs best on the given task according to some evaluation metric (like accuracy or loss). There are many possible search strategies, including random search, grid search, evolutionary algorithms, and reinforcement learning, among others.
  • Evaluating architectures: Each architecture found during the search process is then trained and evaluated on the given task. This involves feeding the training data through the network, adjusting the network’s weights using a process like backpropagation, and then evaluating the trained network’s performance on validation data.
  • Selecting the best architecture: After many architectures have been trained and evaluated, NAS selects the one that performed best according to the evaluation metric. This is the network architecture that will be used for the final model.
  • Transfer learning: In many cases, the selected architecture can be further refined and improved using transfer learning. This involves taking a network that was pre-trained on a large dataset (like ImageNet), replacing its final layers with the architecture found by NAS, and then fine-tuning the entire network on the task-specific data.

By automating the process of neural network design, NAS makes it easier to create effective deep learning models, particularly for complex tasks that require custom network architectures. It eliminates the need for expert knowledge and manual trial-and-error in designing network architectures, saving time and effort and often leading to superior results.

Transfer learning

Transfer Learning is a technique used in machine learning, and particularly in deep learning, to leverage knowledge gained from one problem domain to solve a related problem in another domain. In the context of AutoML, it plays a crucial role in optimizing the learning process, adapting pre-existing model architectures to new problems, and improving the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the model. Here is a detailed explanation of how AutoML leverages transfer learning:

  • Model initialization: In traditional machine learning, a model starts learning from scratch, which might require a significant amount of data and computational resources. In contrast, with transfer learning, AutoML begins with a pre-trained model—usually a deep learning model that’s been trained on a large dataset such as ImageNet for image tasks or large corpora for natural language processing tasks.
  • Feature extraction: The pre-trained model has already learned a rich set of features from its original task. These features can often generalize well to other tasks. For example, a model trained on image recognition might have learned features related to edges, shapes, or textures, which can be useful for a range of other image-based tasks. AutoML uses these pre-learned features as a starting point for the new task, reducing the amount of new learning required.
  • Fine-tuning: After initializing with the pre-trained model, AutoML fine-tunes it on the new task. This involves training the model on the new task’s data, adjusting the model’s weights to better fit this data. Depending on the specific situation, AutoML might fine-tune all of the model’s layers, or it might keep some layers fixed and only fine-tune the final layers.

By leveraging transfer learning, AutoML can effectively adapting pre-existing, powerful model architectures to new problems and datasets, enhancing the model’s performance and decreasing the time and resources needed for model development.

The primary benefit of AutoML is its accessibility. Users with minimal machine learning and deep learning knowledge can interact with these models through a relatively simple coding language like Python. By automating the complex and time-consuming parts of the machine learning process, AutoML significantly reduces the barrier to entry and enables a wider range of users to harness the power of machine learning.

How to use AutoML?

Using automated machine learning involves several steps, which can vary depending on the specific platform or library you are using. Here is a general guide on how to use AutoML:

  • Choose an AutoML tool: There are several AutoML tools available, both commercial and open-source. Examples include Google Cloud AutoML, Auto-sklearn, H2O’s AutoML, Microsoft’s AutoML, and AutoKeras among others. The choice depends on your specific requirements like the nature of your task, the size of your data, your budget, your programming skills, etc.
  • Prepare your data: Like with any machine learning task, you need to start by collecting and preparing your data. This involves cleaning the data, dealing with missing values, and possibly performing some basic feature engineering.
  • Upload your data: Once your data is ready, you will need to upload it to the AutoML tool. The specific process for this will depend on the tool you are using. For some tools, you might upload a CSV file or connect to a database. For others, you might need to convert your data to a specific format.
  • Specify your task: Next, you will need to specify the task you want to perform. This could be a classification task, a regression task, a clustering task, etc. Some AutoML tools might also require you to specify the target variable, i.e., the output you want the model to predict.
  • Run AutoML: At this point, you can start the AutoML process. The tool will automatically perform feature engineering, model selection, hyperparameter tuning, and other steps in the machine learning pipeline. This process might take some time, depending on the size of your data and the complexity of your task.
  • Evaluate the model: Once the AutoML process is complete, you will be provided with a trained model. Most tools also provide evaluation metrics to assess the model’s performance. It is crucial to understand these metrics to know how well your model is likely to perform on new, unseen data.
  • Interpret and deploy the model: Many AutoML tools also provide features for model interpretation, which can help you understand the model’s decision-making process. Once you are satisfied with your model, you can deploy it to make predictions on new data. The specific process for this will depend on the tool you are using.

Remember, while AutoML can automate many of the tasks in the machine learning process, it is still crucial to have some understanding of the underlying principles of machine learning to effectively interpret and validate the results.

Leading AutoML tools and platforms

Here are some of the leading AutoML tools and platforms.

Tool name Key features
Microsoft Azure AutoML Azure AutoML is Microsoft’s cloud-based offering for automated machine learning. It integrates well with other Azure services and offers a no-code graphical interface for creating machine learning pipelines. Unique features include AutoML’s handling of both structured and unstructured data, and its integration with Azure’s Machine Learning Studio for easy deployment and scaling.’s AutoML H2O’s AutoML is an open-source platform that automates the process of training a large selection of candidate models. It’s popular due to its user-friendly interface and extensive documentation. H2O’s AutoML includes automatic preprocessing, feature engineering, model validation, and ensemble creation. It is capable of performing both regression and classification tasks, and even supports time-series data.
Google Cloud AutoML This platform, offered by Google, enables developers with limited machine learning expertise to train high-quality models. Google Cloud AutoML offers services like AutoML Vision for image recognition tasks, AutoML Natural Language for text analysis, and AutoML Tables for structured data. It integrates seamlessly with other Google Cloud services and has the benefit of Google’s extensive network infrastructure.
DataRobot DataRobot is a commercial product that provides an automated machine learning platform. It is known for its ease of use, robust feature set, and excellent support. It’s capable of automatic data preprocessing, model selection, hyperparameter tuning, and it also provides intuitive visuals for model interpretability. One unique feature is its deployment options which include scoring code for in-database scoring and real-time predictions.
Databricks’ AutoML Databricks’ AutoML is part of the broader Databricks platform and provides automated machine learning capabilities within a collaborative notebook-based environment. It’s known for its strong integration with Spark and its ability to handle large-scale data processing tasks. A unique feature is that Databricks’ AutoML supports both traditional machine learning models and deep learning models, and automatically logs all experiments for easy tracking and reproducibility.
Auto-sklearn Auto-sklearn is an extension of the popular Scikit-Learn machine learning library. It leverages Bayesian optimization to automatically select the right model and its hyperparameters. A distinctive feature of Auto-sklearn is its meta-learning approach where information from previous datasets is used to start the optimization process on a new dataset, which can save time on similar tasks.
AutoKeras AutoKeras, an open-source software package built upon Keras and TensorFlow, streamlines the creation of deep learning models through automation. It’s designed with simplicity in mind, providing a user-friendly interface that makes automated machine learning (AutoML) accessible to everyone. AutoKeras supports a wide array of functionalities, including but not limited to image categorization, regression analysis, and text classification. Utilizing the power of neural architecture search (NAS), AutoKeras identifies the most effective neural network structure and optimal hyperparameters specific to a given dataset. By handling elements such as the design of its architecture, the fine-tuning of hyperparameters, and the training of models, AutoKeras simplifies the process of model development.
Auto-PyTorch Auto-PyTorch is an open-source AutoML solution designed to streamline the creation of deep-learning models by leveraging PyTorch’s capabilities. It presents an intuitive interface to automate the search for the most suitable model architecture and fine-tune hyperparameters. By implementing Bayesian optimization and integrating it with ensemble selection, Auto-PyTorch is able to identify the optimal configuration for model structure and hyperparameters. This package extends its support to various tasks such as image categorization, tabular data analysis, and time series prediction, among others. Auto-PyTorch, with its automated model search and optimization features, empowers users to focus their energies on high-level problem-solving.


Each of these platforms offers unique features and advantages, and the best choice depends on your specific needs and circumstances, such as the nature and scale of your task, your budget, your technical expertise, and your existing technology stack.

Contact LeewayHertz’s ML experts today!

Our AutoML expertise takes the complexity out of machine learning for you,
enabling you to focus on results rather than the process.


Use cases of AutoML

Automated machine learning is changing the way industries approach data analysis and decision-making. By leveraging algorithms and methods to automate the end-to-end process of applying machine learning to real-world problems, AutoML provides businesses with the ability to generate predictive models with little to no coding required. This technology has wide-ranging use cases across industries, from improving healthcare diagnoses to optimizing supply chain operations, enabling personalization in retail, predicting market trends in finance, and much more. It is a versatile tool that enhances data-driven strategies, making businesses more efficient and competitive. Here is a comprehensive list of use cases of AutoML across industries which can vary greatly depending on the specific needs and data available in each case.

Industry Use Case
  • Fraud detection: Identifying suspicious activities that may indicate fraudulent transactions.
  • Credit scoring: Predicting the risk associated with lending money to consumers
  • Disease prediction: Predicting the likelihood of disease based on patient data.
  • Drug discovery: Assisting in identifying potential new drugs or drug combinations.
  • Patient re-admission rates: Predicting the likelihood of a patient needing to be re-admitted to a hospital.
  • Demand forecasting: Predicting future sales trends based on historical data.
  • Personalized marketing: Tailoring marketing campaigns to individual customers based on their purchase history.
  • Inventory optimization: Automating inventory management to prevent overstocking or understocking.
  • Quality control: Identifying defects in products or parts.
  • Predictive maintenance: Predicting when machinery or equipment will require maintenance or replacement.
  • Supply chain optimization: Improving the efficiency of the supply chain by predicting delays or disruptions.
  • Energy consumption forecasting: Predicting future energy use based on historical data.
  • Predictive maintenance: Predicting when equipment or infrastructure will need maintenance or replacement.
  • Yield prediction: Predicting crop yields based on weather data and other factors.
  • Disease detection: Identifying diseases in crops based on image data.
  • Demand forecasting: Predicting demand for transportation services.
  • Route optimization: Finding the most efficient routes for transportation based on various factors.
  • Threat detection: Identifying potential cybersecurity threats based on network activity.
  • Risk assessment: Assessing the level of risk associated with various cybersecurity threats.
  • Student performance prediction: Predicting student performance based on various factors.
  • Dropout rate prediction: Predicting the likelihood of students dropping out of school or university.
  • Personalized product recommendation: Suggesting products to customers based on their browsing and buying history.
  • Churn prediction: Predicting the likelihood of a customer stopping to use a service.
  • Network optimization: Improving the efficiency of network traffic routing.
  • Churn prediction: Predicting the likelihood of a customer leaving for a competitor.
  • Risk assessment: Assessing the risk associated with insuring an individual or property.
  • Claim prediction: Predicting the likelihood of an insurance claim being made.

Contact LeewayHertz’s ML experts today!

Our AutoML expertise takes the complexity out of machine learning for you,
enabling you to focus on results rather than the process.


An application of AutoML

In this section, we will create an AutoML app using Python with the help of Streamlit and Scikit-learn libraries. This web application enables users to upload their CSV files, and it automatically constructs random forest models through grid hyperparameter search.

AutoML app overview: The AutoML app we are developing is succinct and efficient, consisting of just 171 lines of code.

Tech stacks: We will be using the following Python libraries to create the web app:

  • Streamlit for the web framework
  • Pandas for handling dataframes
  • Numpy for numerical data processing
  • Base64 for encoding downloadable data
  • Scikit-learn for hyperparameter optimization and machine learning model construction

User interface: The web app features a simple interface with two panels:

  • Left panel – Accepts the input CSV data and parameter settings.
  • Main panel – Displays the output, which includes the input dataset’s dataframe, the model’s performance metric, the best parameters from hyperparameter tuning, and a 3D contour plot of the tuned hyperparameters.

AutoML app demo: Below is a glimpse of the web app to give you an idea of what you’ll be building.

AutoML app demo

Using the example dataset: The quickest way to test the web app is by using the provided example dataset. Click the “Press to use Example Dataset” button in the Main Panel to load the Diabetes Dataset as a sample.

Using uploaded CSV data: Alternatively, you can upload your CSV datasets either by dragging and dropping the file directly into the upload box or by clicking the “Browse files” button and selecting the input file for upload.

In both cases, once the example dataset or the uploaded CSV dataset is provided, the app displays the dataset’s dataframe, automatically creates multiple machine learning models using the input learning parameters for hyperparameter optimization, and prints out the model performance metrics. An interactive 3D contour plot of the tuned hyperparameters is provided at the bottom of the main panel.

You can also test the app by clicking on the following link:

The code

Now let’s explore the inner mechanics of the AutoML app. As previously mentioned, the app is efficiently constructed with just 171 lines of code.

Please note that comments included in the code, indicated by lines containing the hash symbol (#), serve to enhance code readability by providing explanations for each code block’s function.

You can find the code here –

import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import base64
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes
# Page layout
## Page expands to full width
st.set_page_config(page_title='The Machine Learning Hyperparameter Optimization App',
# The Machine Learning Hyperparameter Optimization App
**(Regression Edition)**
In this implementation, the *RandomForestRegressor()* function is used in this app for build a regression model using the **Random Forest** algorithm.
# Sidebar - Collects user input features into dataframe
st.sidebar.header('Upload your CSV data')
uploaded_file = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Upload your input CSV file", type=["csv"])
[Example CSV input file](
# Sidebar - Specify parameter settings
st.sidebar.header('Set Parameters')
split_size = st.sidebar.slider('Data split ratio (% for Training Set)', 10, 90, 80, 5)
st.sidebar.subheader('Learning Parameters')
parameter_n_estimators = st.sidebar.slider('Number of estimators (n_estimators)', 0, 500, (10,50), 50)
parameter_n_estimators_step = st.sidebar.number_input('Step size for n_estimators', 10)
parameter_max_features = st.sidebar.slider('Max features (max_features)', 1, 50, (1,3), 1)
st.sidebar.number_input('Step size for max_features', 1)
parameter_min_samples_split = st.sidebar.slider('Minimum number of samples required to split an internal node (min_samples_split)', 1, 10, 2, 1)
parameter_min_samples_leaf = st.sidebar.slider('Minimum number of samples required to be at a leaf node (min_samples_leaf)', 1, 10, 2, 1)
st.sidebar.subheader('General Parameters')
parameter_random_state = st.sidebar.slider('Seed number (random_state)', 0, 1000, 42, 1)
parameter_criterion = st.sidebar.select_slider('Performance measure (criterion)', options=['mse', 'mae'])
parameter_bootstrap = st.sidebar.select_slider('Bootstrap samples when building trees (bootstrap)', options=[True, False])
parameter_oob_score = st.sidebar.select_slider('Whether to use out-of-bag samples to estimate the R^2 on unseen data (oob_score)', options=[False, True])
parameter_n_jobs = st.sidebar.select_slider('Number of jobs to run in parallel (n_jobs)', options=[1, -1])
n_estimators_range = np.arange(parameter_n_estimators[0], parameter_n_estimators[1]+parameter_n_estimators_step, parameter_n_estimators_step)
max_features_range = np.arange(parameter_max_features[0], parameter_max_features[1]+1, 1)
param_grid = dict(max_features=max_features_range, n_estimators=n_estimators_range)
# Main panel
# Displays the dataset
# Model building
def filedownload(df):
    csv = df.to_csv(index=False)
    b64 = base64.b64encode(csv.encode()).decode()  # strings <-> bytes conversions
    href = f'Download CSV File'
    return href
def build_model(df):
    X = df.iloc[:,:-1] # Using all column except for the last column as X
    Y = df.iloc[:,-1] # Selecting the last column as Y
    st.markdown('A model is being built to predict the following **Y** variable:')
    # Data splitting
    X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=split_size)
    #X_train.shape, Y_train.shape
    #X_test.shape, Y_test.shape
    rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=parameter_n_estimators,
    grid = GridSearchCV(estimator=rf, param_grid=param_grid, cv=5), Y_train)
    st.subheader('Model Performance')
    Y_pred_test = grid.predict(X_test)
    st.write('Coefficient of determination ($R^2$):') r2_score(Y_test, Y_pred_test) )
    st.write('Error (MSE or MAE):') mean_squared_error(Y_test, Y_pred_test) )
    st.write("The best parameters are %s with a score of %0.2f"
      % (grid.best_params_, grid.best_score_))
    st.subheader('Model Parameters')
    #-----Process grid data-----#
    grid_results = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(grid.cv_results_["params"]),pd.DataFrame(grid.cv_results_["mean_test_score"], columns=["R2"])],axis=1)
    # Segment data into groups based on the 2 hyperparameters
    grid_contour = grid_results.groupby(['max_features','n_estimators']).mean()
    # Pivoting the data
    grid_reset = grid_contour.reset_index()
    grid_reset.columns = ['max_features', 'n_estimators', 'R2']
    grid_pivot = grid_reset.pivot('max_features', 'n_estimators')
    x = grid_pivot.columns.levels[1].values
    y = grid_pivot.index.values
    z = grid_pivot.values
    layout = go.Layout(
            ) )
    fig = go.Figure(data= [go.Surface(z=z, y=y, x=x)], layout=layout )
    fig.update_layout(title='Hyperparameter tuning',
                      scene = dict(
                      width=800, height=800,
                      margin=dict(l=65, r=50, b=65, t=90))
    #-----Save grid data-----#
    x = pd.DataFrame(x)
    y = pd.DataFrame(y)
    z = pd.DataFrame(z)
    df = pd.concat([x,y,z], axis=1)
    st.markdown(filedownload(grid_results), unsafe_allow_html=True)
if uploaded_file is not None:
    df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file)
else:'Awaiting for CSV file to be uploaded.')
    if st.button('Press to use Example Dataset'):
        diabetes = load_diabetes()
        X = pd.DataFrame(, columns=diabetes.feature_names)
        Y = pd.Series(, name='response')
        df = pd.concat( [X,Y], axis=1 )
        st.markdown('The **Diabetes** dataset is used as the example.')

Let’s now dissect the inner workings of the AutoML app’s code.

From lines 1–10, the code imports the required libraries such as streamlit, pandas, numpy, base64, plotly, and scikit-learn.

In lines 15–16, the set_page_config() function sets the webpage title and page layout to full width.

Lines 19–25 use the st.write() function along with markdown syntax to create the webpage header and description.

From lines 29–58, the code establishes input widgets in the left panel for accepting user input CSV data and model parameters. Line 29 adds a header text for the left sidebar panel, and line 30 includes a function to accept user CSV data. Line 36 adds a header for parameter setting, while lines 37, 39–47, and 49–54 contain input widgets for learning and general parameters. Lines 56–58 aggregate user-specified values into a form that serves as input for the GridSearchCV() function.

Line 64 adds a sub-header above the input dataframe, and lines 69–73 encode and decode the model performance results for download as a CSV file.

Lines 75–153 form the build_model() custom function that takes user input data and parameters for model building and hyperparameter tuning. Specifically, lines 76 and 77 separate the input dataframe into X and Y variables, while line 79 notifies the user that the model is being built. Line 83 performs data splitting using the train_test_split() function, and lines 87 to 95 initialize the random forest model. Lines 97 and 98 carry out hyperparameter tuning. The code in line 102 prints the model performance sub-header, and lines 103 to 110 print performance metrics and best parameters. Lines 112 and 113 are responsible for printing the model parameters, and lines 116–125 obtain performance metrics for creating the contour plot. Lines 128–146 generate a 3D contour plot using the plotly library. Finally, line 153 grants users the capability to download the model performance results.

Codes in the lines 156 to 171 contain the logic of the app, comprised of two code blocks: the if code block (lines 156-159) and the else code block (lines 160–171). Every time the web app loads, it defaults to running the else code block, while the if code block is activated upon input CSV file upload. In both code blocks, the contents of the dataframe are displayed via the st.write() function, and the model building process is initiated via the build_model() custom function.

Executing the AutoML application

After successfully developing the app, it is time to initiate its execution.

Setting up the Conda Environment: To begin with, we need to establish a new conda environment to guarantee the reproducibility of the code.

To accomplish this, open the terminal command line and generate a new conda environment named automl as instructed below:

conda create -n automl python=3.7.9

Secondly, by logging in to the automl environment, we will execute the following line:

conda activate automl

Setting up required libraries

Initially, acquire the requirements.txt file.


Secondly, install the libraries as shown below:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Initiating the web application

To start the app, input the following instructions into the terminal window (confirm that the file is located in the active working directory):

streamlit run

After a short time, you will see the url of the app in the terminal window –

Ultimately, a browser window should open, and the app should be visible.

Contact LeewayHertz’s ML experts today!

Our AutoML expertise takes the complexity out of machine learning for you,
enabling you to focus on results rather than the process.


The future of AutoML

Automated machine learning stands on the threshold of immense growth and transformation. The continuous advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning play a pivotal role in shaping the future of AutoML. Let us explore how these advancements might impact AutoML and what potential growth areas exist for this cutting-edge technology.

Impact of AI and ML advancements on AutoML

As AI and ML continue to evolve and mature, their impact on AutoML becomes increasingly profound, shaping its future trajectory in several ways:

  • Improved algorithms: The development of more sophisticated and diverse machine learning algorithms will enhance the power of AutoML. With improved algorithms, AutoML systems will be able to generate models that can handle increasingly complex tasks, improving their performance, versatility, and efficiency.
  • Explainability and transparency: One of the ongoing advancements in AI and ML is in the field of explainable AI (XAI). As these technologies develop, we can expect to see AutoML solutions that not only build effective models but also provide clearer insights into how those models make decisions. This will address one of the key concerns with current AutoML systems: their “black box” nature.
  • Real-time learning: Future advancements in AI might lead to AutoML systems capable of real-time learning and adaptation. Such systems could adjust their models on-the-fly as new data becomes available, increasing their accuracy and effectiveness.
  • Integration of multi-modal data: With advancements in AI, the future AutoML systems will likely be better equipped to integrate and learn from multi-modal data, including text, images, audio, and more. This will extend the applicability of AutoML to a broader range of problems and industries.

Potential areas of growth and opportunity for AutoML

AutoML is set to revolutionize numerous sectors and fields, creating vast growth opportunities:

  • Healthcare: AutoML can help in predicting disease outcomes, personalizing treatment plans, and improving drug discovery processes. With the increasing adoption of AI in healthcare, AutoML can drive further growth in this sector.
  • Finance: The finance industry can leverage AutoML for credit scoring and fraud detection, among other applications. AutoML can also help in risk management, portfolio optimization, and customer segmentation.
  • Manufacturing and supply chain: From predictive maintenance to supply chain optimization, AutoML can streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve productivity in manufacturing.
  • Education: AutoML can be used to predict student performance, improve curriculum design, and customize learning experiences. It can also help in identifying students at risk of dropping out, enabling early intervention.
  • Agriculture: The agriculture industry stands to benefit from AutoML in areas like crop yield prediction, disease detection, and precision farming.
  • Small and medium businesses (SMBs): For SMBs that may not have the resources to hire a full team of data scientists, AutoML represents an opportunity to leverage AI and ML to gain insights from their data and make informed decisions.
  • Government and public services: Governments can use AutoML for a range of applications, from predictive policing to smart city planning and public health monitoring.

The future of AutoML looks promising. As advancements in AI and ML continue to transform the landscape of data analysis and predictive modeling, AutoML will play a crucial role in making these powerful technologies accessible to a broader audience. With its potential applications spanning numerous industries, AutoML is poised to be a significant growth area in the years to come.


Automated machine learning is an innovation that has reshaped the landscape of machine learning, democratizing its potential by automating the intricate, labor-intensive, and expertise-requiring processes involved. Given the remarkable strides it has already made and considering the future landscape of AI and ML, AutoML is poised for exponential growth, redefining what we thought possible with data-driven solutions.

As we venture further into the data age, the need for accessible, efficient, and impactful data solutions continues to rise. Businesses across sectors, irrespective of their size and domain, are realizing the value of data and the competitive edge it provides. AutoML sits at the crossroads of this demand and supply, acting as a powerful enabler that puts machine learning within reach of a much broader audience.

From improving healthcare outcomes and streamlining financial operations to optimizing supply chain logistics and personalizing education experiences, AutoML has a far-reaching impact. Even as we grapple with challenges and limitations, the road ahead for AutoML is teeming with opportunities and potential growth areas waiting to be explored.

AutoML is not just an alternative to traditional machine learning; it is a paradigm shift, transforming how we approach, understand, and apply machine learning.

Whether you are aiming for workflow refinement or looking to harness data, AutoML offers you a chance. Dive in, grasp its potential, and embrace the ML future with LeewayHertz’s experts!

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Author’s Bio


Akash Takyar

Akash Takyar LinkedIn
CEO LeewayHertz
Akash Takyar is the founder and CEO of LeewayHertz. With a proven track record of conceptualizing and architecting 100+ user-centric and scalable solutions for startups and enterprises, he brings a deep understanding of both technical and user experience aspects.
Akash's ability to build enterprise-grade technology solutions has garnered the trust of over 30 Fortune 500 companies, including Siemens, 3M, P&G, and Hershey's. Akash is an early adopter of new technology, a passionate technology enthusiast, and an investor in AI and IoT startups.

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